Title: Picking up the Pieces (Picking up the Pieces #1)
Author: Jessica Prince
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Women’s fiction
Release Date: July 2 , 2013
After having her heart broken by the only man she’s ever loved everything seemed to go downhill for Emerson Grace. It has taken eight years but Emmy is finally starting to pick up the pieces of her damaged life. But the man who destroyed it has returned bringing with him the pain of the past. Can she let go of the pain Luke caused and accept him back into her life or will the memories be too much for her to overcome?
Running from Emmy was the only way Lucas Allen knew he could protect her from the demons he carried with him. After spending one perfect night together Luke takes off, certain that he can’t possibly give Emmy everything she deserves. Now he’s made the decision to return to Cloverleaf and make things right. But is he prepared to truly face all of the damaged he has caused?
Will Luke and Emmy finally get their chance at love or will the secrets of the past stop them before they even get to begin?
Now don’t you want to know what happened when I set foot in Cloverleaf, Texas? 😀 I thought you might!
You know I cannot drive out to Cloverleaf, TX and not stop by Virgie May’s. That’s like going to Vegas and never stepping foot in a casino – Not. Possible. And it just so happens I have it in good with the owner…she might even have a slice of pie waiting for me. 😉 I pull into the parking lot and grin as I see an all too familiar ‘piece of shit’ car and know my guests of honor are waiting for me.
The bell chimes as I open the front door, my eyes adjusting to the lighting inside the restaurant compared to the bright sun. I glance around and my eyes finally settle on the couple I drove all this way to meet. Luke and Emmy. They both rise from the booth in the far right hand corner to greet me as I make my way to them. We sit down and chat for a little while. Of course, I was right, Emmy was sweet enough to make sure there was pie on the table for us…Dutch Apple, Luke’s favorite.
Lisa: “Well, thank you both so much for sitting down with me. I’ll take any excuse for me to road trip to Cloverleaf.” 😉
They both smile back at me.
Luke: “We’re glad you could come out.”
Lisa: “Alright, well I guess interviews are like a band aid, just gotta rip it off and get started. Luke, you want to go first?”
Luke: “Sure.”
Lisa: “If you could say one thing to your dad, what would it be?”
Luke: “Probably something along the lines of “suck it, asshole. I’m better than you.””
Lisa: “Alright, I guess I should have expected a blunt answer like that. Can’t say I don’t agree. What’s your funniest Trevor memory? Come on…you have to give us some dirt…on either you or him, I’m not picky.” 😛
Luke gives an evil laugh and damn it if I don’t find that just a little bit sexy.
Luke: “I didn’t see it for myself but rumor was, Trevor spent several days in the hospital with second degree burns on his junk. Apparently the chick he was bangin’ was the roommate of an old girlfriend and he didn’t know it. The ex walked in on Trevor and the roommate going at it in the living room so she dumped the coffee she just bought on his lap before he had the chance to pull his pants up.”
We all crack up…poor Trevor, but it is kinda funny. Serves him right too!
Lisa: “So, how is your mom doing since rehab?”
Luke: “She’s actually doing pretty great. Emmy and I helped her move into a new apartment after she got out and it’s amazing how well she’s doing. I don’t think I’ve ever seen my mom so happy.”
Lisa: “That’s awesome. Enlisting in the marines – blessing or a curse?”
Luke: “Well, it made me grow the fuck up so I’m gonna have to go with blessing. I don’t know if I would’ve been able to get my shit together and get Emmy back if I hadn’t enlisted.”
Lisa: “Fair point. You earned some pretty spectacular ‘Deputy’ nicknames – which one is your favorite?”
Luke scowls.
Luke: “Damn it. I’m never gonna live this shit down! I don’t have a favorite, I hate them all. And Emmy and Savvy are still coming up with new ones every damn day.”
Emmy and I giggle, gotta love it – and I think the fact that he doesn’t, makes us love it that much more.
Lisa: “Alright Luke, your torture is over – it’s Emmy’s turn now.”
Emmy smiles at me, let’s see if she’s still smiling when this over.
