Release Date: September 23, 2014
Regret . . . she’s a snarky little bitch.
I’ve tried several times to regret the events that took place on June 5, 2008, but for the life of me, I can’t. I’d never regret the pain, the suffering, or the heartache because they ultimately led me to the place I am now. And I can’t regret the place I am now. What I still can’t figure out is this: how is it possible that the single worst day of my life inadvertently became the very best day?
Five years ago my life was irrevocably changed.
Seventeen minutes was all it took—
to lose my best friend…
to lose the love of my life…
Seventeen minutes was all it took for the seeds of hope—the seeds of my future—to be planted in the worst possible way.
My name is Harley Thompson, and this is my story.
His cerulean eyes and deep voice are hypnotizing and have me completely paralyzed. Using the back of his hand, he slides his fingers over my cheek. “You’re flushed,” he says softly as his hands trail down my neck, “and your pulse is racing.” As his fingertips reach the swell of my breast, he murmurs, “And you’re breathless.”
Fuck me running. This guy is sex on a stick and I’m horny as hell.
Levi leans down, the stubble on his square jaw tickling me as he nuzzles the soft spot below my ear. Dropping my head, I can’t help but watch as his hand descends past my breast and under the soapy water.
Keep going, you’re almost there.
His hand is no longer visible, but I can sure as hell feel every inch of skin it’s grazing under the water. His touch is leaving behind a tingly goodness that is quickly building the tension back up in my body. I tilt my head up, offering him my mouth, and he quickly accepts the invitation. Molding his soft lips to mine, I allow him in and our tongues begin to slide against one another effortlessly.
Where We Belong by K.L. Grayson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
*ARC Given to Blog for Honest Review*
3.5 “pinky swear” “I love you, love you” Kisses
So…from the second I read the prologue to Where We Belong I knew I had to read this book. It wasn’t even a question…I needed to know the rest of this story. I knew it wasn’t going to be an easy journey…but I felt compelled to know Harley’s HEA…my heart needed it. K.L. Grayson did not have an easy job, but this story was compelling, the characters were fantastic and I really enjoyed Harley and Ty’s story.
Harley Thompson…my strong, gorgeous girl…where do I even begin with Harley? She is so many things but…above all, she is…a survivor. She has been through one of the most devastatingly tragic and absolutely horrifying things I can ever imagine…and she came out the other side. She didn’t let it control the rest of her life and even though she has a constant reminder of that night, she will not let it destroy her or her future. That to me is the definition of strength. She could have let that night define her, but the fact that she didn’t made me admire her even more. I enjoyed Harley…I connected with her in a sense, but not as much as I wanted to. She’s smart…a wonderful person inside and out…funny…and very likeable. She’s brave and resilient…beautiful and kind…and even after everything she’s been through, she hasn’t lost sight of who she really is.
‘I wish I could say my journey to this happy place was an easy one, but I’d be lying. It was a bitch. My soul was tried and tested, along with the patience of the people I love more in my life. But with their persistence and support, I was able to find peace and smile once again.’
Tyson Grawe…mmmm Dr. Grawe, doesn’t that just sound sexier? Tyson is…definitely delicious…tall, gorgeous brown eyes and dimples…yum! I liked Ty, a lot…he’s sweet and kind and incredibly giving but…Ty has made some pretty big mistakes. Life changing ones…and I mean, don’t get me wrong, no guy is perfect, but…that brings up another good thing about Ty – he is probably the king of redemption. He knows when he has fucked up and he recognizes it…apologizes for it…and atones for it. And that’s what I loved the most about Ty. Well…one of the things I loved most about him. Really…there is a lot to love about Ty, he’s a great guy…he’s caring, genuine and he really does have a big heart. He’s a doctor which means he’s insanely smart and…looks damn fine in scrubs. Ty’s the ‘just right’ kind of guy…he’s not overly alpha, but he turns it on when he needs to…he’s romantic and charming when the time is right but isn’t sappy or over the top…and good sweet lord does he have a sexy, dirty mouth on him. I can’t blame Harley for falling for Ty…it’s easy to do…
“Give me one reason,” I state firmly. “Give me one reason why I should forgive you for walking away from me and our friendship so easily. One reason why I should forgive you for abandoning me at the darkest time of my life.”
His response is immediate. “Because you promised to always forgive me.”
I throw my hands in the air. “I was nine,” I shout in frustration.
He shakes his head. “It was still a promise,” he says.
Soooo…Harley and Ty have my absolute, hands-down kryptonite…they’re best friends. Have been since they were little…known each other their whole lives…been through the good, the bad and the ugly…and that’s the kind of stuff that I can’t and never will get enough of. The flashbacks to their childhood…OMG…you don’t even know. I almost wanted more of their past because it helped me get a better understanding of who they were before…everything. I knew after the way Ty and Harley’s friendship was left after ‘that night’ that he wasn’t going to come back to town and have everything go back to normal…but damn…talk about some angsty goodness. I was pleasantly surprised at how unexpected the angst was…I mean, there are the typical and obvious choices, but I was really happy to see that K.L. did keep me on my toes and changed it up. And at least with all that angst, the pay off when Harley and Ty finally do get together was well worth it. Hot damn…they’re sinfully and deliciously sexy together…then again after how many years of want and desire…having it all finally happen, there better be some fireworks…and there were.
