Title: Miss Understanding (Miss Series Book #1)
Author: Aubrey Bondurant
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Liam Davenport is the most infuriating man I’ve ever known – and he’s my boss.
Worse, he’s undeniably sexy. At least until I’m subject to one of his trademark sighs of disapproval. I’m counting the days until I can walk away from this job. But first, I need to survive the trip from hell he’s dragged me on. One entire week with his arrogant smile and my unexpected naughty thoughts.
I might get fired.
He just might be worth it.
Kendall Tate is the most distracting woman I’ve ever met – and she’s my assistant.
She’s irritatingly clever, and much too nice for the likes of me. I need to remain professional, even if the smell of her strawberry lip gloss is my kryptonite. No matter how much I want her, Kendall is off limits.
Growing closer to her might be a mistake.
I might just take the risk.No bosses were actually harmed in the writing of Miss Understanding.
Check out the other book in the Miss Series…
Liam is such a sweetie…
Keep reading to see the full Love Note!
Dear Kendall,
I miss you. I know it’s only one night of business away from you, but I already crave the taste of your strawberry lip gloss.
I never realized how lonely I was until you forced your way into my life. Kidding. We both know it was me who did the forcing when I dragged you onto the trip from hell. Yet you managed to make it better. You made me better.
I can hardly believe everything that’s happened since then. I’ve gone from a man solely focused on my job to one who can’t wait to come home to you. You deserve more than I can possibly give you, but everything I have is yours.
Prepare yourself for tomorrow. It’s Valentine’s Day and I’m fully invested in redeeming myself after last year. Yet I know even in giving you roses, chocolate, and a romantic dinner, you’ll simply say I’m enough.
I’m so glad grown up Liam has much better taste than high school Liam (always our inside joke).
I love you. I love our life together.
Always yours,
a Rafflecopter giveawayAubrey Bondurant loves to read, write and travel. Matter of fact many of the travels you read about in her books are based on her trips. Her writing style is a combination of chick lit and erotic romance or “smutty chick lit” as she calls it. Or “Adult Contemporary Romantic Comedy”. When she isn’t working full time or spending time with her family, she puts her fingers to keyboard and crafts a story. She only wishes there were more hours in the day! As a former member of the U.S. Marine Corps, she’s passionate about veteran charities and giving back to the community. She also loves a drooly dog, a great margarita and watching football! The “Something Series” will consist of 5 books. Tell Me Something, Ask Me Something, Bet Me Something, Teach Me Something and coming later in 2017: Show Me Something
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