Release Date: December 3, 2014
Love is selfish…
My name is Blaire.
I’m the bad girl.
The other woman.
The one who never gets the guy in the end.
I’m the gold digger.
The bitch.
The one no one roots for.
The one you love to hate.
I hate myself too.
Everyone has a story. Are you ready for mine?
Did you read the excerpt from the cover reveal??? That’s only the beginning of all that is Blaire…
With champagne and caviar inundating my every sense, I slither through the light wooden floors of the Lila Acheson Wallace Wing in The Met. As I walk, I pretend to admire the expensive jewelry being showcased tonight by a famous designer whose name I can’t remember. A multicolored diamond butterfly sparkles to my left and a cobra made out of black stones glistens to my right. Rows upon rows of precious gems twinkle under the soft lights of the room, flooding the space between the walls with the glow of a thousand stars. Furtive glances. Secrets gossiped. Beauty criticized. Lofty music fills the atmosphere as the über rich mingle and pretend to like each other, yet you can almost taste their conceit and derision for one another in the air.
This is Walker’s world, and I love it.
Standing across the room, where the crowd is thinner and the music fainter, I spot Walker’s blond head in the corner of the room, talking to a group of his colleagues and their wives. He looks polished and worth every penny of his trust fund in his sleek black tuxedo, perfectly starched white shirt and black bowtie. His long golden hair parted to the side shines like the sun. He is truly flawless.
I smile because it’s hard to picture that this is the same guy who likes to snort coke off my tits as he fucks me while hardcore porn plays in the background. He looks untouchable and so cool, but his searching eyes, scanning the crowd for me give him up. He’s wondering where I am. He did tell me not to go too far, after all. Soon after we arrived at the party, I gave him some space to talk to his friends and do his thing while I did mine. I hate clingy people, so I avoid being one.
I grab a third flute of champagne from a passing waiter, and try to decide which of the different displays to check out first when my eyes land on a spectacular piece of jewelry. On a bed of black silk, similar to my hair color, lies an extravagant necklace made of diamonds and rubies—a small heaven within one’s reach as long as you can afford the price.
I bridge the space between the glass protecting the necklace and me until it’s within my reach, fighting the urge to touch the cool surface. As if under a spell, I observe how the rows of diamonds embedded in platinum form leaves and thorns. At its center is a rose made out of red diamonds almost as big as my palm.
I feel someone walk up and stand next to me, but I don’t give him or her a second thought as I continue to admire the way the light hits the gems, making them shine.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?”
His voice is smooth and commanding, dripping absolute power. I keep my eyes locked on the display. Call it sixth sense, but somehow I know that under no circumstance should I make eye contact with the stranger who speaks like the ruler of the world.
“Yes,” I say simply.
“I wonder how much it is?” the man asks.
“I don’t think it matters … I highly doubt anyone can afford it.”
He chuckles, and the sound is more delicious than his voice. Lusher. “Oh, but I can.”
I smile at his self-assurance. I love cocky assholes. “I still doubt it.”
“You shouldn’t. I only speak the truth,” he retorts coolly. His voice is nonchalant yet his words leave no room for disbelief—a demand and a statement all in one.
Suddenly, the noises of the room become distant. People talking and laughing amongst friends and the orchestra playing all fade away until all I hear is him speaking.
And at this moment, that is all that matters.
“The truth is very subjective, sir.”
“The truth may be subjective but money isn’t. Money can buy anything.”
His answer is like an electroshock, jumpstarting my brain from a champagne-induced haze. My pulse begins to accelerate, excitement making it hard to take a deep breath. Don’t look at him … don’t.
“Oh really,” I say, my voice dripping with sarcasm. He’s right, though.
“Of course. I believe everything,” he pauses, “and everyone has a price.”
Curiosity winning the battle against curiosity, I turn to face him, and what a fucking big mistake that is. When our eyes meet, I feel incapacitated of all sense and movement. The sight of him takes my breath away. This man gives the term “lust at first sight” a whole new meaning.