‘My eyes burn at the memory and I swallow hard. “That was the best summer for me, and that memory stands out above all the others.”
He tilts his head. “Why? I meant it was sort of uneventful. Fun, but uneventful.”
“Because you picked me first,” I reply wistfully. Tyson watches me carefully, his milk-chocolate eyes searching mine. I can tell he’s trying to remember, but it’s not clicking. “And, it’s the first time you told me I was your best friend.”
“You remember that? Why don’t I remember that?” he asks disappointedly.
“You didn’t care what any of the other kids thought.” I smile as the memories flood my mind. “Later that same night, we were sitting on the porch swing and I asked you why you chose me. You looked at me like I had asked the stupidest question and you said, ‘Because you’re my best friend.’ That moment was – is – so special to me. I’ll never forget it.”’
The book is told from dual POV…which worked for me, there was a little overlapping/re-telling of certain scenes which can sometimes get repetitive and overdone, but I thought it was handled well. This was never going to be an easy book to write but I think K.L. did a fantastic job with the way she handled the characters and the emotions and I appreciated that. And it is a very emotional book…much more so than with just what happens to Harley…because she is far from the only one affected by the actions of that night. The entire story is very engaging…it flows really well, and considering I read the whole thing in less than 24 hours…I can definitely testify that it was hard to put down. There were a few parts that I wish we had seen more of…with as much as Harley and Ty had been through, all the angst…I really enjoyed their happy times and there were a few we’re briefly told about and I would have rather seen those moments. Those little moments of reconnection…learning who they are after five years apart…it would have solidified them that much more for me.
‘This moment can’t possibly be any more perfect. At least that’s what I thought, until I feel his lips brush against mine for the first time.
Now it’s perfect.
His soft lips brush against mine once…twice…and a third time before he pulls his head back a fraction, waiting for me to open my eyes. I lift my heavy lids to find him watching me with open wonderment, and the words that flow from his mouth make my heart soar.
“I’ve been waiting for this kiss for the past five years, and I want you to know that it hasn’t completely happened and it’s already the most amazing kiss I’ve ever had.” With those final whispered words, he proceeds to rock my fucking world.’
If only Harley and Ty were the only two I loved out of this…but alas, I couldn’t help but fall in love with a few other characters. First of all…there’s Max. Now…Max is a pretty crucial part of the story, but I don’t want to give away who he is because finding that out, for me, was a huge woah moment…so I don’t want to spoil that for anyone else. Needless to say, I couldn’t help but love him and I loved what he brought to the story and to Harley and Ty. Then we have Levi and Quinn…Harley best friends. Quinn is…comedic relief as well as being Harley’s right hand woman for pretty much anything and everything. She’s insanely strong…but she definitely has her own story that we get bits and pieces of…I can only hope she’ll get her own book. Levi is another one I’m dying to get more of…I will beg K.L. for his book. He’s a huge part of the first half of the book…he’s Harley’s rock and basically is the reason she got through some very dark parts of her life but after Ty comes into the picture…Levi disappears and that made me sad. Just like Quinn, he totally has a juicy story to tell…and I’m dying to know it.
“You are the strongest, most amazing woman I’ve ever met,” he mumbles against my lips.
“You forgot kind, beautiful, spectacular…” His mouth tilts over mine in another kiss, this one so powerful that my entire body trembles. When he finally pulls away, I’m left heaving and breathless. He rubs his nose against mine before kissing it softly.
His sweet breath fans my face when he talks. “I’m fairly certain the world hasn’t yet discovered the word that best fits everything that you are, Harley.” I smile against his mouth, kissing him again and again. I love that I can do that whenever the hell I want.
“You’re perfect.” His words are soft, firm, and they’re the sweetest words I’ve ever heard. “I love you, Harley, so much.”
Alright so Where We Belong is a standalone…and Harley and Ty’s story does end with a wonderful, beautiful, well deserved HEA that I adored. But it is a part of the Belong Series…and as I already said…I am super excited for a few spin offs. The build up is there and with those characters, I cannot even imagine the goodness that awaits us. 🙂 K.L. Grayson is a fantastic writer and she definitely hooked me with Harley and Ty’s beautiful story of love, forgiveness and moving forward.
Two Signed Books and One Twenty Dollar Gift Card
K.L. Grayson resides in a small town outside of St. Louis, Missouri. She is entertained daily by her extraordinary husband who will forever inspire every good quality she writes in a man. Her entire life rests in the palm of six dirty little hands, and when the days is over and those six little hands have been washed and tucked into bed . . . and the stars align, you can find K.L. typing away furiously on her computer. K.L. has a love for alpha males, brownies, reading, tattoos, sunglasses, and happy endings . . . and not particularly in that order.
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this looks so good!! Thank you for the review : )
Love HEA’s 🙂 this looks promising!
looks like a wonderful book
This could be a very entertaining read.
looks like a good read.
I am interested in reading this books. Looks really good.
This book sounds like another one to add to my list. Thank you so much for the great review
Looks like a great read.