Katie Boyd has nothing in common with Tom Bridge, the volunteer doctor she meets at a party – except in bed she finds a passion to match her own. Tom is intense, puzzling, a man who cares about others and compels Katie to question her own life drifting through the hip clubs and London party scene.When Tom returns to his post in a Sri Lanka orphanage, Katie isn’t sure if their passion was lit by its brevity, or if love, unexpected and not entirely wanted, has edged its way into her life. Should she go back to being who she always was? Or follow Tom into the unknown?
Katie in Love is a compelling erotic-romance that will grip readers as they follow Katie’s journey to an ending they may have expected – but not in the way they expected it.
Brilliantly written and coolly self-aware, Chloe Thurlow was described by KM Dylan on Amazon as “…the Anaïs Nin of our times.” With Katie in Love – her sixth novel – Thurlow reveals a writer at the height of her powers.
Katie is me and you and girls nearing 30 who want love, fear love and are shocked out of their Gucci heels when it appears on the horizon.
Describe Tom in one sentence.
Tom as a doctor knows he’s smart, wants to use his gifts to help others, and sees in Katie qualities she has yet to see in herself.
Favorite and least favorite scene to write in Katie In Love? (Without spoiling! 🙂 )
In reverse, my favorite scene is Katie losing her virginity while working as an intern with a real estate company because it brought back happy memories.
Least favorite has to be when Katie goes to lunch in the country at the home of Tom’s sister Tamsin, because she feels as if she is being inspected like a laboratory rat; we have all faced this excruciating situation.
What’s your guilty pleasure?
Cava – Spanish champagne, same grape, but it takes more sun and the result is smoother, less bubbles; the low alcohol content means you can drink more and the high creeps up on you like a warm bath.
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Not getting kicked out of Cambridge having gatecrashed my way in.
If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
The Marquis de Sade. He had an astonishing imagination and lived life to the full, to the point if death, no matter what the consequences. While he was writing his novel Justine, they were smuggling the pages out a folio at a time from his prison cell to an anxious public. After 200 years in the grave, we are still reading his work. Boy, would I have some questions for him!
Favorite Word and Least Favorite Word?
Albóndigas – meatballs in Spanish, it has Arabic roots (al) and tastes like Spain. Least favorite: bitch. It’s just so ugly and demeaning.
Biggest fear?
Failure within the terms and parameters I have set myself.
Deepest regret?
Regret is looking back and I try to look forward. I have tiny regrets, like hanging up on Mother, but then she hangs up on me, too. I suppose I regret not getting to know my father better, but I have rectified that and respect his subtlety. I would like to have been a dancer and regret not having the gifts.
Favorite memory?
Sleeping with a boy on the beach as a teen; seeing my first short story in print; meeting the man who turns over in the night and pulls all the blankets off me. Memories are like children and we should avoid playing favorites.
Worst flaw?
Depression, I suppose; it is the writer’s disease, along with melancholy and insomnia. Oh, and ignoring phone messages from friends who deserve to be answered.
Most annoying pet peeve?
Spin. Politicians bending the truth.
If you could change one thing about yourself…what would it be?
I would like to change myself from being English to Spanish so that I wouldn’t have such an awful accent.
Either/Or Questions:
Chocolate or Vanilla? – chocolate.
Katie or Tom? – OMG…Tomkie!
Warm or Cold? – warm, warm, warm.
Early Bird or Night Owl? – I come alive when midnight tolls.
Pain or Pleasure? – pleasure.
Outdoor or Indoor? – outdoor.
Blondes or Brunettes? – brunettes.
Ketchup or Mustard? – mustard.
Coffee or Cocktail? – coffee.
Texting or Calling? – texting.
Chloe Thurlow used to be real bad but she’s getting better. She likes shoes, dancing, Mediterranean nights and broad shoulders. Katie in Love is her 6th (and best novel). She also writes a prize-winning blog at www.chloethurlow.com
Hi! I would so love to read these books. They’d make great pool and beach reads for this Summer. Thank-you for this super fun chance. 🙂
I love the cover!! Great Q & A!! 🙂
great interview
I love shoes too.
Sound interesting. I will have to check it out.
Great post! Thank you for sharing!
Such a wonderful interview!!
Thanks for the interview!! Have a GREAT weekend!
Love the interview! Thanks for the chance <3
Thanks for the chance
thank you for the giveaway!
A fun post thank you.
Very excited to read this book 🙂
Great interview and the book sounds great!
Thank you for the giveaway! Never read any of Chloe Thurlows books, but this one looks great!