Title: Sex. Love. Repeat.
Author: Alessandra Torre
Genre: Erotic Romance
Release Date: November 30, 2013
I love two men. I screw two men. I am in a relationship with them both, and they are both aware that there is another. That is all they need to know, that is all I will let them know. They don’t need to know a name, they don’t need to know anything but that they are not alone in my heart.
They have accepted the situation. Stewart, because his life is too busy for the sort of obligations that are required in a relationship. Paul, because he loves me too much to tell me no. And because my sexual appetite is such that one man has trouble keeping up.
So we exist, two parallel relationships, each running their own course, with no need for intersection or conflict. It worked for us, for them, and for me. I never expected it to be a long term situation, I knew there was an expiration date on the easy perfection of our lives.
I should have paid more attention, should have looked around and noticed the woman who watched it all. She sat in the background and waited, tried to figure me out. Saw my two relationships, the love between us, and plotted our demise.
She hates me.
I don’t even know she exists.
She loves them. I love them.
And they love me.
Everything else hangs in the balance.
Check out this super steamy excerpt – it’s actually one of my favorite parts of the book!
My men are so different, yet similar in so many ways.
Their eyes, a similar tint of blue, yet Paul’s smiles at me with carefree abandonment and Stewart’s pierces my heart with its dark intensity.
Their bodies. Paul’s naturally muscular, his arms developed from hours of surfboard paddling, his abs ripped from balancing on a board, his thighs and calves strong from jumping, balancing, and kicking through currents. Stewart’s body, attacked like everything else in his life, with fierce devotion, aggression worked out with miles on a treadmill, weight-lifting, sit-ups, pull-ups, and calisthenics.
Their love. Paul loves me with unconditional warmth, his affection public and obvious, his arms pulling me into his warmth, his mouth littering my body with frequent kisses. Stewart loves me with a tiger’s intensity, his need taking my breath away, his confidence in our relationship strong enough to not be bothered by the presence of another man. He stares into my soul as if he owns it, and shows his love with money, sex, and rare moments of time.
Tonight is one of those rare moments. I have his attention, his cell phone is away, and he is staring at me as if I contain everything needed to make his world whole. I step forward, towards his seated form, the dress hugging my form to perfection. He sits up in the chair, spreading his knees and patting his thigh, indicating where he wants me. I sit sideways on his thigh, my eyes held by his, his hand stealing up and running lightly along my bare back. “You are breathtaking.” His voice gruff, he leans forward and places a light kiss on my neck. “And you smell incredible.”
“Thank you. You clean up pretty well yourself.” And he does. In a suit that no doubt costs more than my dress, he looks every bit the successful executive that he is. Short, orderly hair. Clean-shaved chin. Those intense eyes staring out of a strong face. “Is the car here?”
“It’s downstairs. But it can wait.” He runs a hand up my knee, sliding the material of the cocktail dress up.
I wait, my breath becoming shallow, my concentration focused on the path of his fingers, as they travel higher, taking their time, the tickle of rough skin against soft flesh. He leans over, brushing a quick kiss over my lips and then moves lower, soft kisses making the path down the line of my jaw, whisper soft against my neck, and deepening in touch when they reach my collarbone. His hand caresses my thigh, the brush of his thumb moving higher up my thigh until it is just breaths from my sex. I groan, sliding my hips forward, but his hand stops me, gripping my thigh and holding me still. “Not yet. Let me enjoy you for a moment.”
There is the sound of approaching footsteps, and I open my eyes to see a suited man, our driver, round the corner and stop short when we come into view. His eyes drop respectfully and he speaks softly. “Mr. Brand, I’ll be downstairs with the car when you are ready.”
Stewart mutters something unintelligible, the man taking the cue and leaving, the firm pull of the door behind him leaving us alone. Stewart’s hands push apart my legs, moving the fabric of my dress aside and leaving me bare and open to his eyes. He looks down, examining the exposed skin, his mouth curving into a smile. “No panties?” His eyes flick up to mine.
“They’re in my purse. I figured they would be useless until we got to the event.”
“That,” he says softly, his fingers teasing the edge of my lips, circling the edge of my sex in slow, tantalizing brushes, each touch closer but not yet there, “is why I love you. You know me so well.”
His eyes stare at me, dark pools of lust and want. While Paul and I talk, incessantly, often, about anything and everything, important or not, Stewart and I fuck our way through this relationship, our time often too short for anything more than physical contact. Sex is how we connect, share our feelings, emotions, and love. I stare back into his eyes, my eyelids closing slightly when he slides one confident finger over the knot of my clit, that finger effortlessly sliding down and into me, the small invasion a tease of perfection. “Look at me,” he breathes. “I want to see your eyes.”
