A fallen boxer.
A woman with a broken dream.
A competition…He even makes me forget my name. One night was all it took, and I forgot everything and anything except the sexy fighter in the ring who sets my mind ablaze and my body on fire with wanting…
Remington Tate is the strongest, most confusing man I’ve ever met in my life.
He’s the star of the dangerous underground fighting circuit, and I’m drawn to him as I’ve never been drawn to anything in my life. I forget who I am, what I want, with just one look from him. When he’s near, I need to remind myself that I am strong–but he is stronger. And now it’s my job to keep his body working like a perfect machine, his taut muscles primed and ready to break the bones of his next opponents . . .
But the one he’s most threatening to, now, is me.
I want him. I want him without fear. Without reservations.
If only I knew for sure what it is that he wants from me?
Make sure you pre-order the sequel Mine – you do NOT want to miss the continuation of Remy and Brooke’s story.
Title: Mine (Real Series Book #2)
Author: Katy Evans
Genre: Contemporary Romance
“I will do anything to make her MINE.” —Remington Tate
In the international bestseller REAL, the unstoppable bad boy of the Underground fighting circuit finally met his match. Hired to keep him in prime condition, Brooke Dumas unleashed a primal desire in Remington “Remy” Tate as vital as the air he breathes . . . and now he can’t live without her.
Brooke never imagined she would end up with the man who is every woman’s dream, but not all dreams end happily ever after, and just when they need each other the most, Brooke is torn away from the ringside. Now with distance and darkness between them, the only thing left is to fight for the love of the man she calls MINE.
And the third book in the Real Series is Remy, which is from Remington’s POV. EEEP!
Title: Remy (Real Series Book #3)
Author: Katy Evans
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Underground fighter Remington Tate is a mystery, even to himself. His mind is dark and light, complex and enlightening. At times his actions and moods are carefully measured, and at others, they spin out of control.
Through it all, there’s been one constant: wanting, needing, loving, and protecting Brooke Dumas. This is his story; from the first moment he laid eyes on her and knew, without a doubt, she would be the realest thing he’s ever had to fight for.
Well…Remy decided to ‘talk’ to me while I was putting together this post – guess which song just came on my Spotify? Iris! Coincidence or not, I choose to think Remy was approving of my post. 🙂 We were lucky enough to get an interview with Katy – SQUEEEE!!!! – hope you enjoy! 🙂
♥ Five words you would use to describe yourself?
Mother, wife, daughter, sister, writer.
♥ Five words you would use to describe Remington? 🙂
Strong. Driven. Primal. Intense. Elusive.
♥ Brooke and Remy are very (excuse the pun) REAL characters to me 🙂 Did anyone inspire you to write them or are they just lovely little creations from your fab brain?
They’re not based on anyone I know, so they are completely unique, yes. And very REAL to me too! 🙂
♥ Favorite Scene to write? Scene that kicked your ass?
I loved the reveal scene in REAL, where all the walls come tumbling down and they have to face their fears and wants.
♥ You have some very passionate Remy fans out there, how does that feel? To know that so many people have embraced him and love him so much.
It feels amazing! As the very first passionate Remy fan, I am an absolute fan of his fans as well.
♥ I LOVE how music played such a crucial part in this book – made my little music loving soul so happy. How did that come about? Did you hear the songs first and then the idea came to you or the other way around?
I write listening to music, so up until the plane scene, I didn’t plan for them to share music when suddenly…it just happened. The plane scene. The iPod. Him wanting to show her a song. It almost felt magical when I clicked play and heard Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls. If I weren’t so busy writing, I would’ve swooned. 🙂
♥ Was Real always going to be a series or did the series come to you after you were done?
I didn’t really plan for a series but when I finished REAL and Remy and Brooke were still actively talking to me, I knew they still had more going on. And I definitely had to write about Melanie…so yes, the series developed the moment I wrote Real’s last word in Remy’s POV. 🙂
♥ I know a lot of authors don’t play favorites…but what character have you enjoyed writing the most?
I enjoyed very much writing in Brooke’s voice since she’s so attuned to her body, the way she feels, and the way she wants and needs him, and of course it was more than a pleasure to write Remy. 🙂
♥ Favorite quote or saying? From the book?
“I want to be your fucking REAL!” 🙂
♥ If you could meet anyone (dead or alive) who would it be and why?
I’d like to have met my grandmother (on my dad’s side), whom he loved very much and I was never able to meet.
♥ Favorite Word? Least Favorite Word? Favorite Curse Word?
I love the word husky. I think I dislike the c word used to describe a woman’s lower lady part. Fave curse word is definitely fuck.
