Title: The Lies of Bryn Van Doren
Author: R.C. Martin
Genre: Contemporary Romance
In the heart of Lower Manhattan, amid a maze of dark decadence, is one of New York City’s best kept secrets. Among the highest of Wall Street’s elite–Khalohn Morgan is in on it. Reputed as a generous lover, coveted by all the women of Clandestine’s, he’s often satisfied.
Until her.
Jessica Chapman knows she’s nothing more than a girl from Brooklyn who works hard and loves deep. When her ailing mother struggles to make ends meet, she doesn’t think twice before stepping in to help. As bad goes to worse, her determination to do anything for the woman who raised her is put to the test.
It’s desperation that leads her into the bowels of Clandestine’s. The world of secrets beckons her to slip into the persona of Bryn van Doren. But it’s him who leaves her tangled in a bed of lies.There’s a place where your mind can escape, your body can find rest, and your heart can soar – and R.C. Martin wants to take you there.
In a voice all her own, she strives to capture the magic of a kiss, the passion in a lovers’ embrace, and even sometimes the breathtaking ache of a broken heart. A true believer in the power of love and the grace found in redemption, you can trust this hopeless romantic to take you on an emotional ride that leaves you forever changed.
Khalohn is just so charming…
Keep reading to see the full Love Note!
From: khalohnm@kmgroup.org
To: dancingjess95@gmail.com
Subject: Across the Atlantic
I kissed you goodbye the day before yesterday and boarded a plane out of the country. For the last two days, I’ve been in meetings, knee deep in negotiations and planning sessions. This is a business trip, as routine as any other. Busy as I’ve been, you consume my first thoughts every morning, and today was no exception.
When I left, I didn’t consider the date, only how long I’d be away before I could come home to you. Valentine’s Day holds no significance to me. It’s been more than a decade since I’ve had someone in my life who might care about roses and chocolates on the day. You’ve never mentioned it. Something tells me you wouldn’t, even if the thought crossed your mind. For reasons I can hardly fathom, I’m enough for you, just as I am. This is why I cannot ignore Valentine’s Day, even if it’s nothing more than a made-up holiday.
I told you once, there were no promises between us—only the decision to explore what we had. I hope you know that’s no longer true. These last few months have been better than I ever imagined I could have. You, alone, have brought immeasurable value to my life. Each day with you makes it harder to consider my life without you. You have my heart, precious. I want you to know, temporary as it may be, I feel the four thousand miles between us a little more each day.
My morning is already underway, and I know you won’t check your email until you wake up in a few hours—but as soon as you finish reading this, pack a weekend bag. Atzel will pick you up at the loft at ten. Your first-class flight to Naples is at twelve thirty. I’ll arrange for someone to meet you at the airport and drop you at my hotel. As soon as I’m finished with my last meeting, the weekend is ours.
February isn’t the best time of year to play tourist, but I won’t have you alone on Valentine’s Day. We’ll make the best of it. If it rains all weekend, maybe we’ll just stay in bed and I’ll spoil you with the best room service has to offer. It’s not chocolate and roses, but I hope it’ll do.
See you soon, precious.
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There’s a place where your mind can escape, your body can find rest, and your heart can soar – and R.C. Martin wants to take you there.In a voice all her own, she strives to capture the magic of a kiss, the passion in a lovers’ embrace, and even sometimes the breathtaking ache of a broken heart. A true believer in the power of love and the grace found in redemption, you can trust this hopeless romantic to take you on an emotional ride that leaves you forever changed.