Jack Daniels is the cure to all evils.
Sex should be casual and, preferably, anonymous.
Giving a damn is for nurses, philanthropists and suicide hotlines.
My name is Mathew Rogers and those are the values I built my adult life around. They are also the reason I had to forsake everything I loved in Seattle and embark on a solitary road trip across the country, with no direction other than searching for the next small town, the next girl, and the closest liquor store.
Boredom, frustration and a series of unfortunate decisions led me to the rickety-ass town of Jolene, Alabama—a town I wanted to leave behind from the moment I passed the welcome sign. But it was there where I met her. The girl who made me question everything I’ve always believed in, and the only one who has ever had the power to break my heart.
Her name is Lexie.
She’s beautiful, and I’m pretty sure she hates me.
And for once in my life, I give enough of a damn that I keep finding a reason to stay.
“Hey there,” a chipper voice with a very noticeable drawl sounds to my right.
Lifting my head to acknowledge the source of the voice, through my peripheral vision I see a narrow waist covered in navy fabric and a hand with purple nail polish and a girly skull ring, but I don’t bother to look at her further. I just can’t. I know she’ll be some nice southern-hospitality enthusiast trying to start a conversation, and welcome me to this town. Being one hundred percent sure that I’ll lose it if I’m subjected to that I bend my elbows, anchor them on the table and burry my head in my palms.
“Welcome to The Jukebox. I’m Lexie.”
I roll my eyes at her stupid name. Of course you’re a Lexie.
“Excuse me, do you have a problem with Lexies?” she asks, the previous friendliness in her voice completely gone.
Unlike most people, I don’t flinch, frown or apologize when I’m called out on my rudeness. I’m me and I don’t give a fuck. Without removing my head from my hands, I reply the only thing I can think of. “No, I don’t.”
“Good, ‘cause you’re stuck with me . . . Lexie . . . your waitress . . . up here.” Her cheery tone is back, obviously trying to be cute with me.
Usually I’d take her cue and have some flirty fun, and if she ranks seven or up, I’d put some mild effort, leave her a big fat tip and take her home for the night. But as previously stated, I DON’T WANT TO BE HERE. Besides, considering how hard she’s trying to be nice, I bet she’s no more than a five in the looks department. With that in mind, I give her a sarcastic thumbs-up and return my hand to its place, holding my aching head up.
She chuckles. “Come on. You’re really not gonna even look at me?”
And now she’s pushed me too far.
I puff a lung full of air. “No, I’m not.” With my eyes fixed on the tabletop, I continue. “Listen, sweetheart, I’m betting you were prom queen of this shithole, and for that reason you’re sure that if I just look at you, we’ll fall in love, get married, and you’ll get to quit your shitty-ass waiting job and actually be someone in life. But I’m not interested. I’ve had about five of you this week alone, and I’m just sick of it. So why don’t you quit with the chit-chat and do your fucking job, which is not that hard, by the way.”
She takes in a sharp intake of breath and lets it out in a loaded sigh. “Wow. Okaaay then. I’m so happy we got that settled. Are you ready to hear the specials, order or leave?”
The Reason I Stay by Patty Maximini
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
*ARC Given to Blog for Honest Review*
4 “tucks his hair behind his ear” “taps her finger” “rose” Kisses
OMG…I did not know I was going to fall in love with those characters as much as I did…wow. I was completely pulled into this story, practically from the beginning and it was a rush of emotions from start to finish. The Reason I Stay was a fantastic angsty romance…exactly what I needed and gave me all the feels and then some.
Mathew Ian Rogers…love the name by the way…oh my Matty…my little reformed douche bag. There is no secret to the fact that before Matt gets sucked into Jolene, Alabama and all it’s charm, he’s a grade-A ass hole. He’s selfish…a jerk…rude on his good days…pretentious without even trying…I mean, the list of his negative traits can go for miles…so I’m sure you’re wondering why I liked him because…yes, even after all that, I did love Matt. Mathew is the prime example of the possibility of change. The problem with Matt is that for years…ever since his mom died…he hasn’t been able to truly be himself. Once he stopped doing what his dad wanted or what he “should do”…he finally started doing what he loved and for no other reason that because he wanted to and it’s like…presto – the awesome guy appears. I loved the change in Matt…he does a complete 180 but that also has a lot to do with a blonde girl that put him in his place and wouldn’t let him get away with his shit.
‘I spent my life saying what I thought, doing what I wanted, and never giving a damn. The weirdest part is that everyone around me always took my shit, and some even encouraged me. But Lexie didn’t, and it was fucking annoying and aggravating, and I hated it. It was also refreshing.’