In my short twenty-three years, I’ve been with extremely handsome men, perfect even, but to classify the man standing next to me in any kind of category would be a disservice to him, and not really fair to the others. Longish, light brown hair wildly framing his face, vacant eyes the color of dollar bills, a slightly crooked nose, and a mouth that begs to be buried deep within your thighs. His beauty is as harsh as it is stunningly perfect. Dressed in a simple black tuxedo and unbuttoned white shirt, the man exudes innate virility and grace, reminding me of a black panther stalking his prey. And just like a panther, it’s the pure raw and powerful energy emanating from within him that I find most attractive. Because just by standing next to him, I get the sense that his word is always the last spoken and his wishes the first ones to be fulfilled. He doesn’t ask, he demands. He doesn’t hope, he expects.
He’s quiet for a moment; his uncanny eyes hold me captive as though they are baring my soul to him and I hate it. I tighten my hold on the crystal flute. I want to look away, but I can’t. The way he’s staring at me makes me want to squirm.
“I wonder … do you have one?” he asks softly before turning to examine the piece of jewelry once more.
“A what?” I ask, momentarily stunned.
He smiles. “A price.”
“For the right amount … I just might,” I say quietly, my heart beating so fast it feels as though it wants out of my chest. As soon as the words leave my mouth, there’s no shock coursing down my body, no rolling waves of shame pulling me down for having said that to a complete stranger—nothing.
And why should there be? I am who I am.
I’m staring at his profile, waiting for him to acknowledge my answer, when a breeze of cool air floats past us, making me shiver. About to chase the goose bumps on my arm with my hand, I watch as he slowly turns to look at me, catching me staring at him. Time stands still as I watch him raise his large tanned hand and touch my bare shoulder, his fingertips lightly grazing the temporary small bumps covering it. Then he smiles as if he knows that my skin is tingling from his scalding touch, and looks away.
“I thought so.”
We remain standing next to each other for another minute or so, the distance between us almost nonexistent. It would be so easy to reach out and hold his hand. The sound of an incoming call breaks the silence, bringing us back to reality.
He takes his cell phone out of the inner pocket of his tuxedo jacket and ignores the call after noting the name of the caller. He lifts his gaze to meet my own.
“Sorry about that.”
“It’s okay. I should go … I’m here with someone,” I reply, not really wanting to leave him just yet.
“Yes, that’s probably a good idea.”
I frown. He didn’t have to be quite so blunt. The stranger extends a hand toward me, holding something in his fingers.
“Here … ”
I open my hand as I feel the edges of what I assume is his business card poke the skin of my palm. “What’s this?” I ask stupidly.
“My business card, of course.”
“Obviously … but why?”
He smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. “Let’s just say that I’m an interested buyer.”
And then he’s gone.
He turns and walks away from me, disappearing into a sea of colorful gowns and black suits. As the sounds of the party infiltrate my ears once more, I lower my gaze to stare at the simple cream-colored card in my hand. Its simplistic and elegant design draws attention to the name printed in bold black letters on the paper.
Lawrence Rothschild.
I smile and let my fingertips trail his name. It depends on what you’re willing to pay, Mr. Rothschild.
Published by Mia Asher
Copyright © 2013 by Mia Asher
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
*ARC Given to Blog for Honest Review*
4 “I don’t care” Kisses
Hmm….what to think…what to think…what to think. Maybe that’s my problem right now…I have too many thoughts…too many feelings…so many things to process. Mia Asher never ceases to amaze me because she has an innate ability to bring out very strong, polarized emotions – at least in me…and she definitely did that with Easy Virtue. This is one of those books that I love to hate to love it…with gorgeous writing, powerful characters and interesting storyline, it kept me on my toes and begging for more.
Blaire White…oh my fucked up little darling, Blaire is not easy to love, at all. She’s fucked up in so many ways…she’s cold hearted…ruined by her parents and a childhood filled with abandonment and without the love she craved from her mom and dad…but she’s not one of those heroines that complains about her past, not really, it’s just a fact of who she is. She’s come to terms with it…the way her parents are…and she has chosen to live her life in a certain way. Devoid of any emotions…cash is king…and of course, lots of sex. It’s simple…effective…and works for what Blaire’s priorities are. I didn’t necessarily connect with Blaire…but I didn’t dislike her. I respected and understood her logic, but a small part of me hurt for her, at her pain and loss…because it seemed like she was living half a life. Yes she had anything money could buy her…but that didn’t seem to make her a happy woman…except for the times when she was with the boy with amazing brown hair and cute freckles.