Lisa: “What would you do without Savannah? Besides be eternally depressed and bored.” 😉
Emmy: “That’s not something I ever have to worry about. It’s me and Savvy to the end. Hell, if Luke pisses me off too much all I gotta do is send her after him.”
Lisa: “Very good point. Well, if you ever get tired of her, send her my way, I think she’s awesome. I know this is probably hard to talk about, but did you ever go to counseling after what happened? I know you were ‘medicating’ in other unhealthy ways…but after your wake up call, I’m sure you needed to someone to talk to other than your friends.”
Emmy: “I saw someone for a little while. It helped but the main thing that got me through was my friends. They made sure they were there for me whenever I needed to vent. They let me dump everything I was feeling on ‘em whenever I it got to feeling like it was too much. I couldn’t ask for a better group of friends.”
Lisa: “I couldn’t agree more. Do you ever think you’ll go to school and try and get your degree?”
Emmy: “You know, I haven’t really thought about it. I’m happy with how things are going right now. I’ve got a full life so I’m kinda content. Maybe I’ll go back and finish one day, you know, just to say I did it. But right now I don’t feel like I’m missing anything by not having my degree.”
Lisa: “As long as your happy, that’s what matters. Where did the nick name ‘baby girl’ come from?”
Emmy: “I’m not really sure. It’s just something he’s been calling me for as long as I can remember.”
Emmy smiles brightly at Luke.
Emmy: “I love it when he calls me that.”
Awwww…Luke leans over and brushes his lips lightly over Emmy’s. TOO FREAKIN CUTE!
Lisa: “Okay…just cause I’m curious…how long did you leave Luke handcuffed to the bed?”
Emmy laughs hysterically and I can’t hold back my fit of giggles. Luke is scowling, pretending to pout.
Emmy: “He managed to get a hold of his phone on the nightstand but instead of calling Jeremy to come get him out he called Trevor. When Savvy and I got back Trevor was standing in our room snapping photos and texting them to all our friends, laughing his ass off. If I had to guess I’d say it was about 4 hours. He was piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissed when I finally uncuffed him.”
It takes us a little while to stop laughing, by that point Luke has seen the humor in the situation and stopped pouting.
Lisa: “Time for some together questions, what are your favorite 5 things about the other – physical and/or nonphysical.” 😉
Luke: “Easy. Tits, ass, hair, legs and ass again.”
Emmy stares at Luke wide eyed. Uh oh…Luke’s in trouble! Goodie!!
Emmy: “You’re such an asshole.”
To Luke’s credit, he honestly looks shocked. Poor guy…
Luke: “What? What’d I say?”
Emmy: “You just lost all 4 of those for at least a week.”
Luke: “Sonofabitch! Is this interview over yet?!”
I really have to hide my laughter…I didn’t mean to get him in trouble!
Lisa: “Almost…sorry Luke! What are each of your worst regrets, favorite memories, biggest flaws, and biggest pet peeve?:
Luke: “I think we all know what my worst regret is. As far as favorite memories… anything with Emmy in it is a favorite. And she doesn’t have a single damn flaw.”
Emmy: “Trying to kiss my ass now isn’t gonna do any good Deputy Douchenozzle!”
I try and cover my face to hide my laughter – but seriously?!? This shit is priceless!!!
Luke: “Can we just answer the damn questions so this torture session can fuckin’ end already?”
Emmy reaches a hand out and smacks Luke across the back of the head. I lean over and high five her. That’s my girl!
Lisa: “What’s one memory that you will never forget from the two of you growing up together?”
Emmy: “Honestly, up until I was eighteen I didn’t have a memory that Luke wasn’t in. He was such a huge part of my life and I don’t think I’ll ever forget any of them. I don’t want to.”
Luke: “The first time I ever saw her. “
Emmy: “Ah, that’s so sweet babe.”
Luke: “ Yeah… her folks were moving all their stuff into the house and she was Emmy was runnin’ around, playin’ in the front yard. I remember thinkin’ why couldn’t a boy move in down the street? At least I’d have had someone cool to hang out with.”
Emmy: “And…. You killed it.”
I retract my previous ‘Awww…’
Lisa: “Where do you see yourselves in the next 5 years?”
