Title: A Beautiful Kind of Love (Choices Series Book #1)
Author: Ellie Wade
Genre: Contemporary Romance, New Adult
Every choice has a consequence.I believe in soul mates. Why? Because I have one and his name is Jax Porter.I have known Jax my whole life and I have loved him with every breath I’ve ever taken. The fact that we were born a mere month apart to mothers that are best friends has made us inseparable since birth.What we have is so rare, one would think our story would be written, our fate sealed. But, unfortunately that’s not how life works. Life offers us many choices that can turn destiny into chance.I now find myself heading toward a destination that I could have never imagined and I have to figure out where to go from here. Will the choices that have been made change our path forever or will fate find its way?
Title: A Forever Kind of Love (Choices Series Book #2)
Author: Ellie Wade
Genre: Contemporary Romance, New Adult
Every choice has a consequence. I believe in soul mates. Why? Because I have one and her name is Lily Madison.I’ve loved Lily my whole life. She’s all I’ve ever known. All I’ve ever seen. Everything. To me, she is perfect.Sometimes, when something has always been there, it is hard to recognize it for what it is. It is easy to take for granted. I didn’t realize how deeply Lily was ingrained in every fabric of my soul because I’d never had to feel her absence. It’s all so obvious now, but at the time it was not. I had to figure it out on my own. I wish I could have realized what it was that was truly important in life because once choices are made and paths are altered…it is so hard to go back, sometimes impossible.I know this because I stand here with a two-carat engagement ring in my hand waiting to ask someone to be my wife. I’m ready to love and cherish her ‘til death do us part. But, there is just one problem.She isn’t Lily.Will the choices that have been made change our path forever or will fate find its way?***intended for adults 18+ sexual content ***This is the 2nd book in the two book Choices Series. The first book, A Beautiful Kind of Love needs to read prior to reading this book.
Oh my goodness, Jax’s note is wonderful!
Keep reading to see the full Love Note!
My Dearest Lily,
Some people’s first memories are of their parents, a pet, or a special occasion—like opening a shiny, red tricycle on Christmas morning. My very first recollection isn’t of any of those things.
It is of you.
You, Lily, are my first memory in this life. I’m not sure of the details of it—the surroundings are a blur. But, your button nose, tiny freckles, blonde pigtails, big smile, and beautiful blue eyes are crystal clear. What stands out most about this memory is the way I felt standing there, wherever we were, with you.
It was love.
I loved you before I even knew what love was. And, I’ve loved you every moment since.
From the very start of life you and I have been destined for this love. We were two souls born into this world for each other. I know that to be true.
Our paths haven’t always been easy, but I think they were necessary. Everything that we’ve been through had a purpose. It all helped us get here.
And here…is perfect.
Our love is the kind of love they write stories about. It’s real. It’s pure. It’s cherished. But, most of all—it’s forever.
You are my past, my present, my always. You are my greatest love.
Thank you for loving me.
I love you, always.
Happy Valentine’s Day, Little Love.
Love you more,
Ellie Wade resides in southwest Michigan with her husband, three young children, and two dogs. She has a Master’s degree in education from Eastern Michigan University and is a huge University of Michigan sports fan. She loves the beauty of her home state, especially the lakes and the gorgeous autumn weather. When she is not writing, you will find her reading, snuggled up with her kids, or spending time with family and friends. She loves traveling and exploring new places with her family.