Raine Kendall has been in love with her boss, Macen Hammerman, for years. Determined to make the man notice that she’s a grown woman with desires and needs, she pours out her heart and offers her body to him—only to be crushingly rejected. But when his friend, very single, very sexy Liam O’Neill watches the other Dom refuse to act on his obvious feelings for Raine, he resolves to step in and do whatever it takes to help Hammer find happiness again, even rousing his friend’s possessive instincts by making the girl a proposition too tempting to refuse. But he never imagines that he’ll end up falling for her himself.Hammer has buried his lust for Raine for years. After rescuing the budding runaway from an alley behind his exclusive BDSM Dungeon, he has come to covet the pretty submissive. But tragedy has taught him that he can never be what she needs. So he watches over her while struggling to keep his distance. Liam’s crafty plan blindsides Hammer, especially when he sees how determined his friend is to possess Raine for his own. Hammer isn’t ready to give the lovely submissive over to any other Dom, but can he heal from his past and fight for her? Or will he lose Raine if she truly gives herself—heart, body, and soul—to Liam?
The story doesn’t end with one book…Raine, Macen and Liam’s story continues in The Young & The Submissive…
Raine Kendall has everything a woman could want…almost. Sexy, tender Dom Liam O’Neill is her knight in shining armor, but Raine is constantly pinching herself. Is he too good to be true or is this growing connection one that could last a lifetime? She’s constantly torn by her abiding feelings for her commanding boss, Macen “Hammer” Hammerman, especially in the wake the mind-blowing night he cast aside the barriers between them and ravaged every inch of her body.Hammer, Liam’s former best friend, can’t stop coveting Raine. But Liam is determined to hold and guide the woman he loves and see if she can be the submissive of his dreams. However, he’s finding that her trust is hard won and he needs a bloody crowbar to pry open her scarred soul. So he risks everything to win her once and for all. But once he’s put his daring plan in motion, will it cost Liam his heart if he loses Raine to Hammer for good?
Are you ready for the conclusion to the Doms of Her Life Series?
After spending weeks trying to reach Raine Kendall, Dominants Liam O’Neill and Macen Hammerman have finally broken past the walls to their submissive’s wounded heart. Before they can enjoy their newfound closeness, Liam’s past comes back to haunt him when his ex-wife drops in—with a secret that could tear his world apart. Forced to leave Raine in Hammer’s care, Liam is stuck on the outside, stewing in frustration and insecurity…and wondering if Raine no longer needs him or if Hammer alone completes her.Always the pillar of strength, Hammer tries to help Liam while sheltering their woman. But Raine soon discovers the truth that threatens the trio’s chance of a happily-ever-after. Determined to hold them together, the two men cook up a scheme to uncover the ex’s secret. When an old nemesis returns and targets Raine, can Liam and Hammer come together to slay the danger and save the woman they both love?
One Dom to Love by Shayla Black
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
*ARC Given to Blog for Honest Review*
3.5 “precious” Kisses
It’s been a long time since I read a good BDSM book…and One Dom to Love definitely fit the bill nicely. There is something to be said for a book that just oozes sex…and you can’t go wrong with Shayla Black, Jenna Jacob and Isabella LaPearl…these ladies know their sexy stuff. The additional angst element was an unexpected surprise and the bonus of it being a love triangle made me enjoy the journey that much more.
Raine Kendall…my brave, strong willed girl…two Dom’s and too many decisions, what’s a girl to do. Raine has been through the ringer and then some. Her past is a horrible tale of abandonment and god awful parenting…but her strength to survive is stronger than she gives herself credit for. I loved Raine’s spirit…that’s honestly what connected me to her. She’s a bit of a runner (when the going gets tough) but…I didn’t think it was a bad thing all the time. It’s her defense mechanism and after her history, it’s warranted. She’s a broken girl and she really needs men like Macen and Liam in her life to really stabilize her and give her the strength that she is lacking. While she might be a natural at being a sub, it’s going to take a lot of work and training to get her comfortable at that level. The trust that she needs to put into her Dom is not there…yet.
‘“Really, precious? You want me to make you?” Hammer’s voice lowered dangerously. She’d trampled over every submissive rule. Insulted him utterly. Challenged him in a way he couldn’t let pass. And damn if he didn’t want her even more. The girl had fire; she would burn him in bed.’
