Title: The Fear of Falling
Author: B. Cranford
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Everyone knows love is a battlefield. For Lenny Johnstone, it’s more like a challenge.
Actually, everything is kind of a challenge for her. In comparison to her stunning—yet flighty—twin sister, Lenny’s awkwardly tall, painfully shy, and not so good at putting herself out there. Which is why she’s decided it’s high time she faced her demons. Starting with the one thing that’s always terrified her most: roller coasters.
Meeting a man was not on her summer to-do list. Falling for the tall, dark, and handsome stranger who wants to help her overcome her fears wasn’t either.
But Lenny’s about to learn that the only thing with more twists and turns than a roller coaster is love.
Rowan’s Love Note is super cute!
Keep reading to see the full Love Note!
Flip this over, and take a good look at us before you read this, okay? I’ll wait…
Did you do it? I guess it doesn’t really matter if you didn’t, but I do love to hear you laugh, and you always laugh when I give you a copy of this photo. Do I need to remind you that it was the first day we met? Incidentally, the first day I loved you. Or that it’s the perfect pic of us, even if it’s so incredibly unflattering that I’ve never been brave enough to show it to my sisters? (Please don’t use that against me, Lenny, I beg you. I’ll never hear the end of it once they’ve seen it, and I’m still carrying around the drivers license Marina saddled me with.)
I know these past few months have been hard. I know that you’ve faced fear and uncertainty and worry about your friends and coworkers and students and family. But, Challenger, you did what you do best—you rose to the occasion. You didn’t let the fear defeat you and I’m so proud of you. Even better, I know you’re proud of yourself.
I hate that we can’t go back to Island Heights and ride the rides, but I‘m thinking you don’t need that surge of adrenaline to want to kiss me anymore, so when you’re finally done reading this, come find me and we’ll reenact our first kiss—only this time we won’t have to worry about finding somewhere more private.
Love, Rowan
PS I’m crazed about you. Don’t forget.
PPS Good thing I got the 8×10 photo this time, huh?
a Rafflecopter giveawayB. Cranford is a proud Australian living in the USA, a lover of books, breadsticks and bed, and the mother of two children who are far too similar to their father for her liking. A lifelong reader, she dove into the romance genre on the recommendation of her best friend and hasn’t looked back since. Her debut novel, The Brightest Star, a second chance romance with (she hopes) heart and humor was released on July 13, 2017, which just so happened to be her birthday. Because if you release a book on your birthday, you get twice as much cake, and that can only be a good thing.