Title: Twisted (Tangled Series Book #2)
Author: Emma Chase
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: March 25th, 2014
There are two kinds of people in the world. The ones who look first, and the ones who leap. I’ve always been more of a looker. Cautious. A planner. That changed after I met Drew Evans. He was so persistent. So sure of himself – and of me.
But not all love stories end happily ever after. Did you think Drew and I were going to ride off into the sunset? Join the club. Now I have to make a choice, the most important of my life. Drew already made his –in fact, he tried to decide for the both of us. But you know that’s just not my style. So I came back to Greenville. Alone. Well, sort of alone….
What I’ve come to realize is that old habits die hard and sometimes you have to go back to where you began, before you can move ahead.
TWISTED picks up two years after Tangled’s end, and is told from Kate’s POV.
Drew & Kate are a breath of fresh air…funny, sexy, and 100% addictive. Have you read Tangled? Check out a ‘Love Note’ from Drew to Kate and my review.
Author: Emma Chase
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Drew Evans is a winner. Handsome and arrogant, he makes multimillion dollar business deals and seduces New York’s most beautiful women with just a smile. He has loyal friends and an indulgent family. So why has he been shuttered in his apartment for seven days, miserable and depressed?
He’ll tell you he has the flu.
But we all know that’s not really true.
Katherine Brooks is brilliant, beautiful and ambitious. She refuses to let anything – or anyone – derail her path to success. When Kate is hired as the new associate at Drew’s father’s investment banking firm, every aspect of the dashing playboy’s life is thrown into a tailspin. The professional competition she brings is unnerving, his attraction to her is distracting, his failure to entice her into his bed is exasperating.
Then, just when Drew is on the cusp of having everything he wants, his overblown confidence threatens to ruin it all. Will he be able untangle his feelings of lust and tenderness, frustration and fulfillment? Will he rise to the most important challenge of his life?
Can Drew Evans win at love?
Tangled is not your mother’s romance novel. It is an outrageous, passionate, witty narrative about a man who knows a lot about women…just not as much as he thinks he knows. As he tells his story, Drew learns the one thing he never wanted in life, is the only thing he can’t live without.
I loved Holy Frigging Matrimony, you can check out my review here.
Title: Holy Frigging Matrimony (Tangled Series Book #1.5)
Author: Emma Chase
Genre: Contemporary Romance
What does Drew Evans have to say next? Find out in this forty page short story, filled with his sexy charm, unique advice and hilarious one-liners.
Marriage: the final frontier. Steven went first. He was kind of our test subject. Like those monkeys that NASA sent off into space in the fifties, all the while knowing they’d never make it back.
And now another poor rocket is ready to launch.
But this isn’t just any posh New York wedding. You’ve seen my friends, you’ve met our families, you know you’re in for a treat. Everyone wants their wedding to be memorable. This one’s going to be un-frigging-forgettable.
Holy Frigging Matrimony takes place about a year after Tangled’s end and is from Drew’s POV
I cannot wait for Tamed!!!
Title: Tamed (Tangled Series Book #3)
Author: Emma Chase
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: May 27th, 2014
Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: girl meets player, they fall in love, player changes his ways.
It’s a good story. But it’s not our story. Ours is a lot more colorful.
When I met Dee I knew right away that she was special. When she met me, she thought I was anything but special–I was exactly like every other guy who’d screwed her over and let her down. It took some time to convince her otherwise, but turns out I can make a convincing argument when sex is at stake.
You might know where this story’s headed. But the best part isn’t where we ended up.
It’s how we got there.
TAMED goes back in time to the Tangled days. But this time around, it’s not Drew dishing out the advice and opinions – it’s his best friend Matthew, who of course is dealing with Dee Dee.
Are you ready for a taste of Twisted? 🙂
“Would you fucking stop! Why are you being like this?”
I glare up at him. “Because you don’t even care! I’m really upset here – and you don’t give a shit!”
His eyes open wide, incredulous.
“Of course I give a shit – I’m the one getting Jimmy Choos thrown at my head like Chinese freaking stars!”
“If you care so much, why don’t you apologize?!”
“Because I didn’t fucking do anything! I have no problem crawling on my hands and knees when I screw up. But if you think I’m gonna beg because you’ve been possessed by the Hormone Demon – you’re out of your mind sweetheart.”
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
*ARC Given to Blog for Honest Review*
4.5 “Drewspeak” “Read ‘em. Learn ‘em. Live ‘em.” “independent” kisses
Words cannot describe how much I loved Tangled. I loved the writing…the characters…the story…the humor – everything worked perfectly for me. So to say I was excited about Twisted might just be the understatement of the year. I was so excited to get Kate’s POV, to find out how Drew and Kate were progressing and just flat out getting more of the amazingness that is Drew and Kate together was enough to make me SQUEE with excitement.
