Title: Totally Folked (Good Folk Series Book #1)
Author: Penny Reid
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: July 20, 2021
The good folks of small-town Green Valley, Tennessee labor to find love despite their well-meaning (and very quirky) neighbors’ attempts to lend a less-than helping hand.Â
OMGGGG!!!!! After Jackson’s Note I NEED this book NOW!!!!!!!!
Keep reading to see the full Love Note!
Dear Raquel,
It’s been a long time since we last met (since the only time we met) and I reckon you wouldn’t be surprised to discover I still think about you every day.
It’s not just seeing your face on billboards and in the movies that keeps you on my mind. You don’t need me saying so, but you’re definitely a woman who is difficult to forget. This wouldn’t be a problem typically, since our shared night was truly exceptional. It’d be a shame for even one second of the memory to fade. Except thoughts of you keep clouding my vision, making it near impossible to see anyone else.
Would you be surprised if I told you that I’ve repented? Changed my ways? Maybe it’s too late. Maybe I won’t be any good to anyone—definitely no one respectable or proper—but I’m tired. I’m so tired of pretending all the time, and I don’t even remember when I started faking.
Maybe with you? Maybe after we were together. I didn’t fake anything that night, and being with you, touching you, holding you feels like the last real moment I can recall. It’s like the lights never came back on when I woke up and you were gone.
Are you tired? Or do you still like the—what did you call it? The “elegant tension” caused by two strangers sharing their bodies but nothing else? You said you had a rule to never be with the same man twice. I often wonder if some of your suitors hear that and take the words as a challenge.
I didn’t at the time. But since . . . well, things change. People change. I’d like to be the reason you break that rule.
Fact is, I don’t know you well, but I think I know what you’d say. This letter is a waste of time, I should forget about you. You did, after all, warn me. You were as generous with your words of caution as you were with your body, and so I can’t claim ignorance nor will I ever complain. But I’ve always wished, even though I knew you would never stay, you would’ve let me kiss you goodbye.
Maybe then you would’ve had just as much trouble forgetting about me.
a Rafflecopter giveawayPenny Reid is the USA Today Best Selling Author of the Winston Brothers and Knitting in the City series. When she’s not immersed in penning smart romances, Penny works in the biotech industry as a researcher. She’s also a full time mom to three diminutive adults, wife, daughter, knitter, crocheter, sewer, general crafter, and thought ninja.
Jane Vogler says
I can hardly wait for Jackson’s book. I’m ready to meet a whole new side to Cletus’ nemesis. Does he still have itchy shorts?
Kelly Rosenthal says
So many feels for Jackson. Can’t wait to read this!
Melanie says
Oh my gosh. I’ve already preordered. But now, after reading, book can’t get here fast enough.
Anne Wright says
I am looking forward to Jackson’s book, to finally read his HEA.
Viviana Varona says
I can’t wait!!!!
Kat says
I’m so happy to see Riley + Alex. But I’m super excited to hear Jackson talk about his true love. Bring on the Good Folks!!