Lexington Amelia Blake…I may or may not have a girl crush on Lexie…she freaking rocked my face off. She’s awesome…there is no other word to describe her. The poor girl has had some shitty luck but she’s been very blessed to have some awesome friends and family surround her and support her. She doesn’t let her past control her…she doesn’t use it as a crutch – it happened, it sucked and she’s going to do better for herself…and that made me like her even more. I loved how stubborn she was…how she didn’t let anyone push her around…especially tall, blonde and sexy boys that are used to getting what they want. I also loved her tattoo and the meaning behind it…a beautiful representation of the people she loves. Lexie has this very magnetic spirit…it was very easy to see what drew Matt to her.
I turn to look at her. There’s a weird mixture of emotions in her expression. Her lips are turned into a side smile while her brows are slightly frowned. “You should really go back to being a jerk, before I stop disliking you.”
The words confuse me for a second. In the next it sinks in and…Hell NO!
I cock a brow, and pull my lips in a smug smirk. “Are you sure about that? Liking me could be really good, Lexie.”
“I doubt it. I’m sure it’d be all kinds of bad.”
OMG…Lexie and Matt…I don’t know what it is about a couple that fights, but a part of me can’t help but love it…and Lexie and Matt have some amazing combativeness going on. He is honestly a flat out ass…but he’s a gorgeous ass, and unfortunately he does know that part. I couldn’t get over how Lexie responded to him though, I really wanted to high five this chick for putting him in his place…cause someone needed to! Once we get past the initial fighting stage and they actually start to get to know each other…I was a gonner. His daily visits to the diner where she works…the ticks…the songs he plays her on the jukebox…they had this little flow and rhythm and I was lulled into lovey-dovey land…they hadn’t even gone out on a date and I was in love with everything about them. So as you can imagine, the deeper they got…the deeper I got and I was completely wrapped up in every nuance about them.
‘When the silence becomes too much, I ask, “What are you thinking?”
I nod. “Always.”
He smiles. “I’m thinking that with the jokes, and the beer, and the possibility of being frisked under the table, you’re kind of perfect, and I really need to convince you that even though you’re tired and in your work clothes, that this should be a date.”
I blink a few times, at a complete loss for words. What you reply to something like that? What do you say to a man who says the most inappropriate things, and still makes you feel like goo? I honestly have no idea, but deep down I’m dying to let him convince me that this should be a date, because he’s kind of perfect too.’
The Reason I Stay is a very interesting read for me…it’s steamy, yet with no steam. I know…this sounds confusing…but there is sex, we just don’t read about it. There’s kissing…there’s romance…there’s swoony-ness galore (trust me…I was in a puddle of mush for more than half the story)…but this book was totally based off of the connection that Lexie and Matt built. They’re perfect strangers, coming together and creating this crazy intense bond that just blew me away…that’s not an easy task…but there were so many little details about the two of them that made me love them. Their quirks…like her dorky laugh and his smirk. Their nervous ticks…him brushing his hair behind his ears and her finger tap. And the fact that all these little nuances drew them to each other even more…he loved to make her laugh and she loved to make him brush his hair behind his ears…how can you not find that endearing? It’s the girl who would never trust another man and the boy who had never been in a relationship and the way they came together and found love.
“As for relationships, yes, I’ve never done them. But I’m the one asking, begging for a date, while you’re just being sexy and kissing me on the side.” A shy smile makes an appearance, tempting me to kiss her again. I don’t, because this conversation is important. “So as far as I know, my heart is the only one in line to be broken, and as crazy as it seems, I want to risk it. I really do, Lexie.
“I want it because I want to take you on dates, and learn how to do all that relationship shit with you.” She laughs, and I think I see her eyes glistening with tears. I hope they are good ones, but just in case, I explain, “I want that because you change me. Every second we’re together, you reach inside me and erase a bit of the guy I used to be. Every second you turn me into this new man, with feelings, a sense of responsibility, a fucking conscience, and all this sappy shit I keep thinking and saying to you. And the worst part is that I like. I like it more than I like Greta and Jack Daniels. I like it like I like you, and I really like you.”
Oh if that was the only thing there was to love…but no…the supporting cast in TRIS is out of this world amazing. Tanie…or Montana (she and all of her sisters are named after states – it’s not even funny how much I loved that) is Lexie’s best friend…closest thing she has to a sister and is phenomenal. She is hilarious…she refuses to curse but her substitute for cursing killed me – it’s just brilliant. Then you have the rest of Tanie’s family…which is basically like Lexie’s adopted family…they treat her like one of their own which only made them more amazing. But the girl that almost stole the show…was Kodee…she’s Lexie’s goddaughter and her interactions with Matt…well…they just showed one more layer of awesome in that boy. She brought out a completely different side to him…a side that he didn’t even expect…but I loved every second of it. There were quite a few minor characters that didn’t have huge roles but all played special parts in making the story feel more real.