♥ Either/Or:
Chocolate or Vanilla? If it’s ice cream, make it vanilla 🙂
Go Out or Stay In? Stay in
Early Bird or Night Owl? Early bird
City or Country? A little bit of both
Dancing or Singing? Singing
Books or Movies? 😉 Books
Lover or Fighter? Both
♥ Rapid Fire: (what’s the first thing that comes to mind)
Writing My passion
Fighter Remy
Remy Riptide
Passion Kiss
Brooke Sprinter
Music Iris
Lion 😉 Remy
Real by Katy Evans
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
5++++ “Hmm” “Iris” “little firecracker” “Riptide” “Lion” “Mine.” Kisses
Oh my sweet holy alpha male hotnesssssssss. Nothing…and I repeat, nothing, can prepare you for the FORCE that is Remington ‘Riptide’ Tate. This story…Brooke…Remy…all of it, enveloped me, took my on a wild, angst filled, torturously wonderful ride. It sucked me in, chewed me up, spat me out, stomped on my heart and then healed me with a WONDERFULLY DELICIOUS Lick that only Remington Tate can deliver properly. MY GOD what took me so long to read this book.
Brooke Dumas…wow…you know you’ve gotta be something special when you capture the heart of the uncatchable man. She’s 24, long straight mahogany hair and honeyed whiskey eyes. She’s also an athlete. A runner. Could have been an Olympic gold medalist if it wasn’t for a tragic accident that stole her chances and crushed her dreams. But she’s more than just a former ‘would be Olympian’ runner. She’s smart, she’s driven, but her life is simple. Uncomplicated. She’s got her family and her friends, but she’s never had love. She’s always been more focused on other things, like running and then making a career out of what she loves. That is, until the day she goes to the Underground with her best friend Melanie and meets the man that throws her world into orbit.
‘A frisson of nervous energy passes through me, not because he’s extremely gorgeous from this perfect view – because he is, he definitely is, goodness, he really is – but mostly because he’s looking straight at me.’
Remington ‘Riptide’ Tate…Remy. OH my Remy. Loved him. Just like Brooke did, I think I loved him from the moment I saw him. ‘My God. My. God. Dimples. Dark scruffy jaw. Boyish smile. Man’s body. Killer tan.’ Of course I lusted after him like nobody’s business. This man could drive a nun to sin – he’s that fuckin drool worthy and scrumptious. Head to toe, he is perfection personified. ‘He’s mesmerizingly perfect and incredibly hard.’ Athletically he is the definition of flawlessness. And of course you can’t have all those muscles without the rest of the package being equally complimentary. Spikey black hair, gorgeous blue eyes, dimples *swoon* The body of a god, boyish good looks and all wrapped up in a deceptively insecure little package. My love for Remy is fierce…he’s just so amazing, the fact that he’s drop dead gorgeous to boot is the icing on a delicious cake that I can’t wait to eat.
‘There he is, a woman’s living, breathing fantasy, doing his slow, cocky turn, spiky black hair, darkly tanned chest, dimpled smile – killer smile – all in the package of Remington Tate. He’s perfection itself, and a new surge of hormones sweeps through me as I do what the rest of the crowd dows and take in his visual, so blatantly on display in those low riding boxing shorts and so strikingly sexy, he becomes the center of my attention.
The center. Of my. World.’
You jump in head first with Remy and Brooke, they meet on page one and there is no question about their connection or their chemistry. It’s tangible. I felt like it reached thru my kindle and grabbed my by the throat. I loved it. But of course it’s never that easy. So while I knew what they had and secretly, they knew what they had…I was taken on this painstakingly fabulous journey of them denying what they had. O.M.G. but was it the best and sweetest torture ever. All the while you’re craving them, begging for the moment when they can finally be together…but all the while it’s just building and building. The reasons are there though…just because we’re not in Remy’s head, doesn’t mean he doesn’t get his point across. And don’t get me wrong…I liked his point – I just also liked Brooke’s too! 🙂 What else did I love about Remy and Brooke…the way they communicated through music. The way they communicated with just a look in their eyes. Their connection was way more than just physical…obviously it’s a huge part of what drew them together…but their like magnets, just drawn together. I always love it when I fall for a BBF, but when I fall for the couple…that’s when I know I’m done for – and they made me fall. Hard.
‘Now just the tiniest look from him swells me up. When he glances at my lips. When he tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear. I know we’re just sending our adrenals to hell, doing this. Keeping the output of this lust is just not healthy, but I can’t stop him. In fact I want more. I want him to stop because we’re suffering and I want him to go on until I lie dead in his arms, burnt to ashes from my want of him.
