Title: Fastball Flirt (Boys of Summer Series Book #1)
Author: Kelsey Cheyenne
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Sports Romance
It was meant to be a fling…
One hot summer with a major league flirt. The star pitcher with chocolatey brown hair, eyes to match, and a body I drooled over.
I wanted to have fun, make once in a lifetime memories, travel across the country.
I didn’t mean to fall in love.
I had dreams to fulfill and goals to achieve.
I had a plan.
But plans have a bad habit of falling apart.
Oh my goodness could Hollis get any cuter?
Keep reading to see the full Love Note!
My Dearest Lila,
I know you wanted a lowkey Valentine’s Day this year, but since our love story started in hotels, I couldn’t pass up this opportunity. I had to make our first Valentine’s Day as husband a wife memorable.
Inside this envelope you’ll find a room key to a suite at the same hotel you stayed at when you flew down here to win me back. In the box under this note you’ll find the outfit you’re supposed to wear to the room tonight. I’d prefer if you wore nothing else, but you might want to cover up with that pink trench coat I love so much. Once you get to the hotel, you’ll find a cart in the room full of strawberries and whipped cream. I thought we could start another war with our favorite food and both come out as winners.
Lila Graham, I love you with my whole heart and soul. I love being married to my best friend and I can’t wait to see what else married life brings. I can’t wait to coach our son’s little league team or teach our daughter tee-ball. Hopefully soon we’ll have a little one running around to fill up that big house of ours.
For now, I’m just excited to keep practicing.
Happy Valentine’s Day, sweetheart. I’ll see you soon.
Forever yours,
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Kelsey has always been an avid reader and writer and recently she has decided to share her stories with the world. She has a golden retriever she’s madly in love with and a true crime obsession.
Alicia says
This is amazing!