Macen “Hammer” Hammerman…oh boy, where to begin with this big old mess of a man. Macen is Raine’s protector…he took her in when she literally had nowhere else to go, he’s cared for her, encouraged her and helped her become the woman she is…which is hard not to love. But he’s shielded her from so much…part of the protective streak, I get that, but he’s not allowing her to live because he wants her, but thinks she deserves better. Sounds like crazy logic? Yeah…I know…it was difficult for me to rationalize. I understood it to a certain degree…but he wasn’t being fair to Raine and if anything, he was just feeding into her feelings for him, albeit unintentionally. His inability to get over his past and his fears and realize Raine is what he wants leaves the door wide open for an Irishman to walk in and steal his girl.
“Then stop holding her to you when she tries to leave.”
“It’s not that simple. Every time she walks into the room, I come to life. Every time she leaves, I fucking fall apart. I’m not trying to hurt her.”
Liam O’Neil…it’s funny because there were a few times that Liam was referred to as a white knight, and I have to agree…if white knights have kinky fetishes and a sexy Irish accent, then that’s the kind of white knight I would want! Liam is…exactly what Raine needs. He wants to be there for her, support her, help her at a turning point in her life when she desperately needs it most. That only made me love him more. He’s caring and compassionate, while still having the authoritative Dom vibe. And did I mention he’s Irish? Be still my beating heart…the things that come out of his mouth and then adding that he calls her lass…I was in a heaven. Liam was a calm and level presence among heated tempers and rash actions, I totally loved everything that he brought to the story and the influence he had on Raine.
‘Every kiss between them was fireworks and rocket launchers. God, he felt incredible. Hot, muscled, persuasive, determined. He kissed like a god. With one seductive whisper, he could distract her utterly. One touch, and she felt her defenses crumbling. But those lips could capture her soul. Yes, she loved Hammer, but…Liam set her on fire.’
This is a love triangle of epic proportions and I loved that aspect of it! I love picking teams…but I’ll be honest…I’m completely torn on this one! I almost always go for the guy who has the most history, and I do love Hammer and Raine together but…he needs to get his head straight and figure out if he’s going to allow his past to ruin anything in his future. And honestly…I cannot deny the effect Liam’s presence as had on Raine is a huge pull for me…because I do think he is what she needs right now. The electric combination of all of these characters is what kept me glued to the page. There is so much desire and passion and chemistry…even from the couples separately, but having both men vying for Raine’s affections, it was a visual orgasm that I couldn’t get enough of.
“I will try. For you, I will always try.”
He trailed his fingers up the inside of both thighs, his breath feathering over her aching slit.
“Oh, precious, you’ll do a hell of a lot more than try. Anything you set your mind to, you accomplish. You’ll find the strength. The desire to submit burns brightly inside you, and I’m determined to make it blaze even hotter for me.”
I’ve read a few books by two authors…but this is my first book by three authors – it’s almost like the queens of BDSM decided to blow my mind with the ultimate fantasy, combining all the things I love into one book. Aside from a little repetitiveness with words (which is a pet peeve of mine), the writing was fantastic. I could so not tell it was written by three authors, which is a testament to how well they work together. It’s also pretty amazing that we go into three different POV’s…Raine, Liam and Macen…not once is it ever confusing or unclear as to whose head we are in, it’s never redundant and it’s completely necessary to understand everything that is going on. One thing that really bothered me was the timeline of the story…in the context of what was going on, the heightened emotions, the drama between the characters…it seemed rushed. Everything was happening so fast and I didn’t see the need for it, a couple of extra days here or there wouldn’t have hurt – if anything it would have made more sense at least for me. I guess it just always seemed to have this sense of urgency that I didn’t really get. The only other thing that irked me was Macen’s wishy-washy-ness. I got it…but he’s supposed to be this big bad Dom and it was the only thing that clashed with the image I had of him in my mind.
“Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds,” she whispered in the dark. “Or bends with the remover to remove.” O no! It is an ever-fixed mark that looks on tempests and is never shaken…
Suddenly, that made sense. Because of Liam.
“But bears it out, even to the edge of doom…”
I knew that One Dom to Love was part of The Doms of Her Life series…which is fine by me, I love series, and seriously, there is no way to contain their story to one book, it’s just too much. While the ending to ODtL isn’t a necessarily cliff, at least not in my opinion, things are unfinished and are nowhere close to being done with Raine, Liam and Macen. I’m excited about the possibilities and to see what’s next for them…there are so many decisions left to be made and I have no clue what’s next!
You know what they say about curiosity and the cat…but if you still want to know, read below.
Shayla Black (aka Shelley Bradley) is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over 40 sizzling contemporary, erotic, paranormal, and historical romances produced via traditional, small press, independent, and audio publishing. She lives in Texas with her husband, munchkin, and one very spoiled cat. In her “free” time, she enjoys reality TV, reading and listening to an eclectic blend of music.
