Title: The Year We Fell Down (The Ivy Years Series Book #1)
Author: Sarina Bowen
Genre: Contemporary Romance
The sport she loves is out of reach. The boy she loves has someone else. What now?She expected to start Harkness College as a varsity ice hockey player. But a serious accident means that Corey Callahan will start school in a wheelchair instead.Across the hall, in the other handicapped-accessible dorm room, lives the too-delicious-to-be real Adam Hartley, another would-be hockey star with his leg broken in two places. He’s way out of Corey’s league. Also, he’s taken. Nevertheless, an unlikely alliance blooms between Corey and Hartley in the “gimp ghetto” of McHerrin Hall. Over tequila, perilously balanced dining hall trays, and video games, the two cope with disappointments that nobody else understands.They’re just friends, of course, until one night when things fall apart. Or fall together. All Corey knows is that she’s falling. Hard.But will Hartley set aside his trophy girl to love someone as broken as Corey? If he won’t, she will need to find the courage to make a life for herself at Harkness — one which does not revolve around the sport she can no longer play, or the brown-eyed boy who’s afraid to love her back.
Check out the other books in The Ivy Years Series…
Want a glimpse into the future? Say…two years later when Corey is a Junior and Hartley is a graduate? 😉 Thought you might…
Keep reading to see the full Love Note!
I just talked to you from the bus an hour ago, but it wasn’t enough. It never is.
When we arrived at our hotel just now, the lobby bar was full of people all dressed up and trying too hard. There were white and red roses at every table, and some kind of scary looking red cocktail in a whole bunch of hands.
Confession time. I’ve always hated Valentine’s Day. It’s a lot of pressure for a guy to do something super cool. And if you manage it, then all your friends hate you for making them look bad. True story.
Now, two years ago we’d just gotten together, so I got off easy with the nice dinner out and all those candles in the bedroom. (There’s a nice memory!) And last year I did okay with the whole red carpet movie premier, but that was just a lucky break. (Thanks, dad.)
And I’m glad the necklace I sent got there today, and I’m pumped that you like it.
But being away from you blows. And I never thought I’d say this, but I’m jealous of those overdressed people in the hotel lobby drinking twenty dollar cocktails in a suit and tie. Because they’re not 900 miles away (thanks, Google) from their Valentine. I’d wear the world’s ugliest tie in the world to see you right now.
I know I’m not supposed to be Danny Downer on Valentines Day, and I’m living the one-in-a-million dream of playing pro hockey. Yada yada. 99% of the time I feel lucky. But tonight I just want to hold you. All I want is a night alone with you and your smile and the way you always let me win whatever video game we’re playing. (Shh–it’s my fantasy. Get your own.)
I love you, Callihan. I know I say it all the time, but it’s true every time it comes out of my mouth.
Take care of yourself tonight. The regular season is only eight more weeks. And your semester ends in fourteen weeks. I can hold on a little longer if you can.
Love you lots,
Sarina Bowen writes steamy, angsty Contemporary Romance and New Adult fiction from the wilds of Vermont.
She is the author of The Ivy Years, an award-winning series set amid the hockey team at an elite Connecticut college. Also, the The Gravity series. COMING IN 2016: Two New Series! Stay tuned for a new Vermont contemporary romance series and hockey novels including Rookie Move. Sarina enjoys skiing, espresso drinks and the occasional margarita. She lives with her family, eight chickens and more ski gear and hockey equipment than seems necessary.
Krissy says
This is so sweet! I love it! (And him) 😉
Chanpreet says
Marie-Elizabeth says
I may have swooned… Loudly. No embarrassment here.
Jen Valencia says
The Year We Fell Down is one of my favorite friends-to-lovers stories ever and this love note had me going “Awww!” Adam and Corey have been through a lot and even now, when they’re facing the challenge of not being physically together, I love how at the end of his note, Adam focuses on when he’ll get to be with her again and that alone is enough to make him be a bit more patient. 🙂
Terri Peterson says
I Love these two!!!! ???
KarenD says
Love this! Thank you!!!
Danielle says
So sweet!