Emmy: “In jail for domestic abuse or possible murder.”
Can’t say I would blame her. I might be at her trial to help her defense!
Luke: “Married… or dead, depending on her mood.”
Emmy: “ You’re pushin’ for dead, moron!”
OMG I’m going to die laughing in Virgie May’s.
Luke: “I love ya, baby girl.”
Lisa: “Let’s do a little word association, tell me the first thing that comes to mind…Virgie May’s?”
It shouldn’t surprise me when both of them answer at the same time.
Both: “Best. Food. Ever.”
Lisa: “Truth! Friends?”
Emmy: “Family.”
Luke: “Pains in my ass.”
Lisa: “That’s just cause they won’t let you get away with shit! Those are good friends! Marine?”
Emmy: “Sexy.”
Lisa: “Truth again!”
I leave over and high five Emmy. Damn…a man in uniform…Yum!
Luke turns to Emmy with a cocky grin on his face,
Luke: “Wanna do a little role playin’ when we get home?”
Lisa: “Save it…don’t wanna make me too jealous. Baby Girl?”
Emmy with a smile, turns and looks at Luke,
Emmy: “Luke.”
Luke: “My world.”
Aww…he can be really swoony when he tries!
Lisa: “Hand Cuff’s?”
Emmy has an evil smile plastered all over her pretty face.
Emmy: “Payback.”
Luke scowls.
Luke: “4 hours of misery.”
Lisa: “Ella?”
Emmy’s eyes get glassy.
Emmy: “No word association games for her, please.”
Luke wraps his arms around Emmy and kissed her head. Whoops!
Lisa: “Love?”
Emmy: “Luke.”
Luke: “Emmy.”
Awww….these two are the cutest. I turn to catch Emmy’s eye…
Lisa: “Luke?”
Emmy: “My life.”
I turn to Luke,
Lisa: “Emmy?”
Luke: “My reason for living.”
Awww…dude, seriously! He’s good…
Lisa: “Alright, last part – Either/Or – Chocolate or Vanilla?”
Emmy: “Vanilla.”
Luke: “Vanilla.”
Lisa: “Hot or Cold?”
Emmy: “Cold.”
Luke: “Cold. It’s too fuckin’ hot in Texas!
Lisa: “Good point! Hard or Soft?” 😉
Emmy: “Hmmm…”
A big smile curves Emmy’s lips as she gives Luke a sideways glance.
Lisa: “Hard.”
Luke winks at Emmy.
Luke: “What she said.”
Lisa: “Go out or Stay In?”
Emmy: “Go out.”
Luke: “Stay in… preferably in bed.”
Lisa: “Walking Dead or New Girl?”
Emmy: “Both.”
Luke: “The Walking Dead… but only if I don’t have to watch it with Trevor.”
Lisa: “Poor Trevor…Fast or slow?” 😉
Luke: “Depends on how she wants it.”
Now it’s Emmy’s turn to wink at Luke.
Emmy: “What he said.”
Lisa: “Books or Movies?”
Emmy: “Books.”
Luke: “Movies. I’ve always had a fantasy about Emmy givin’ me a blowjob in the back of a crowded theater.”
Whack! Emmy slaps Luke’s shoulder as he sits back with a shit eating grin on his face.
Emmy: “LUKE!”
Luke: “Love ya, baby girl.”
Lisa: “You guys were great, thank you so much for answering all my questions, I really appreciate it.”
Emmy: “Any time.”
Well, our timing couldn’t have been more perfect because the door bell to Virgie May’s rings and all three of our heads turn and see the rest of the group saunter through the door. Savannah, Jeremy, Trevor, Gavin, Stacia, Brett and Lizzy all make their way to where we are sitting. I spend the rest of my afternoon in fits of laughter hearing all kinds of stories. I don’t think I have laughed so hard in I don’t know when. After a while, we make our way to Colt 45 for some drinks, a few games of pool and of course, more hilarious stories. #TexasBarsRule 🙂
Picking up the Pieces by Jessica Prince
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
*ARC Given to Blog for Honest Review*
4 “baby girl” Kisses
Okay so I have to tell you something…this book surprised the crap out of me. The cover…the synopsis…the prologue are all leading me to believe this is a relatively serious book. HA! Fooled you! I’ll get to that in a minute…but what I did get with this book were some insanely awesome characters, some of the best dialogue I have ever read and literally the most laugh out loud moments I’ve had since possibly the Chocolate Lover’s series.