Shayla’s books have been translated in about a dozen languages. She has also received or been nominated for The Passionate Plume, The Holt Medallion, Colorado Romance Writers Award of Excellence, and the National Reader’s Choice Awards. RT Bookclub has twice nominated her for Best Erotic Romance of the year, as well as awarded her several Top Picks, and a KISS Hero Award.
A writing risk-taker, Shayla enjoys tackling writing challenges with every new book.
Bestselling Author Jenna Jacob’s erotic romance comes from the heart of submission. With over twenty years experience in the dynamics of the BDSM lifestyle, Jenna strives to portray Dominance and submission with a passionate and comprehensive voice. Her stories will make you laugh, cry, and may leave you with a better understanding of the fulfillment found in the BDSM power exchange.
A married mom of four grown children, Jenna and her husband lives in Kansas. Her passions include her family, reading, camping, cooking, music, and riding Harleys. She loves to make people laugh with her outgoing and warped sense of humor. If you’re looking for hot romance with a kinky twist, pick up one of Jenna’s books
My name is Isabella and I am a new Author of Erotic Fiction. I have recently published two short stories, one a stand-alone “Connexions” and the other is the first book in a series called The Quickening and is entitled “Scandalous.” The next two in the series, will be coming out in 2013 and are called “Momentum” and “Geminus” respectively.
December 4th 2012 was a WOW day of biblical proportions for me personally. My first novel was published, entitled “One Dom to Love” co-written by Best Selling New York Times Author, Shayla Black and by Author Jenna Jacob. I can’t even begin to express how privileged and thrilled I was to work with both these wonderful, incredible women, and how proud I am to call them friends. “One Dom to Love” is the first book in The Doms of her Life series and for those chomping at the bit already after finishing this book, you’ll be delighted to know that Book 2 is currently being written.
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Wow! What a steamy cover. I imagine that must be awkward for the models to have to pose for.
I like them – but I don’t need it :/ I’d rather have ménage romances any day of the week 🙂 But I do read BDSMs a lot too 🙂
look interesting!
These look like a lot of fun!
I enjoy erotica but find bdsm is often poorly written so I’m interested in this series:)
I do like BDSM books. adds a little spice!
I have to be in the mood.
I do like BDSM books. I love this series and looking forward to Book 3
Love BDSM books.
I do like BDSM books. Sounds like a good series!
yes i like BDSM
I like well written BDSM.
i love bdsm books and this series is great . I have already re ordered
I love BDSM books. Fifty Shades of Gray is what gotten me started on them. Now I am addicted to them. Thanks for the Give Away.
I love BDSM books. When they are written properly, they whisk you into their world and completely ake you away! Thanks for the chance! I haven’t read this series yet, but I adore the authors and loved this review. The series is on my wish list.
I’ve heard of Doms of Her Life Series for a while. They look pretty hot!
I love BDSM books!
Duh, <3 🙂
I do like them! =)
They are still relatively new to me, in the past 12+ months but I look for them now
Thank you so much!! Thrilled that you enjoyed the story!! {{Hugs}} <3
Love these books!
love the cover it so freaking hot and omg i love bdsm books
Yes, I do like BDSM books (one of my favorite books and series revolve around it) and other erotica type books. Thank you for this great giveaway! ^_^
Yes, I do. 🙂
I love BDSM books. LOVE them. I can’t wait to read this. Thanks for the great review and giveaway!
Hello! Actually, I’ve never read one before. It certainly sounds like an intriguing read though. Thanks!!
Yes I love BDSM books!
I do. As long as there’s a story involved too!
Of course I do!
I’ve listen to ODtL on audio and am dying to listen to or read the rest of the trilogy. The dynamics between the three main characters completely hooked me.
Yes, I do.
I have read BDSM books, I only like them if it has an actual plot and there is development in the story and not just sex.
WOW Lisa, THANK YOU soooo much. Totally thrilled that you LOVED the stories. Keeping my fingers crossed that you’ll love The Bold and The Dominant just as much – if not just a little bit more! *Wicked Grin* {{{HUGS}}}
I adore Shayla Black novels. They are so steamy sometimes that I have to take a cold shower. However, when I read this series, I was not so taken with it. The heroine, Raine, left me feeling like blah. She honestly wasn’t strong enough for me. I don’t really read menage books (prefer one on one), but the first book really intrigued me. I for sure thought that Liam was nothing more than a catalyst to propel Hammer to claim Raine as his once and for all, but once it started turning into two on one, I lost interest. Maybe I will continue the story just to see how it ends. Morbid curiosity and all that bunk.
Great giveaway! Thanks for hosting.