Title: Bearded Dessert (One of the Boys Series Book #3)
Author: Teresa Crumpton
Genre: Contemporary Romance
“New” dad Forest Jenson has been totally focused on getting his life together for the daughter he hadn’t known he had. But no matter how much time and energy it takes to raise a child and run a business with his best friends, there’s still something – or someone, rather – missing. That someone? The gorgeous Jax Sark.
Joclyn “Jax” Sark has a secret. From the moment she first laid eyes on him, she thought Forest was the sexiest man she’d ever seen. And all the time they’ve spent together certainly hasn’t changed that. There’s just one problem. They’re so close now, they’re practically family. So upsetting the balance and acting on her feelings is out of the question… right?
Check out the other books in the One of the Boys Series…
Last year Wes wrote a Love Note – have you read it?
I love how much Forest loves Joclyn!
Keep reading to see the full Love Note!
The day we met was one of the best––and worst––weeks of my life. The best because I’d just learned I had a beautiful daughter which also made it the worst because I had a seven-year-old daughter I never knew about. And she was now solely my responsibility. I honestly didn’t know how my precious little girl was going to fit into my life, but I knew I was going to need to make some changes for her.
In one short week, two of the most important women in my life walked into my world. The morning we walked into Voodoo and I first laid my eyes on you, I wanted to ask you out right then. But that’s what single Forest would have done…before. I now had to think about Ella, so I waited. As Wes, Rex, Adam, and Trey would say, I slow-rolled it. I had to learn what my new life would be like, then get to know the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen.
After months of friendship and making sure I was in the right place for myself and Ella, I asked you out, and you said yes, which I wasn’t sure you’d do. That was a bad night, and I know I acted like an ass. I was so scared when I pulled up to your place and found cops surrounding it. I knew then that I wanted you to live with Ella and me, but I almost screwed it up.
I wanted to scream from the rooftop that you were mine, and I honestly thought about keeping you locked up in my apartment, but thankfully, I knew that wasn’t rational. I knew I couldn’t demand you live with me. Hell, it was supposed to be our first official date, but I already knew you were the one for me.
I had known from the moment I laid eyes on you that you were the one for me. I just had to make sure I was the one for you, especially since I was a package deal.
I’ll never be able to tell you what it means to me knowing you think of Ella as your own, that you accept all my flaws––including Wes & Rex, that you love me, and most of all that you said yes. I could never have imagined the love and happiness that would come out of the tragedy of Ella losing her mother.
Thank you for standing by my side as our beautiful girl mourned her loss, as I learned to be a father and friend, and as we start our journey together. I can’t wait to see what our future holds, and I know we’ll stand side-by-side against whatever comes our way.
I love you.
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Teresa Crumpton is a hybrid: she grew up in the Midwest and the American South. She writes dark supernatural thrillers and contemporary romance. She loves classic horror movies and Shakespeare. She never thought she’d turn her passion for writing into a career, but here she is!When Teresa isn’t writing, you can find her at book signings or traveling the world with the perfect man for her. She’s living the dream and keeping a promise she made to her father before he passed.
Lisa Kendall says
Such a deeply emotional story.