Katherine Brooks…oh my Kate…she is just…is magical. Gorgeous…brilliant…strong willed…determined…funny…I mean if I thought I loved her before, Twisted just put me on another level of love for her. I might as well admit it now, I’m pretty sure I have a huge crush on Kate. Everything she said I thought was brilliant…everything she did was genius…I was so in sync with her and I just could not get enough. Because of all that ‘in syncness’…I empathized with her…and because this was such an angsty book…I felt every single second of the angst that Kate felt. With all the highs that come with having a relationship with Drew…there are some equally low lows. Like brought me to tears low (which truly surprised me! You don’t read an Emma Chase book thinking tears will be involved unless it’s from laughing so hard!). Kate really took a lot of steps in the right direction though, IMO…it showed a lot of positive growth and development and I didn’t think it was possible for her to get any stronger, but she did and I appreciated seeing that side of her.
‘I don’t know why, but my eyes fill with tears.
Instantly, Drew’s gaze turns worried. “Are you okay? Did I…did I hurt you?”
I smile through the tears, because they’re happy ones. Because in some weird, unexplainable way, I’ve never felt closer to him than I do right now.
“No. I’m wonderful. Feel free to be not nice to me anytime.”
Then he smiles too. Relieved and satisfied. “Noted.”
Andrew Evans…Frigging Drew…wow – so Drew is…well, Drew. He is balls out, no filter, sexy, hilarious and I love him. He’s still a work in progress but he is figuring his shit out and I have to give him props for the accomplishments he has made…a two year relationship for a sworn bachelor is something to be proud of. He does fuck up though…like wow – pretty big fuck up honestly…hurt my heart for Kate…and I was concerned that I might not be able to forgive him. There were really hurtful words and horrible actions and it was rough, I was 100% team Kate – but then again I was 100% team Drew in Tangled…so maybe the POV matters, but I digress. In all seriousness though…he’s Drew. It’s in his nature to fuck up…prolly more than most men – and I’m not saying that as an ‘excuse’ for him but because I sincerely don’t think he knows better. But he’s learning and with Kate’s patience, he might be able to survive having a relationship.
I wrap my arms around his neck and squeeze. “You are the best boyfriend ever.”
He smirks in that way that makes me want to kiss him and slap him at the same time.
“Yeah, I know.”
So if the first book was hot then this second book is angsty to the max. I don’t mean this to sound like a bad thing but…I didn’t know Emma had it in her! If you would have told me that I would be driven to tears by this book I would have said ‘Ha! Yeah , right!’ Tears and Drew/Emma/Tangled do not go hand in hand. Hot sex and laughing – yes….sadness – no. I hated it because so much of it was miscommunication…that’s the stuff that kills me, I get it but I don’t have to like it! I really just wanted to climb into the book and knock some sense into them because they were destroying my heart with what they were saying and doing to each other and all for nothing. Well, not nothing, but still! Kate and Drew are perfect together…they just complement each other so well and seeing them apart and hurting was physically painful for me. Once you have seen two people and how complete they make each other and how good they can be together…anything less, just blows.
‘He slips a finger into the belt of my jeans and pulls me between his open knees. His hands rest on my hips as he looks up at me. “Do you remember that awful chick flick you made me watch last year? The one with the guy from The Office?”
He’s talking about Crazy, Stupid, Love. I nod.
Drew continues, “And at the end, how he said ‘Even when I hated you, I loved you.;”
I nod again.
“It was like that. It was never about what I wanted – it was what I thought I had to do. It was always all about you. You were in my head, in my heart…even when you weren’t there anymore…you were still fucking there.”’
Emma’s writing has a very signature style. She somehow is able to make you feel like you’re not reading a book, it’s like you’re having a conversation with the character. I felt the same way with Drew in Tangled…and I got the same feelings with Kate…it’s so natural and fluid. And I was worried I wasn’t going to love Kate’s POV as much as I loved Drew’s…but Kate gave Drew a run for his money! I mean…I will always love Drew because that’s how it all got started, and my love and adoration for him knows no bounds, but the pace and flow was spot on. It held my attention the entire time and being that it’s from a woman’s POV…to me…it was more emotional, which fit. As angsty as Twisted is, it’s still hilarious – I was constantly laughing out loud, making a fool of myself in public – which is always nice – but totally worth it. Seeing Dee Dee and Kate’s relationship from the other side was awesome – I loved it. I have a whole new appreciation for what they have…as well as a different view on Billy! I know Delores and Matt’s book is next…which I am super excited about and then we get more Drew – which is the best news ever – but I can’t lie…I want a Billy book! There’s a song…a beautiful song…that I loved and the meaning behind it was so sweet…but it made me fall a little for Billy. So…here’s hoping! *crossing fingers*
“I love you Kate. Everything that’s good in my life, anything that really matters, is only there because of you. If we hadn’t met? I’d be fucking miserable – and probably too clueless to even realize it.”
