Title: Harmony (A Dare to Desire Novel)
Author: Kyra Fox
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: February 12, 2021
The last thing I was expecting to find when I crawl naked into bed at 1 AM is a scantily dressed woman already sleeping in it.
Once upon a time, I believed in happily ever after, but it was brutally ripped away from me, and I closed myself to the option of ever finding love again.
I don’t deserve a second chance at happiness, a notion I firmly held onto for eight years.
Until I met Lauren.
From a young age, I was taught to always avoid risks.
It’s what led me to waste ten years on a man who never really loved me and eventually took everything I worked hard to achieve.
But playing it safe is a notion I just can’t seem to let go of.
Until I met Michael.
Harmony is a standalone novel in the Dare to Desire Bookverse. I recommend starting with the BFF Series for more insights on the characters and their backstories.
Harmony releases in just 5 days but you can pre-order it for only 99 cents!
Michael wrote his Rockstar a song…
Keep reading to see the full Love Note!
Hey Rockstar,
Remember how on our first night together you asked me if I was going to write a song about you? Well, every song since I first laid eyes on you was written about you, Lauren.
This is our first Valentine’s together (and our last one alone before Gremlin joins our little family), so I wrote you one specially for today.
It’s called Jasmine Blossoms.
I once asked you
Never to question
And never to doubt
When the truth is
I was the one who couldn’t live without
You were a whirlwind of
Jasmine blossom
And a teasing glare
Pulling me in
Making me dare
To remember what life
Felt like in color
That my heart can beat
In harmonic rhythm
Making the song of my life complete
Yeah, cheesy, I know.
But I love you, Rockstar, and I’ll just keep being a sexy-sappy idiot as long as you’re around (emphasis on the sexy, though).
You’re my harmony, Lore.
And you belong by my side, don’t you ever doubt that.
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Heart-Stopping Romance Guaranteed to Melt Your Screen and Your HeartPainter of whiskey, namer of beers, fueled by coffee and inappropriate thoughts.Kyra writes sex-positive love stories full of strong women, beautiful female friendships, alpha cinnamon roll men (aka – alpharolls), a whole lot of passion perfectly paired with intimacy, and that oh so sweet HEA.A firm believer in “words create reality,” she aims to break the taboo around women’s sexuality and toxic masculinity one contemporary rom-com at a time.
Kyra Fox says
Thank you for sharing Michael’s sexy-soppy love note!