Title: Chasing Red
Author: Kelsey Cheyenne
Genre: Contemporary Romance
My entire life has revolved around one goal: get into medical school. When it happens I should celebrate with champagne and streamers and a bouncy castle-right?
Instead, my heart feels like it’s being ripped in two-follow my dreams or follow my heart? I can thank Chase Westbrook for that.
He’s my brother’s best friend. He also happens to be what wet dreams are made of. He’s absolutely perfect and he’s in love with me-he’s also incredibly persistent. He’s busy chasing me while I’m focused on chasing my dreams.
I’m trying to have my cake and eat it too. I won’t ask him to wait for me, but I hope he does anyway. I can’t let anything distract me or get in the way of my goals-and his blond hair, blue eyes, and washboard abs would be a major distraction.
He tells me he loves me, so I push him away in grandiose fashion. But Chase Westbrook isn’t a quitter, and if he keeps chasing me I’m going to get caught.
Wick is such a sweetheart!
Keep reading to see the full Love Note!
Little Red,
I guess I can’t really call you that anymore since Scarlett was born, but old habits die hard.
Just like how we used to see who could embarrass the other person more. Remember when we crashed that wedding and I made you get up on stage and make a speech? Well, I’m going to see how much I can make you blush just from reading this note.
Hailey, tonight we have the house to ourselves. That means I’m making it my mission to get you off in every single room of our home. We’ve gotten close, but there’s a few we’ve missed.
Imagine the dirtiest things I could do to you. You probably can’t even envision the level of filth I’m aiming for tonight. Your skin will be as flushed red as I’m sure it is right now.
Do you still have that lime green vibrator? The little bullet that rolled out of your suitcase during our stay in that hotel? I’ve been planning on using that on you for months, but you’re too loud and we need to keep quiet when our daughter is home.
Tonight, you’re all mine and I want to give you a night you’ll never forget. And tomorrow, when you’re still too sore to walk, I’ll bring you breakfast in bed since I wasn’t able to today.
And that’s because I love you, Hailey, more and more every day. You have always been worth the chase.
Happy Valentine’s Day.
Your love,
a Rafflecopter giveawayKelsey has always been an avid reader and writer and recently she has decided to share her stories with the world. She has a golden retriever she’s madly in love with and a true crime obsession.