I want him. Every hour, minute, and second.’
The book is entirely from Brooke’s POV…which sometimes it would have been nice to have been in Remy’s head. There are a few scenes when knowing his thoughts and seeing things from his eyes would have helped – but logically, you can’t just throw a couple of scenes in a different POV, so I get it. But there is Remy, Book #3 to look forward to for all that goodness. (Can’t lie…pretty sure Remy is going to be my fav – just a prediction!). And the book is not all Remy and Brooke and the insane rollercoaster that is there relationship. I liked the secondary characters, Mel, Pete, Riley, and the rest of them – they all felt very genuine and real and they all played their crucial part in the story. My heart twisted a little bit for Brooke and the drama with her sister, Nora and Scorpion, the closest thing to a ‘villain’ in this story…well…he’s just flat out a disgusting piece of shit. Excuse me while I vomit *gag*
‘I feel like Beauty and the Beast, except I willingly locked myself in with my beast so he could kiss me senseless, and he’s the beautiful creature who tortures me with wanting him.’
Remy is a different kind of creature. From the way he is portrayed, I didn’t expect the kind of discipline and control that he has with Brooke…maybe that’s why I was a little frustrated. It was the good frustrated, but still…I had a lot of those grrr… moments. Remy is also a very different kind of alpha…he’s not like any other BBF that I have ever read, and that’s a compliment. He says and does things that are classically all his own. He’s very animalistic and some things if any other guy did, I would laugh or roll my eyes – but on Remy…it just works. And it works like a charm. But unfortunately Remy has a lot of demons. You feel Remy’s confliction because while he cannot live without Brooke, he still wants to protect her from what he is. My poor Remy… The pinnacle scene at the end…where he just completely rips my heart from my body…after I got past that…when I’m bawling…and then I find out the truth and I’m bawling even more…that’s the moment when I knew Remy was permanently etched onto my soul. He. Is. Perfect.
“You tie me up in knots.” He presses my mouth with his. Briefly. Then he withdraws, breathing hard, and looks at me with heavy –lidded eyes. “I want to play you a thousand different songs so you get a clue of what…I feel inside me…”
Oh-MY-Angsty-Goodness. Angsty books are my bread and butter. They are what sucked me into this genre…this book is one of the best. All that tension and desire and hormones just about killed me. So you see, there’s a lot to love about this book besides the scrumdiddlyumptious piece of man candy! He just makes it more…fun. A lot more fun. All that angst is totally worth it because Remy and Brooke together equals magic. Hot, panty melting, holy bejesus, leaves you drooling, can’t-get-enough-of-it magic. Fireworks. Just…W.O.W. So…yeah…it’s worth it. 😉
‘He’s my beast. My dark and my light. Mine.
There’s just no other option for me except ending up with him.’
This is another one of those books that I felt devoured me rather than the other way around. It grabbed my heart and soul, I felt every single emotion through the entire book and I was breathless when I finished it. And…it’s…a….SERIES!!! SQUEEEEE!!!!! Mine comes out November 12th, just in time for my birthday, thank you very much Ms. Evans! 🙂 I cannot wait for the next part of Remy and Brooke and if Real is any indication of what we can expect for the rest of the books, we’re in for an awesome ride. 🙂
I can always tell when a book is really getting me because my highlighting finger goes a little crazy. Real did that…bad. Here are the results of my ‘inspirations’.
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Hey! I’m Katy Evans and I love family, books, life, and love. I’m married with two children and three dogs and spend my time baking, walking, writing, reading, and taking care of my family. Thank you for spending your time with me and picking up my story. I hope you had an amazing time with it, like I did. If you’d like to know more about books in progress, look me up on the Internet, I’d love to hear from you!
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I’d love to enter this giveaway, but I don’t have a twitter account… anyway I can do this?
Unfortunately it looks like to unlock the rest of the entries, you have to follow Katy on Twitter. Honestly, I never had a twitter until I started entering contests! (is it sad that I made a twitter account just to try and win books? #TheThingsIDoForBooks lol)
UGH I freaking LOVE this book.
Need to do a re-read ASAP !
Love you gifs !
OMIGAAAS!!! THAT.WAS.SUPER.AWESOME.REVIEW! that indeed made me want to re-read Real!!! ^_^
seriously? where did my comment go!? *confused*
OMIIIGAAAS!!! THAT.IS.SUPER.HOT.REVIEW! that indeed made me want to Re-read Real again!!! ^__^
Looks like a sexy good book. I think I recently put it on my good reads list to read.