Title: The Viscount & The Lighterman’s Daughter (The Vixens and Villains Series Book #2)
Author: Lotte James
Genre: Historical Romance
They’ve hidden their true selves – but can they find each other?
Viscount Percy Egerton nearly lost everything in the wake of his friend Harcourt Sinclair’s scandal. Not even taking over a shipping company and playing nighttime vigilante has helped him find what he wants most; himself. But when the daughter of one of his workers bursts into his life, he finds everything he ever wished for is within his grasp, if only he has the courage to reach out…
When Meg Lowell is dismissed and forced to return home to Sailortown, she is desperate to find the means to survive, and keep her family from destitution. Clever, and hardworking, she has no fear. At least until she meets Percy, and he threatens her with the most dangerous thing of all; love.
Redemption, adventure, secrets, desire, and love in the docklands of Regency London.
Check out the first book in the Vixens and Villains Series!
And did you see Harcourt wrote a Love Note last year – want to read it?
Euphemia Fortescue ran away from an arranged marriage ten years ago, and since, she has suffered the whims and trials of false friends and twisted lords. But since becoming a housemaid for Harcourt Sinclair, she has found some semblance of peace and purpose.
Harcourt Sinclair has been planning his revenge for twenty years against those peers of society who took everything from him. But his single-mindedness will cost him, unless he can learn to trust his least expected saviour…
Both live in the shadows, and know all too well the cruelty of those in power. The darkness in their hearts means they can never love – doesn’t it?
A tale of redemption, adventure, secrets, desire, and love in Regency London.
Oh wow…Percy’s Note is so amazing!
Keep reading to see the full Love Note!
My dearest lorelei,
I have spent the day writing letters to people vastly less deserving of my efforts than you, and I thought I might actually use my time to put to paper the thoughts which have occupied my mind all through the day. Through all the days since I left our home to come here, and pretend to be of use.
I used to love the city – well – enjoy it. Now, it feels so foreign, as if my only true homeland be wherever you and our beautiful daughter are. My only comfort is that from here, I can see the place where I first lay eyes upon you. I can see many places full of memories of you; even this office, and that chair I shall never rid myself of in recompense of its services to me.
I should have known, the first night you stood before me on the quay, fierce and unwavering, that you would become my everything. Have I ever told you how profoundly you have changed me? Mind, heart, and soul. I told you once, that you had awakened me. But even then, I had no idea how much more you would. How much more life would become with you and our precious Amelia in it. How much more open I would become to the world, and those in it. Your kindness, your strength, your convictions, and your passion, have changed me, for the better, and I thank God, or Fate, even Poseidon himself, daily, for sending you to me. I think, I do not tell you enough, how very much I love you. When I return, be sure that I will never be so remiss again.
Until I do return, and make good on that vow, kiss our daughter for me. And dream; dream of all that we may yet do together.
a Rafflecopter giveawayLotte R. James spent most of her life in a windowless office crunching numbers and dreaming up stories of love and adventure.
Finally she took the big leap and is currently working on her third romance novel, along with feature scripts and and exciting fantasy novel.
When she’s not scribbling on tiny pieces of paper, she’s off wandering the countryside for inspiration, nestling in a coffee house, or snuggled with her two cats, Blackie and Rosa.