Title: Misadventures of a Curvy Girl (Misadventures Series Book #18)
Author: Sierra Simone
Genre: Contemporary Romance
For the first time in her life, Ireland Mills is happy with her body. No more fad diets, no more hiding from every camera in the room, no more low self-esteem. She’d rather be alone than with someone who’ll only love her if she’s skinny.
Caleb Carpenter and Ben Weber are everything Ireland and the Kansas Chamber of Commerce dreamed of when conceptualizing the “Real Kansas” promotional campaign. They’re handsome, young, educated, and totally dedicated to their small prairie town.
When Ireland’s Prius gets stuck on a Kansas dirt road and a massive storm rips through town, she’s left stranded with nowhere to turn but to Caleb and Ben. These two hunky country boys are impossible to ignore, but could they ever be interested in her as well?
Caleb and Ben are more than interested…and they’re willing to share. After their first night together, they know this has to be more than a one-time thing. They need to make her theirs forever. But can they convince Ireland they love her, curves and all?
Misadventures is a romantic series of spicy standalone novels, each written or co-written by some of the best names in romance. The stories are scandalous, refreshing, and, of course, incredibly sexy. They’re the perfect bedside read, a ‘quick blush’ for the reader who loves a page-turning romance.
Ben has a VERY special Love Note email for his loves…and it’s AH-mazing!!!
Keep reading to see the full Love Note!
Email dated 2.13.2020, 9:23 p.m.
From: weber.ben@benstavern.com
To: KissMeImIreland@kmail.com, wildcats85@kmail.com
Ireland and Caleb –
I’m not sure whose idea it was to get married on Valentine’s Day, but here I am alone in the farmhouse with you two at two different hotels so we don’t see each other the night before, and I’ve only got chocolate boxes and Greta-dog for company. I know it’s tradition and I know we’ll spend every single moment after the reception making up for lost time, but I miss you both the way I missed rain in the desert. Like maybe I’ll go mad without you, like maybe I’ll die, and the only thing keeping me alive is the promise of tomorrow.
The barn is all ready—Clementine the cow is moved to the neighbor’s, everything has been scrubbed from top to bottom, and now it looks like one of those cutesy event barns instead of a real-ass working barn. The lights are strung up everywhere, the tables and chairs are ready, and it even smells pretty nice, at least compared to before. Caleb, your tux and mine are hanging from our bedroom door, and Ireland, I see the silhouette of your gown hanging up in the guest room every time I walk past it. I haven’t peeked at it though, honest. (Okay, maybe I peeked a little. It looks beautiful.)
I need to sleep, but knowing this is the last night I’ll ever sleep alone in our bed has me so worked up and happy that all I can do is pace around the house grinning. I don’t think I’ve ever smiled this much, except for maybe yesterday when Ben and I were officially married at the courthouse. But tomorrow is our real wedding, the one for all of us. Even if the three of us can’t be married together on paper, we can be married where it counts—in front of our friends and family. And then after we do all the polite dancing and toasting, I’m dragging you both back to our bedroom and fucking you both until you can’t leave my bed. And I’m feeding you Valentine’s chocolates until the sun comes up (and then fucking you some more.)
I love you both, and marrying you tomorrow will be the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I don’t know what a grumpy ex-soldier has done to deserve you two, but I’ll do everything I can to deserve to keep you for the rest of my life—including kissing you senseless every chance I get.
The bossy man who’s desperately in love with you and soon-to-be-groom,
a Rafflecopter giveawaySierra is a voracious reader of all things including the smuttiest smut, young adult, piles of non-fiction for research, and everything Bill Bryson (especially on audio).
She loves writing the dirtiest things that she can think of, King Arthur, sparkling water, Tarot, coffee, leggings, and learning new words daily.
Her previous jobs have included firing ceramics, teaching living history lessons in one-room school house in full, 1908-approved school marm attire, and working as a librarian for several years—not in that order
She lives in the Kansas City area with her hot cop husband, two children, and two giant dogs. (And two cats, but they’re so naughty we don’t talk about them.)
The social media she cares about the most are Spotify and Instagram. Following her in those places is a true love language, indeed.
Sierra is represented by Rebecca Friedman of RF Literary; foreign rights are handled by Bookcase Literary. You can reach her at thesierrasimone@gmail.com, rights inquiries can be directed to Rebecca Friedman at Rebecca@rfliterary.com.
Ann Lopez says
I loved this book!
Crystal Stafford says
I love everything Sierra Simone and I am so happy to see more Ben, Caleb, and Ireland’s happily ever after! This Misadventure was my first Sierra read and, needless to say, ive been a woman possessed ever since! Thank you so much for these amazing love notes!
Ramona Johnson says
Changed my my mind! Ben’s Kettering to Ireland in Misadventures of a Curvey Girl! I loved that book😉. Gsh. These are getting harder and harder.
Michell Casper says
Loved this book. As for book boyfriends and dates, that’s a hard one too many to chose from.