Title: The Bodyguard & The Miss (The Vixens and Villains Series Book #3)
Author: Lotte James
Genre: Historical Romance
Their pasts are full of secrets – but will the dark truth set them free?
Angelique Fitzsimmons is not the girl all of society believes her to be. Only a select few friends know of her scandalous and adventurous self, but not even they know of the terror lurking in her heart. Neither can they ever, which is why she runs away without a word. Only, she wasn’t counting on the unsettling guard sent after her…
Will Hardy is nothing if not a man of his word. A year he has endured guarding Miss Fitzsimmons from no one but her reckless self; and so he must again when the spoiled chit decides to run away. But soon, he realizes there is more to her than he thought, and if only he can learn to open himself, they will both be able to find what neither was looking for to begin with. Love.
Redemption, adventure, secrets, desire, and love across Regency Britain.
Mention of past physical abuse (not explicit)
Murder (not explicit)
Mention of sexual assault (inferred not explicit)
Mention of depression
Check out the first book in the Vixens and Villains Series!
And did you see Harcourt wrote a Love Note two years ago – want to read it?
Euphemia Fortescue ran away from an arranged marriage ten years ago, and since, she has suffered the whims and trials of false friends and twisted lords. But since becoming a housemaid for Harcourt Sinclair, she has found some semblance of peace and purpose.
Harcourt Sinclair has been planning his revenge for twenty years against those peers of society who took everything from him. But his single-mindedness will cost him, unless he can learn to trust his least expected saviour…
Both live in the shadows, and know all too well the cruelty of those in power. The darkness in their hearts means they can never love – doesn’t it?
A tale of redemption, adventure, secrets, desire, and love in Regency London.
Percy wrote a Love Note last year – you can read it here!
Title: The Viscount & The Lighterman’s Daughter (The Vixens and Villains Series Book #2)
Author: Lotte James
Genre: Historical Romance
They’ve hidden their true selves – but can they find each other?
Viscount Percy Egerton nearly lost everything in the wake of his friend Harcourt Sinclair’s scandal. Not even taking over a shipping company and playing nighttime vigilante has helped him find what he wants most; himself. But when the daughter of one of his workers bursts into his life, he finds everything he ever wished for is within his grasp, if only he has the courage to reach out…
When Meg Lowell is dismissed and forced to return home to Sailortown, she is desperate to find the means to survive, and keep her family from destitution. Clever, and hardworking, she has no fear. At least until she meets Percy, and he threatens her with the most dangerous thing of all; love.
Redemption, adventure, secrets, desire, and love in the docklands of Regency London.
I love Will’s Note to Angelique!
Keep reading to see the full Love Note!
My dearest wife,
It is a year now that I have the honour of calling you that, and the wonder of it hasn’t faded; nor will it ever. So much has passed in a year; and I would not trade a moment of it for the world.
Never for a second did I believe such a life as I have with you – as you have given me, with your kindness, courage, and belief – could be for me. And yet, here I am living the dream I dared not dream so very long ago. With you, and our beautiful daughter, in our home, in this new world we have made our own.
We began this marriage under pretence, but know, even then, it was real to me. When I saw you before that chapel in Oban, when we made our vows, I meant them, even then. You are the realest thing I have ever known, and I hope that not once since we met again on the deck of that ship, have you doubted the depth of my devotion and love for you.
I do not say it often enough, how grateful I am for you, my love. How grateful I am for our life, for this peace you have brought me. I cannot wait to make you mine again, before our family and friends this time.
I can tarry no longer this morning, I am already expected at the docks. But know, I did not forget this day, nor shall I ever, for it made you my wife.
Until this evening my love,
Your husband
a Rafflecopter giveawayLotte James trained as an actor, but spent most of her life working day jobs crunching numbers whilst dreaming up stories of love and adventure. Now, she’s finally writing those stories; the third instalment in her self-published Vixens & Villains series was just released. When she’s not scribbling on tiny pieces of paper, she’s off wandering the countryside for inspiration, or nestling with coffee and a book.