In a world where humans don’t know mermaids exist, Mari leaves her home in the ocean to escape her mother, her betrothed, and her tribe’s expectations in order to make a go of independence on land. Chase, former Navy diver and self-appointed curmudgeon-who-isn’t-worthy-of-love, lost his brother in a freak diving accident and now fears the ocean he once loved.
When a hurricane threatens, they have to work together to save everything they’ve worked so hard to build. With Mari’s betrothed on the rampage over a centuries-old vendetta, the storm isn’t the worst thing they’ll have to face…
Chase is captivated by his mermaid…
Keep reading to see the full Love Note!
Thank you for always believing in me and helping me find my inner strength again. You’ll always be the sweet mermaid who saved me more than once. My mermaid. With you at my side, I know I can face the sea again, and we can build our sandcastles in the sunshine.
Kerry loves history and spends large amounts of time wondering about people who lived and walked on Earth in the past. She’s a mom to three daughters, six cats, and various small animals. Her husband says she’s a marketer’s dream, as she often believes everything she hears—at least initially. Her shoe horde will attest to her fine shopping skills.
In addition to writing, Kerry loves to sew (costumes and cosplay, especially), draw, paint, make chainmail, and play guitar.
Her new love is her Mini Cooper Convertible, Sheldon, and they have already gone on many adventures. They travel to as many concerts as they can–especially Green Day and Marilyn Manson.