Title: Can’t Help Falling In Love (Calamity Falls Small Town Romance Series Book #6)
Author: Erika Kelly
Genre: Contemporary Romance
What happens in Vegas doesn’t always stay in Vegas…
The moment Beckett O’Neill retires from professional sports, he swears off schedules and commitments. His new gig has him hopping from one exotic location to the next. No strings, no responsibilities. Nothing that will tie him down.
Until he runs into her, the woman who stole his heart for a night in Vegas…and finds out he has a five-year-old daughter. One who believes wholeheartedly she’s a fairy. What’s he supposed to do with that? It’s not like he even knows what being a good father looks like.
When life gives you lemons…make chocolate. As a single mom, Coco Cavanaugh manages to find a happy balance raising her little girl, while running her chocolate shop. It’s a good, safe life. One she’s proud of.
When fate brings them together again, Coco remembers exactly why she fell into bed with the irresistible Beckett. But she’s not that free-spirited girl anymore. And his jet-setting lifestyle doesn’t fit with raising a child.
But there’s no force more powerful in the world than love—and Beckett can’t help but fall for the Cavanaugh girls.
They’re everything he never wanted.
He’s everything she didn’t think they needed.
Check out the other books in the Calamity Falls Series…
Some of the other boys from Calamity Falls have written Love Notes – check out Cassian’s Love Note to Gigi and Will’s Love Note to Delilah
Oh my stars…my heart is just melting over this note!
Keep reading to see the full Love Note!
Dear Coco,
Violet’s milk-drunk, Posie’s conked-out, and you’ve got your head in my lap, snoring like a Harley.
And me? I can’t get rid of this stupid grin, because I’ve never been happier in my life.
How did this happen? A year ago, I was determined to stay single and childless. I wanted a life of adventure, free of ties and commitments. Who knew the greatest adventure of all would be falling in love with you and raising our daughters together?
It seems ridiculous now, but I thought my gold medals would be my highest achievement. I imagined nothing more fulfilling than a life of travel and reckless experiences. Instead, I have an embarrassment of riches in the form of…love.
More love than a man like me could deserve in a dozen lifetimes.
As I watch my three girls sleeping—my chocolate-maker, my fairy, and my newborn—my heart beats faster, and I’m seized with the determination to keep you all safe and to make sure my girls grow up confident and strong, knowing their power.
I will love you, protect you, cherish you, respect you, and carry your burdens when they grow too heavy, every day for the rest of our lives.
All my love,
a Rafflecopter giveawayAward-winning author Erika Kelly has been spinning romantic tales all her life–she just didn’t know it. Raised on the classics, she didn’t discover romantic fiction until later in life. From that moment on, she’s been devouring the genre and has found her true voice as an author. Over three decades she’s written poems, screenplays, plays, short stories, and all kinds of women’s fiction novels. Married to the love of her life and raising four children, she’s lived in two countries and seven states, but give her pen and paper, a stack of good books, and a steaming mug of vanilla chai latte and she can make her home anywhere.