Emerson Kristine Grace…LOVE her name by the way and I love that we got her full name. I’m a sucker like that, it’s the little attention’s to detail that make me happy. She’s 26…wavy chocolate brown hair and light gray eyes and such a strong, brave girl. I loved her spark, her fire, even with everything that happened to her, she never really lost that. At a young age she has had so many soul crushing things happen to her, and yet…she survives. With the help of her friends…and that’s another thing to her credit, she has some aaaamazing friends. Life may not have gone the way she planned it, but she’s making the best out of what she’s been handed and I respected her for that. While she could have gone the ‘poor me’ route or used those as an excuse to pull away, she didn’t. She pushed through the ugly stuff and came out the other side.
“And all of you,” I addressed the crowd collectively. “Drink your damn coffee, and eat your damn breakfast. Don’t act like this is the first time y’all ever seen drama here. This is Cloverleaf, for Christ sake.”
Lucas Matthew Allen…Luke…or Deputy Allen…or Deputy Douche Nozzle, Deputy Dickweed, or my favorite…Deputy Dickhead. Then again, call him whatever you want, he’s a former Marine and now a Deputy, I cannot help but swoon over a man in uniform. He’s 28…tall…dark hair…emerald green eyes and a typical male dumb ass. He makes a mistake that costs him, Emerson and their friends a lot…and what sucks the most is that he did have good intentions. I know he did. But he let his past beat him down before he gave himself the chance to be better. Squeezes my little heart, cause he is a good guy. Plus he has this alpha streak that comes out every once in a while and it is just fucking HOT!
‘I glanced over my shoulder and saw him standing there, just staring at me. He was leaning up against the door frame with his arms crossed over his chest looking sexier than he had any business looking. The olive green Henley brought out the color in his eyes and looked fantastic stretched across his muscled chest and arms. As I gazed further down, I’d never wished to be a pair of jeans more in my life.
I had to shake myself to get my thoughts out of the gutter. He’s not hot, I told myself. You hate him, you hate him…just remember that!’
The basis for Luke and Emmy’s relationship is something I love so much. Best friends. There is just this shared history that cannot be faked or developed. I just love that unique connection that no one else understands but the two of them. I would have really liked to have seen a little bit more of their past and their bond ‘before’ everything happened…because a lot of the events happened pretty quickly and it was a little bit of a shock – like woah, okay, I get it and I like it…but…it would have been nicer if it had been more developed. For example up until the point Luke took Emmy’s virginity…I wasn’t even aware they had romantic feelings – it was like a light switch went off and BOOM! Obviously I wanted them to have those feelings but a little build up to that point would have been nice.
“Back then, I thought I was doing what was best for you… Emmy, please look at me.” He put his finger under my chin and lifted my face. “I’m so sorry, baby girl. I’d give anything to take away the pain I caused you. Just tell me what to do and I’ll do it.” He leaned in closer to me as he whispered “Please, just let me fix this. Let me fix us.”
We swap back and forth from Emmy and Luke’s POV’s, but we are in Emmy’s POV for a majority of the book. In switching back and forth, I liked being in Luke’s head and getting his inner thoughts, but there were a few times when there was a little bit of repetition/redundancy – it wasn’t a bad thing because you did see things in a different way. I really did like the story line…while a tad predictable, it was very very emotional and I did cry. Big fat crocodile tears…you feel every emotion Emmy went thru and it sucks. So it’s a damn good thing this book made me laugh so much! And speaking of, let’s address the hilariousness that was in this book. One word…Savannah. She is GENIUS. She is Emmy’s best friend and the two of them together is just brilliance. I cannot even explain in words how many times I was gut belly laughing. Van and Emmy have a special bond…something that Van said that really caught my attention in the way she viewed their relationship was “I know that growing up Luke was always your best friend. But you were mine.” Savannah is like the protective sibling, the evil twin, the class clown and the best sidekick all rolled into one. She’s definitely one of the top ‘book best friend’s’ I have ever read.
