Title: You’re the One (Very Irresistible Bachelors Series Book #1)
Author: Layla Hagen
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Hot. Flirty. Romantic.
It all started as pretend…
My best friend, and one of the most powerful men in New York, needed my help.
Our first kiss was unexpected—but it still made my skin sizzle, my knees go weak.
The next one was in front of his tight-knit family. We had to be convincing. But it was so wicked hot, it almost convinced me too.
On our first night together, he told me that I had to keep us both in check, because he didn’t know how to keep the lines from blurring…
He touched me like I was precious, and held me close… barely stopping his fingers from pushing down the straps of my dress…
On our second night, our banter turned to flirting. Hunter—my best friend was now Hunter—the man. Intense. Alluring. Sexy as hell.
How was I supposed to not fall in love?
Hunter keeps it short…sweet…and PERFECT
Keep reading to see the full Love Note!
You’re the love of my life, Josie Caldwell. You’ve been my best friend for so long, and now you’re my partner, my better half. I’ll be here for you, cheering for you every step of the way. Loving you, taking care of you. You’ve changed so much in my life. You’ve showed me what it feels like to be loved…
a Rafflecopter giveawayWelcome! My name is Layla Hagen and I am a USA Today bestselling author of contemporary romance.
I fell in love with books when I was nine years old, and my love affair with stories continues even now, many years later.
I write romantic stories and can’t wait to share them with the world.
And I drink coffee.
Amy Woolard says
I would love for Jethro Hawk to be mine Valentine!!