Title: The Failed Audition (Circus is Family Series)
Author: Krista & Becca Ritchie
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Love is a circus
Thora James has one dream. Become an aerialist in Amour, the sexy new acrobatic show on the Vegas strip.
Her dreams do not include:
1. Meeting Nikolai Kotova the night before her audition
2. Losing a bet to that confident, charming, and devilishly captivating six-foot-five “God of Russia”
3. Letting that devil pierce an…intimate part of her
4. Walking into her audition and seeing him there
So when Thora fails the most important audition of her life and refuses to give up her dream, Nikolai feels compelled to protect the innocent, Midwest girl with dark-as-night eyes.
But Sin City is ready to swallow Thora whole, and with Nikolai being her ultimate protector, Thora starts realizing her dreams might be changing.
And that’s her greatest fear of all.
This sexy and unputdownable Contemporary Romance can best be described as Cirque du Soleil meets the steamy, athletic romance of Center Stage.
This book was previously published with the title Amour Amour.
Check out the other book in the Circus is Family Series…
Nikolai’s Note is SO amazing!
Keep reading to see the full Love Note!
I once called you idealistic, but the truth has always been that I admire you, Thora. Your idealism, bravery, and determination are just a few of a million beautiful things about you. Things I’ve fallen so in love with. Happy Valentine’s Day, myshka. There’s no one in the world I’d rather spend today with than you.
Love, your Nikolai
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NYT & USA Today Bestselling Authors Krista & Becca Ritchie are identical twins—one a science nerd, the other a comic book geek—but with their shared passion for writing, they combined their mental powers as kids and have never stopped telling stories. They love superheroes, flawed characters, and soul mate love.To stay up to date on new releases, bonus content, and more, sign up for Krista & Becca’s Newsletter: www.kbritchie.com/newsletter