I reopen my eyes, my mouth parting as he cups my sex, slipping a second finger in with the first, both of them working together, stimulating me in their movement, his thumb staying firm on my clit, soft pressure that moves slightly with each stroke of his fingers. He watches my eyes, sees the moment that the fire of my need hits them, sees the crescendo and burn of my arousal, adjusting the pace and pressure of his fingers in accordance with my want. I feel the curl of pleasure, growing in my belly, our eyes caught in a web of want, pulled to each other, my eyes barely noticing the sexy pull of his mouth into a smile as my breathing increases and I thrust into his hand. His other hand steals around my waist, sliding up my chest and pulling on the fabric there, tugging my neckline down till a breast is exposed, his hand gripping and tugging on it just hard enough to make me gasp.
Sex. Love. Repeat. by Alessandra Torre
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
*ARC Given to Blog for Honest Review*
4.5 “Madd” Kisses
Wow…wowowowowowow…speechless. I need words – can somebody help me with some words? Because this book just sucked my capability to form thought from my brain. There is one word that describes this book…unpredictable. Okay…there are more words…like holy-freakin-hell-hot, complex, passionate, intense, emotional, distinctive…GAH! I have wanted this book since I read the synopsis, needed this book since I saw the cover and now this book just owned my ass. I. Just. Can’t. Handle. It. Madison Decater…Madd…oh wow. Yeah, it’s completely easy to see why two men would fall in love with her. She has just about every positive quality you could think of smashed into one beautiful human being. She has not had it easy, which just adds to her loveable-ness…but it’s part of what shaped her into who she is now. Madison is gorgeous…inside and out, blonde hair, brown eyes…she’s athletic, smart, funny, loves to live life…has the best job ever a.k.a. works at a book store (I might be a little partial)…and her most endearing quality – she loves sex. She knows she loves sex and she’s 100% fine with that fact. I’m 100% fine with that fact because as long as all parties involved are being smart and healthy about it (in all aspects both physically and emotionally)…I say Party on Garth. Or Madison. In this case…she freakin’ rocks it. And I loved it. However, I do not for one moment though, envy the situation she got herself into. Equally in love with two amazing men.
‘I was, and still am, a dramatic rider. I believe that there’s no point in doing something if you aren’t going to do it with all of your heart.’
Paul Linx…he’s the first voice we hear from Madison’s POV…he’s not the first man we meet, but he’s the first connection I made. I cannot explain to you the connection and draw that I had to Paul but there is something very distinctive about him. He’s a surfer…he’s a kind soul…he’s a free spirit…he compliments Madison very well…and possibly the #1 thing I love about Paul…he gave her the nick name Madd. I loved how he and Madison met, I loved the sacrifices he made for her and all because he couldn’t fathom his life with out her in it…no matter what that meant for their relationship and where it took them. I also loved Paul because he’s a complete dichotomy…while he is this gentle giant that is so sweet and loving to Madison, would cut off a limb if she asked him to…he can still turn it around and show you this animal magnetism and strength that is totally and fabulously HOT. He is so passionate and sexy and sensual and just…sex on a surf board.
‘“I love you Madd.” “I love you too.” And I do. I love this man, who has not one stressed out bone in his body. He concerns himself with two things. Surfing, and keeping me happy. I love his outlook on life, a Bob Marley style philosophy. We fuck, we surf, and we love. There isn’t too much else to our life. To this half of my life.’
Stewart Brand…hmm…Stewart melted my panties off before 5%. There is no denying my lust for Stewart…I did grow to love him but OMG that man is just created for hot sex. And…that’s all he has time for. In Stewarts world it is job first, everything else second. But that is also part of his attraction. His drive, his dedication and his passion towards his job is…honestly, sexy. He has made a name for himself and has the lifestyle to prove it. The chemistry and sexual connection that Stewart and Madison have is something that I have rarely seen between to characters. Obviously, I love those all-encompassing emotional relationships where the couple have bonded over so many things…Stewart and Madison have one very common bond – Sex. Plain and simple. But it is a very deep and very special 2 year bond that they have both come to depend on. They both need each other desperately and as different as their relationship might be, I liked it and it worked for me.
“God…” he whispers. “You are my fucking kryptonite.” He leans down pressing soft kisses on my hair and forehead, his hand releasing me and cradling my face, turning it up to his, and kissing my fully and deeply on the lips. “I love you Madison. For everything.”