‘What is love?
I don’t know.
I’ve never had it.
Is it even real?
No, I don’t think so. I mean, how can I believe in love when I’ve never witnessed it? When it seems to only exist in books and films, or in the lives of people more fortunate than me? Trust me, I know.
Love, is my personal chimera.’
Ronan…it’s the easiest thing in the world to love Ronan…he’s amazing wrapped in sexy and dipped in fabulous. Ronan warmed my heart and gave me any and all feels that I was lacking with Blaire. He’s simple…kind…funny…sweet…in a word, perfection – and he crashed through Blaire’s world. Ronan is the exact opposite of what Blaire looks for in a man, which made him that much more perfect. He doesn’t have money…he’s not a guy in a suit…he’s not going to be able to wine and dine and provide for Blaire…and yet she can’t ignore the power he has over her. I loved both of their first meetings (yes…they’re two and they’re both insanely cute and memorable)…I loved that he took Blaire out of her comfort zone…he knew exactly how to handle her but at the same time…he made her feel things that she’d sworn off. I honestly loved how effortless and easy it was between the two of them…it was sexy, fun and flirty…but yet real and grounded…it was the perfect relationship blend to fall into…I honestly didn’t get enough.
“You look beautiful today,” he says hoarsely.
“Thank you,” I murmur.
He lifts a hand and touches the hot crest of my cheek, the contact electrifying. “Why are you blushing?” I laugh. Does he really need to ask? “Don’t tell me you’re not used to compliments because I won’t believe it.”
I lift a hand and cover his with mine but don’t remove it. I’m not ready to lose the warmth of his touch. “No, it’s not that. It’s just the way you’re staring at me. I can’t explain it without sounding weird.”
“Maybe I can explain it for you…” The space between us becomes a magnetic field where the vivid intensity of his gaze draws me in, incapacitating me from all coherent thought and movement. “When I look at you, I see something I really want. Something I need.”
All I can do is nod, releasing the breath that I didn’t know I was holding up until now. Ronan’s eyes crinkle at the corners, amusement making them sparkle. He totally knows he’s gotten to me. “How’s that for an explanation?”
“Good.” I swallow hard, my heart beating faster. “Very good.”
I feel it’s necessary to talk about the other man in Blaire’s life…because he may not have captured my heart, he did catch my attention. While I wouldn’t necessarily call Easy Virtue a love triangle (at least not yet…), Ronan is not the only one to receive Blaire’s affections. Lawrence Rothschild…Lawrence is everything that Ronan isn’t…more money than god, prestige, class, he oozes with power and authority just by walking into a room. He’s dark and mysterious to Ronan’s light and easy charm, but yet they’re both intriguing and alluring in their own way. Lawrence is just outright sex…he’s basically a sugar daddy to Blaire, but I have a sneaking suspicion there is more to it. There was one chapter towards the end that is from Lawrence’s POV…it surprised me…and left me scratching my head. It was intentionally vague but I’m very interested to see where Mia takes it in the next book.
‘“You have no idea how many nights I’ve laid awake imagining this moment…what it would feel like to have you in my arms. I want your mouth on me, your hands on me. I want to taste you…savor your…devour you until you’re begging me to stop. I want to feel myself buried inside of you, moving in you, robbing me of all logical thought. I want to feel you tremble, hear you gasp and moan as I pull you tighter against me. I’ll go deeper and deeper until both of us burn with desire and passion. I want to mark you. I want to fuck every other guy out of your body until I’m all you feel, all you remember.” He leans down and nips my lower lip. “Tonight I’m not going to make love to you, Blaire. I’m going to own you. Do you hear me?”
I brush his cheek with the back of my hand, the contact scalding. “You already do,” I say softly, and it’s true. No one matters anymore besides Ronan. No one.’
Not going to lie…Easy Virtue was one of the hottest books I’ve read all year. Really fucking hot…just go ahead and buy some new panties now, because you’re going to need them. Blaire cannot convey how she feels…that’s what she uses sex for – it’s her power and control in life…and as fucked up as it may be in some situations…it works for her character and it worked for me. But…the downside to that is…I’m an emotional reader so while EV definitely made me feel things, the lack of emotions on Blaire’s part left me wanting. Her actions and thought process might infuriate me or make me feel sorry for her…but her logic frustrated the crap out of me. She was shut down and resigned to live out her life in a certain way rather than making an honest effort to adapt and grow…I can only pray she gets some sense knocked into her by book two or I might just reach through my kindle and do it myself.