Now…I need to address my favorite part of this book. The epilogue. A-freaking-mazing. As in…one of the best epilogues I have ever read. As in…I never…ever…ever wanted it to end. It made every second of angst totally and completely worth it. Although Twisted flat out twisted my ass up, I completely and thoroughly enjoyed every second of it. If you haven’t read the Tangled series and you love comedy in your romance, then you are really missing out on one of the best series. I can’t wait to read Tamed – you really see more of Delores and Matt in Twisted and it’s interesting – I love their dynamic switch and I didn’t think I was going to like reading about Dee Dee but…after the teaser in the back of Twisted…I am so ready for this!
By day, Emma Chase is a devoted wife and mother of two who resides in a small, rural town in New Jersey. By night she is a keyboard crusader, toiling away the hours to bring her colorful characters and their endless antics to life. She has a long standing love/hate relationship with caffeine.
Emma is an avid reader. Before her children were born she was known to consume whole books in a single day. Writing has also always been a passion and with the 2013 release of her debut romantic comedy, Tangled, the ability to now call herself an author is nothing less than a dream come true.
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i saw someone fall off their chair at a wedding
Most embarrassing thing at a wedding was when I was 9 and caught the bouquet, and another young boy caught the garter. I was mortified.
I saw the mother of the groom leave the bathroom with the back of her dress tucked into her panty hose. She passed and spoke to several people before I caught up to her and lead her backing away to fixed her wardrobe malfunction. After her initial embarrassment we laughed and she said it was better than a ‘nip slip’!
Love Tangled, can’t wait for Twisted. Thanks
I don’t really have a embarrassing wedding story…so I’ll tell you my wedding story. I got married at the Little White Wedding Chapel in Vegas while our family and friends watched it online. The only weird thing was when I was getting ready to walk down the aisle, the officiant said “Just let me get online first”…just not something you expect the officiant to say.
Well maybe not embarrassing but funny. My future husband could not stop giggling while we doing our vows..Poor guy was so nervous 🙂
The only thing I can think of is, that I got married my husband and I had a small wedding. We got married in the Navy chapel on base and even picked up our food at Jewel for our small reception. Anyway, I bought my dress at Sears! When I was at the chapel getting dressed, I only realized then that I never bought a veil, so I ended up finding a piece of white ribbon and pinned it to my hair! Been married for 29 years now 🙂
My husband’s cousin totally messed up the best man speech he was giving…. he cussed a lot and no one does that in front of Grandpa! He got tongue-tied and just ended up cutting himself off and walking away in the middle of his speech!!
i dont have anything happened to me at a wedding
Never really had or seen anything embarrassing happen at a wedding. Thank you for the chance! Loved the first book!
I really don’t have any embarrassing stories from weddings besides some guests getting really drunk and falling over.
I don’t have any embarrassing stories from weddings.
I tripped over my own feet and fell face first while walking up the aisle (i was a bridesmaid) and the absolutely most embarrassing thing I witnessed was a mishap on the dancefloor where the mother of the groom was dancing with the father of the bride and he dropped her when he tried to dip her.
I saw the brides aunt up dancing when her panties dropped to her ankles, she just kicked them to the side & kept dancing. 🙂
nothing really embarrassing has happened at any weddings that I have been too…how boring right?!!
Unfortunately, nothing. No embarrassments at any wedding I’ve attended, not even my own.
nothing embarrassing I’ve lucked out
It was at my own wedding ! The minister had to stop the ceremony and give my hubby to be a Kleenex to wipe his face because he was sweating so bad ! I about died lol ! It wasn’t because he was hot either .
I have actually never attended a wedding before, so I do not have any embarrassing stories to tell.
I love that Drew says what he’s thinking … however inappropriate it may be! Thanks for the giveaway!
I love the cocky Drew 😀
I love his confident
I love everything about Drew!
Drew is freakin’ hilarious when dishing out his version of ‘wisdom’.
Everything! What is there not to love about him!! 🙂
Everything…he is the total package!!
I love Drew’s sense of humor, his closness with his family and even tho it takes him awhile he realizes that Kate is more important than winning.
I haven’t met Drew yet but heard he is super hot and funny! Thanks!
drew is funny
haven’t read it yet so not sure what to say
I have not had the pleasure of meeting Drew but I am sure to correct this error very soon 😉
I haven’t read this series yet but would love to.I have it on my TBR list
This is on my to read list, so I don’t know much about it yet.
I really like Drew’s sense of humor (even though they can be at times be a little piggish but that’s because he’s a guy lol) and his persistence, not giving up when he finds something or someone he wants. He has his own brand of charm.
I haven’t met Drew yet, but these books are on my TBR list! THanks for the giveaway!
I don’t know Drew yet but I want to. Thanks for the giveaway.
he is smoking hot!!!!
forgive the computer, phone copy, paste issues
I just bought tangled today! Gonna start it right now! Can’t wait to fall in love w/ Drew 😀
I love that Drew’s a guy’s guy and wasn’t doctored up in order to be the lead in this series. He thinks and acts as a man would and I love Emma for sharing him with us!
I don’t know yet.
I love how much everyone else loves him, and cannot wait to meet him!
He is hilarious!
He’s hilarious!!!