‘He got in my face as he hissed his next words. “It was one night of fuckin’ amazing sex… that will be happening again. Trust that. You wanna try and hold on to the anger from the past to keep me at a distance, you go right ahead. But I’ve already set my mind on making things right, and once I set my mind on something, there’s no changing it. You’re mine, Em. You became mine when you gave yourself to me eight years ago, and you’ve been mine every day since. I will not lose you again. I’m going to get you to forgive me and I will earn your trust back. No matter how long it takes.”’
Savannah wasn’t the only friend in this book that rocked my face off. They are a crew of 8 – Emmy, Luke, Savannah, Jeremy, Brett, Lizzy, Gavin and Stacia. They were friends growing up and coming from a small country town like Cloverleaf, Texas (FYI…LOVED that it was based in Texas…sorry, I’m a Texan girl!), you learn who your die hard friends are and stick with them. And they have stuck together. Even after all Luke’s bull shit. I really loved their bond and friendship…even allowing Luke’s best friend Trevor to join the group. It was the kind of friendship where it didn’t matter if they were having TV show marathons or a night out on the town, they were having fun and I was totally jealous. (And now I’m officially crazy of a bunch of fictional characters having fun…oh boy!)
“She doesn’t hate you baby. She loves you. And she’s mad as all hell about that. That jus proves that you got something left to fight for. You’re the strongest man I know, Lucas. You fight for her. That girl became your other half the day we moved in this house. She’ll be your other half till the day you die, and you’ll be hers. You get her back, and y’all can finally start living your lives whole.”
I guess the part of me that is ‘okay’ with feeling crazy is because these characters felt so freaking real! So authentic and genuine, like I was hanging out with some of my friends. The dialogue between them was spot on perfection – I felt like I was eavesdropping on real conversations. It’s really easy for banter between people to get a little stale and boring after a while and with 8 characters it can be utter chaos – it so was not a problem here. I really was absolutely blown away by how much I enjoyed the dialogue.
“I don’t care if you can’t stand the sigh of me. I don’t care if you hate me until the day you die. I’ll always be your Luke.”
And what does Lisa love more than anything in the world? Series Books!!! And whose book is next?? ? Savannah!!!! And Jeremy! Squee! If Savannah as a secondary character has me in stitches, I can only imagine the hilarity in Rising from the Ashes . And can I just say I totally think Trevor deserves a book…and honestly Brett too – he was pretty freaking awesome to Emmy throughout the book. Really awesome start to a series that made me fall in love with not only the couple but all of the characters in the book…bring on Van and Jer!
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I’m a wife, mother, wino, coffee addict and avid a lover of all types of books, but romances are my main favs. My husband likes to say reading is my obsession but I just say it’s my passion… there’s a difference.
I’ve been writing since I was a little kid and I finally decided to take the leap and actually publish when Picking up the Pieces came to me. Now that I’ve been bitten by the writing bug I just can’t seem to stop.
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too many to pick just one! Loved Little Women growing up and still read it every Christmas!
I have way to many books that I love to just choose one!!!!
Acheron by Sherrilyn Kenyon.
I have so many that I couldn’t pick just one!!
The Edge of Never by JA Redmerski is one of my favorite books of all time.
Thanks for the giveaway!!
Anything by Kristen Ashley.
Fifty Shades 🙂
That’s a hard question!
Loved Safe Word by Teresa Mummert!!
I don’t think I could pick a favorite book!! I have so many!! Archers of Avalon series, Caged series, Take Care Sara, Real, Significance series, Arotas series, Providence series, Born in Flames series, No Attachments, and on and on and on!!!
I have so many but I love Nicole Edwards,Raine Miller most Thanks for the great chance. Donna
I have a lot of favorite books, but one that I keep going back to is Born of Silence by Sherrilyn Kenyon.
I have lots!No,I couldnt pick one.
Too Far series and The Dark Duet series and so many many more…
Too Far and The Dark Duet series …