I nod, and he shakes his head as if he’s confused, but the corners of his lips are curled up, hinting that he’s also amused, which in turn confuses me a bit. “That’s weird, ‘cause it makes perfect sense to me.” He turns his eyes back to the road and continues. “I haven’t stop thinking about you since we first met. I’ve wanted you since you yelled at me at the diner on Saturday, and after kissing you…I don’t really have a choice. I’m yours. You own every bit of my soul, so yeah…I want you to belong to me. Since girlfriend is the usual term, that’s what I want you to be. But as long as you’re mine, and I don’t have to share you with anyone, we can call it anything you want.”
Air. I need air.’
I loved the writing…it was that perfect blend of emotional…angsty…with a hint of humor. We go back and forth from both of their POV’s…nothing is ever repetitive but it definitely gives a complete picture of what is going on with the story. I liked both of their POV’s…hearing both of their thoughts and emotions…it helped me connect that much more to them. The relationship that Lexie and Matt develop was quick…I’m not going to lie, but it was genuine and I felt it…which is why I never questioned it. Would it have meant a little more if Matt’s 180 hadn’t been quite so drastic…possibly. I really didn’t understand what all the rush was…that might have been my only complaint was that I wished the initial change had been stretched out over a few more weeks. The only other thing that bummed me out was the ending. We go through a ton of angst towards the end and in the span of a few pages…it’s done. I get wanting to wrap it up…but you’ve gotta give me a little fluff…I love seeing these two happy and it’s not that I didn’t get my HEA…but I just need more.
“I needed to tell you that meeting you was the best, most life-altering event that has ever happened to me. You’re a sun, Lexie. You bring light, and warmth, and life to everything around you. And though I’ll always regret that I broke your heart, I’ll always be grateful that you broke mine. It made me a better, kinder, self-aware person who deserves someone like you. So even if you don’t ever give me another chance – which I really hope you do – I’ll forever be grateful to life just because I got to know and love you.”
Well…I don’t say this often but TRIS is a standalone. As much as I loved the supporting characters…there really is no other storyline…no other tales to be told…Lexie and Matt are happy and so…I’m happy. This is the first book by Patty Maximini that I have read, but I can definitely tell you it won’t be my last. I already said I loved her writing but her ability to suck me into these characters and emotions as deeply as she did with TRIS…well, I’ve gotta experience that again.
Hopeless dreamer, tattoo enthusiast, Disney addict and hoarder of nail polishes and vegan recipes. Patty lives with her husband, her crazy cat, two dogs and elderly bunny in a house frequently visited by wild birds and chipmunks. Check out more on her website.
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Yes I am a bad boy lover. I love that bad boys do and say what they want and even if it gets them in trouble, they can usually sweet talk themselves out of a jam.
Bad boys are unpredictable, they do the things many want to but refuse to break the rules to attempt. They go above and beyond to seduce and keep their woman
I love bad boys. They don’t abide by the rules.
The bad boys are usually the sweetest 😉
Bad boys have the most fun, they aren’t afraid to break the rules and play outside the box!
I love bad boys
I do enjoy (reading!) a bad boy! Their willingness to break/bend the rules is exciting! 🙂
love the brooding bad boys
I do love bad boys…:)
Bad boys can be so exciting and tons of fun. I tend to always pick the bad boys.(well I used to anyways)
I love bad boys!!
You gotta love the bad boy! How can you not? They make everything so damn exciting.
Loved this review!
love how they break rules
Love a bad boy. Alpha men because rules are meant to be broken.
It sounds quite like any other erotic novel nowadays, though. Nothing special strikes me.
Yes, I love bad boys and they seductive mystery that often surrounds them.
Ohhhh, i love the bad boys. And an Alpha Bad Boy, even better !
Bad boys, I love how most of them are bad on the outside, but soft, sweet and lovely on the inside, and they tend to have so much passion, conviction and love their women fiercely
Wow that review totally made me want to read this book!
This sounds like a good book! I definitely tend to fall for the bad guys in the books — you can’t help it!
Underneath all that bad boy charm that I love, is a man with a heart of gold (usually). 🙂
It sounds like a romance I would have read in my younger years. Good luck with your writing.
I love them, especially when they find that girl that changes their ways! Thanks for the giveaway!
I love bad boys!
this sounds really interesting. will have to check it out. 🙂
I can’t wait to check it out!