Title: Mine to Keep (Love By Design Series Book #7)
Author: M.C. Cerny
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Remington Kennedy was out of “bless your hearts” to give. She moved North for a chance at something better. Her compass to success was getting an education and getting out of tornado alley. A failed scholarship led her to tending bar. A lie drove her into the arms of the town football star filled with hopes and dreams. A year later, she found herself with a baby on the way, more lost than ever, alone, and terrified.
Evan Rooney was nobody’s hero. As a good cop in a small town, he felt the daily weight of responsibility. Known as the Preacher’s son, he struggled to keep his faith…but secrets have a way of finding the surface and Evan finds himself drawn to the red headed barmaid with a bun in the oven like a moth to it’s flame.
Both need a little saving…both need love, and a baby needs a family made of more than just DNA.
Book seven in the Love By Design series of contemporary romantic comedies.
Check out the other books in the Love by Design Series…
Evan isn’t the only one who has written a Love Note – Hunter wrote a note for Taylor Jane and Whittaker wrote one for Amelia!
So much heart and swoon in Evan’s Note!
Keep reading to see the full Love Note!
My Sweet Girl,
This will be our first Valentine’s Day, and I love that I get to call you my own. I’m excited to share many more firsts with you. We’ve covered kisses, Die Hard movies, and argued over soft versus hard shell tacos. Soft shells, please – I don’t think my back molar can take it after the cookie incident. It’s hard to believe the first time I shared an ice cream sundae with you, we argued over what flavor goes best with chocolate and vanilla. I’m glad we agreed strawberry wasout. I still vote for pistachio because banana seems redundant, but one look from you and I melt, caving in, to whatever you like. That’s the kind of sway you have over me.
Our love story didn’t begin the most conventional of ways. There was no meet cute unless we consider passing glances at the bar filled with sexual tension and almost giving birth in my patrol car a thing. And even though I tried to stay away, I couldn’t. You were mine even then. Especially, when Andy and David were busy kicking me out and warning me off. I wish I had met you first, only so that you’d never have to experience being hurt like before. I have comfort in knowing you trusted me first when you needed someone the most. Every day you make me want to be a better man.
When you’re tired from a long day of being the best mommy in the world, I love watching you fall asleep. I never knew how hot it would be to know you trust me to watch over you and our son. He’s mine in all the ways that count. Thank you for trusting me to be his father and role model. Thank you for trusting me to be your partner in all things. Gettinginto bed and pulling you close, feeling the love that words seem inadequate to describe is the most fantastic, magical thing I’ve ever experienced.
So, on our first big day tomorrow, I can’t wait to see you open your eyes, a little hazy from sleep and kiss your soft lips. Fingers crossed our baby boy sleeps in so I can enjoy you a little longer before I have to share you with him. I’m a selfish with you, but I can’t seem to help it. I like knowing you’re mine to keep, always. This must be why babies are so adorable for all the cock-blocking they do. He has your nose and your shy giggle, and while he’s still a good cuddler for being such a stinker – your hugs are the ones I need most. I want them to start every day and end every night. I want regular planned date nights with you, and all the secret stolen moments in the laundry room we can get away with.
Don’t worry about dinner. Seriously. Please avoid the kitchen at all costs. Promise me, please. I’ve got the eveningcovered so we can give the boys at the firehouse a night off. The only thing I want is your sweet lips for dessert. You’re my world Remington, both you and our baby Ethan. With your love, anything is possible and every day is a first day to loving you even more.
I love you,
a Rafflecopter giveawayM.C. Cerny fell in love with books after experiencing her first real ugly cry reading, Where The Red Fern Grows. Her debut romantic suspense novel, Flashpoint was written in a series of post-it-note ramblings that would likely make her idol Tom Clancy and her mother blush. She is a post graduate of NYU, and calls rural NJ home with her menagerie of human and fur-babies. When M.C. is not writing, you’ll find her lurking in Starbucks, running stupid marathon, singing Disney show tunes, and searching out the perfect shade of pink nail polish. xoxo