“I don’t deserve you. I don’t deserve you.”
I keep repeating myself over and over again, hoping that I’ll make him believe those words, and convince my heart that this is over.
But Ronan won’t listen to me. Pulling me into an embrace, he says , “Shhh … You deserve me and I’m not going anywhere.”
I speak into his chest. “You shouldn’t. I’m—”
“Yeah, yeah , you keep saying that you’re not worthy of me and that you’re so fucked up. But you know what? I don’t fucking care. I don’t want perfect— I don’t need it. I just want you, Blaire. I just want you. Look at me!”
I raise my face and drown in the depths of his warm eyes.
“One day you’re going to let me love you, and I’m going to hold you so tight I’ll never let you go. I’m going to love you as if it were the one thing I was meant to do. As if it were my purpose in life. Don’t you see it, Blaire? Don’t you get it? You’re in me. In everything I see. In everything I touch. You’re in the air I breathe, in the water I drink, and in every dream I dream. I want to tell you so much more, but I know that you’re not ready to hear it.”
Mia is a fantastic writer with an absolute insanely brilliant and fucked up brain. And I mean that as a compliment. I cannot imagine where she came up with the idea for Blaire and this plot. She’s not dark in the conventional way, but she’s definitely not sunshine and rainbows. She’s kind of the exact opposite of most heroines that I love…but I appreciated her confidence and self control. There is something very brave about acknowledging your faults, embracing them and using them for your own benefit…which is basically what Blaire does. Another thing about Blaire…in a world of virgins, she is an admitted whore. She sleeps around…mostly for money and she has no shame in the fact that she is wanted and lusted after. It’s far from conventional…but she makes it work for her. Like I said, I may not have connected with her, but I got her – she’s a hot mess but I don’t think that made her unlovable…she’s just one of those characters you want to strangle a little bit before you hug them. Overall, there were a few things that I wish were shown in more detail…more of Ronan and Blaire together…cracking down her walls, because all of the feelings were there, I just needed a little bit more. Other than that, my only complaint would be the flow…there were times when things felt a little jumpy, a scene break when it wasn’t necessary…little details that could have been explained better or differently – nothing major and nothing that took away from my focus on the story.
‘It’s funny how life works.
People can come into your life— be a part of your life— yet never know the real you; have no fucking clue who you really are. Then one unexpected day you meet that person who, in one glance, has you figured out. There’s no tainted judgment in his eyes, only acceptance. And maybe understanding. The need to be better, or pretend to be better is not there because you know he likes you for who you are— every ugly and broken part of you.’
Alright…the ending…it’s a cliff. A pretty big one…and I totally didn’t see it coming until the last page – which was awesome. I mean, I figured out towards the end when there wasn’t closure on a few things that this book wasn’t going to be a standalone…but Mia threw a curve ball at me. And I like it! I love cliff’s…especially when there is a purpose behind it and there definitely is. I’m excited that there is another book because I have high hopes for where Mia can take this series and Blaire…she’s definitely a work in progress and I have complete confidence that Mia will do her justice.
I have to give credit to the amazing photographer that took the photo of my character inspiration for Blaire. Katherline Lyndia was gracious enough to allow me to use her photo – her pictures are absolutely STUNNING! Check out her website.
My name is Mia Asher.
I’m a writer, a hopeless romantic, a wanderer, a dreamer, a cynic, and a believer. And, oh yes…I might be a bit crazy – but who isn’t?
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I haven’t had the pleasure of reading her books yet but they are on my TBR list. Thanks for the giveaway
I love you selections in books 🙂 Seductive, Sexy Covers. Nice Reviews! I enjoy putting them in my “what to read list.”
Would love to read these books, thank you for the chance to win! 🙂
Great review and hot excerpt!
That excerpt was awesome!
good teaser! it iooks interesting!
This is right up my alley!
Thanks for the excerpts and the review. Definitely not for me.
I love your excellent review on this book. I am going to go get this and read it tonight.
Thanks for another incredible review.