Title: The Boss Upstairs (Orchard Heights Series Book #3)
Author: Roya Carmen
Genre: Contemporary Romance
A sweet and steamy Boss Secretary romance.
Gretchen Morris is barely thirty, yet she’s already a widow. Ethan, her two-year old boy, is the light of her life. This is it for her. She will never love anyone like she loved her late husband, Donovan. Every hour, he’s in her thoughts, in her heart, not letting go. She’s completely shattered because he’s gone, and every single day, she must live with the knowledge that she’s the one to blame.
She’s nothing but a hollow shell, going through her life on auto pilot, trying to be strong for Ethan, but failing miserably. She’s looking to become self-sufficient again, to head back into the job market and start a new chapter.
Surprisingly, all it takes is one jolt to bring her back to life; an opportunity to work with the reclusive wealthy man in the penthouse upstairs.
Weston Hanson is odd, beautiful, sweet, playful, and unlike anyone she’s ever met before. And he’s as broken as she is. He’s lived a man’s worst nightmare, gone through a divorce, and let go of a woman he loved dearly. He’s still obsessed with this woman and cannot move past the regrets in his life.
Can two people fall in love if their souls are full of broken memories, and their hearts are still held captive by others?
Author’s Note: Contains sexual scenes. 18+ THE BOSS UPSTAIRS is Book 3 of the Orchard Heights Series but can be enjoyed as a standalone.
Check out the other books in the Orchard Heights Series!
Weston is just so sweet…
Keep reading to see the full Love Note!
My lovely Gretchen,
As you know, I’ve always been a lone wolf, perhaps a bit too independent for my own good. Yet with you in my life, I never want to be alone. You make every day fun and better than the last. I’m thankful every day to have found you. Happy Valentine’s Day, my love.
Yours, always,
a Rafflecopter giveawayRomance writer, mom, book junkie. I have been writing for over ten years, finding my passion for romance in 2008. When I’m not spending time with my family, I enjoy reading, painting, and writing – there is nothing I enjoy more than sitting down at my laptop and making up my own stories – and if those stories should include beautiful men, a little romance, and a few steamy scenes, all the better!