Title: The Blind Date Diaries
Author: Brenda St John Brown
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Dating? Lower than a bikini wax on my list of priorities.
Blind dating? Let’s just say I’d rather have a Brazilian – and notthe hot soccer-player variety.
So the fact I’ve agreed to do a blind-date feature for Pink, the magazine I work for, and write it all up Bridget Jones style means one thing – Pink is in dire straits and this is my best shot at saving my job.
Make that my only shot because date number one is with Jack Reese – the son of the publisher of Pink – and he dislikes me as much as I dislike him.
Or at least I thought he did.
Jack has big plans for Angeline…
Keep reading to see the full Love Note!
Angeline – The funny thing about the fact that you hate me is that I’m crazy about you. (I mean, we’re not talking funny-haha here. It’s more like funny-fucking-tragic, but that’s not the point.)
The point is, from the first time we met, I’ve been drawn to you. I walked into my mother’s McMansion, cold and smelling like a wet dog after not having power for three days in the middle of a Rochester, NY winter, and there you were – all prim and proper, lunching with the ladies. Your nose wrinkled when I sat down next to you, and well, being me, I covered up my embarrassment by being extra brash. But my dickhead behavior didn’t mean I didn’t notice you. The way your blond hair caught the light. The curve of your cheek. The pinky nail on your left hand jagged and bitten.
It was that pinky nail that did it for me. Weird, I know. You sat there in your black suit and crisp pink blouse, laughing at the right times, nodding appropriately, keeping your opinions to yourself. And I get it. You were newly employed by Pink, my mom is your boss. Blah, blah, blah. I was ready to write you off as capital-B Boring.
Then I reached across you for a dinner roll and your lips pursed. It was so quick I might have imagined it. But I didn’t imagine the way you dug that pinky nail into your thumb, like you were holding in a retort that could make a truck driver blush.
And yeah, in that minute you became a challenge. I wanted to pry that retort out of you. I wanted to see you cut loose. Yes, that includes you cutting loose in bed. And yes I’ve imagined how fucking fantastic that could be. Sorry, not sorry.
Of course, we’re a long way from that. The bedroom, not you cutting loose. I’ve been on the receiving end of plenty of your retorts since we’ve met. I’m not deluded enough to think you’re using sarcasm and irritation to cover up your true feelings for me. Those are your true feelings for me, I have no doubt.
But I’m telling you now, I’m going to win you over. Starting with our not-so-blind blind date. See you Friday, sweetheart.
Jack xo
a Rafflecopter giveawayBrenda is a displaced New Yorker living in the English countryside. She’s lived in the UK long enough to gain dual citizenship, but still doesn’t understand Celsius. However, she has learned the appropriate use of the word “pants”. And how to order a proper bacon bap/barm/buttie. Because, well, bacon.
Brenda writes contemporary romance to make you giggle and swoon. When she’s not writing, she enjoys hiking, running and reading. In theory, she also enjoys cooking, but it’s more that she enjoys eating and, try as she might, she can’t live on Doritos alone.
For more information or to connect with Brenda visit her website.