There is no way to talk about this plot and not spoil it. Oh and btw…don’t try to figure it out – because once you do, then something else will happen and then your brain gets scrambled and you don’t know what to think. Or…maybe that’s just what happened to me. I L.O.V.E.D. all the jaw dropping moments I had with this book. I could not get enough of it’s unpredictability and uncanny tendency to leave me gaping like…wait…did I just read that??? I re-read parts, not because I didn’t understand it but just because it was freaking GENIUS! Absolutely mind blowing! Completely spot on and I was eagerly turning each page waiting for the next breath-stealing moment. The complexity of the characters, the way all of them were sewn together so intricately, the feelings and the way it all played out – it’s like this beautiful symphony of hot, angst, drama, emotion and it all collided in my brain brilliantly. Most of the book is told from Madd’s POV but there are points that, because of the story line, we have to be in other POV’s and so it varies between Stewart and Paul. I liked it…I actually craved more of Paul and Stewart after that point.
‘I love her eyes. Love how I can instantly tell if she is mad, excited, or in love. Whatever the emotion whatever her temperature that day, there is lawas sex in those eyes. It floats off her skin, gleams in her eyes, and is in every move of her delicious body. This woman cannot exist without sex. It is her food, her body-sustaining air. I discovered that early, knew it from the moment of our second date. She cannot contain it, does not even try. She embraces it, owns it, loves it. She does not fuck out of insecurity or to get something or someone. She fucks because she loves it, and loves through it. It is her gift to the world and I am lucky enough to be a part of that world.’
So…the choice…as in every love triangle…has to be made. My choice was made early on – I was Team Paul (obviously!)…Stewart did it for me sexually but Patrick covered all the bases and then some. Did I flip flop…ehh…I can’t lie, I did, a little – especially towards the end, right before it’s decision making time because…the emotion is so high, feelings are coming out, things are being said, the truth is finally being heard and my heart just wanted to explode because…a part of me did want them both. But…a side had to be picked. I can’t say which side Madison chose…because that would be spoiling…but I can say that regardless of whether or not it was my choice in what I wanted for her…I was happy with what she did. Everything in this plot from beginning to end was logical and flowed with the characters…including everything leading up to the ending and I really appreciated that.
‘My smile widens, and I laugh, dropping my bad on the floor and wrapping my arms around his neck. “God, you are impossible.” “What can I say? I’m addicted.” His words are soft, so sweet and sincere that they tug my heart in a way that cannot be described.’
I cannot get over my addiction to Alessandra’s writing style. I have said it before and I will scream it from the roof-tops…I love her brain. She never ceases to amaze me with her ability to write these crazy story lines that I never see coming…the completely engage me from the first page to the last, I never get bored. If anything I’m holding my breath half the time waiting for the next click of my kindle to see what kind of mind fuckery might be waiting for me on the next page. And…the dirty book whore in me must address the fact that without a doubt is she one of the hottest writer’s I’ve ever read. It’s erotica people…and she lives up to that genre proudly. If erotica’s not your thing, that’s fine – but it’s mine and she is the queen of making me pant, beg and drool for more. It’s not superfluous of gratuitous, at least not to me – but there is a lot of it and it’s just…to quote her… ‘Hot, fuck-my-panties-to-pieces, sex’ – that’s what you get. Every time. And then some.
‘I love her. She knows it. I don’t hide the fact. But I don’t think she knows how much I love her. How much my chest expands to a point of pain when she smiles. How I ache when I leave her, how my hands shake when I finally get to touch her again. She is everything I don’t deserve, and everything I could ever hope to attain.’
Oh…and the ending. The last chapter was fabulous…I had my HEA…my nice little happy neat bow…BUT Alessandra Torre always likes to leave me with the WTF moments…and this one – she left for the end. The epilogue. The pull the rug out from under you moment that makes you sit back and question a lot. Not everything…but a lot. Makes me look at things in a different light…Madison actions…reactions…it’s just interesting to say the least. Puts a totally different spin and I have to tip my hat to Miss. Torre for knocking me on my ass and now I’m just begging for more. There’s nothing left to be had but…I’m a glutton for punishment and Alessandra gives it out so well. She will forever be the queen of leaving me breathless in so many ways and I just cannot get enough of the magic that comes out of her brain.
Alessandra Torre is a new author who focuses on contemporary erotica. Her first book, Blindfolded Innocence, was published in July 2012, and was an Erotica #1 Bestseller for two weeks. Alessandra has since published an erotic thriller (The Girl in 6E) and an erotic miniseries (The Dumont Diaries). The sequel to Blindfolded, Masked Innocence, will be released in early 2014.
Alessandra lives in a Florida beach town and is married, with one young child. She enjoys reading, spending time with her family, and playing with her dogs. Her favorite authors include Lisa Gardner, Gillian Flynn, and Jennifer Crusie.
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Looks and sounds like a good book!