Kylie Wolfe and guitarist Wyatt McCrae have been bad for each other for the last several years, but it’s impossible for them to end their toxic push and pull. Not when their attraction is constantly fueled by lust and proximity—she’s her older brother’s Lucas’s assistant and Wyatt is his best friend and band mate.
So when Your Toxic Sequel makes a move to record a new album in Nashville, Kylie decides to make the latest break with Wyatt official by getting the hell out of town. She’ll spend a week in New Orleans. A week to immerse herself in the Mardi Gras scene. One week to not think about the last time she was in New Orleans, seven years ago with Wyatt. Seven days where she won’t have to see Wyatt every day just to fall ridiculously in love with him all over again—where, if she wants to, she can have a normal, no-strings attached fling that won’t end in heartbreak.
Too bad Wyatt ruins everything by showing up, as gorgeous and demanding and goddamn awful for her as ever.
Wyatt refuses to let Kylie give up on him. Not without reminding her why they both fell so far and hard in the first place. Not without making her savor the good memories and what could be their last chance with each other.
Note: This is a spinoff from the Devoured series.
Favorite Scene to write? Scene that kicked your ass?
My FAVORITE scene to write was the scene right after the band played in Albuquerque (it’s the one where Kylie gets her tattoo fixed). I don’t want to spoil that particular part of the book for anyone, since it happens about 60% into Savor You, but it was one of the first scenes I wrote when I started the project. The part of the book that kicked my ass? Definitely chapter fifteen. I’ve never been a big fan of shit hitting the fan, so I was CRINGING the entire time I wrote it!
Did you always want to write? Did anyone inspire you to write? Who are your favorite authors?
I’ve always loved writing. Even in school, English was always my favorite subject. It wasn’t until a few years ago that I started writing novels, though. Last year I got pretty serious about it and ended up writing several books within a 12-month period! The favorite author question is so hard! There are so many authors who are abso-fucking-lutely amazing! If I had to pick, I’d say Suzanne Collins, J.K. Rowling, Nora Roberts, and Neil Gaiman. LOVE all of their books!
What made you decide to do the Savor Us spin off? Was there a big ‘Ah-ha!’ moment or was it a lot more simple than that? And any juicy tid-bits you care to share on what’s next? ☺ (we can keep a secret 😉 lol)
When I started writing Devoured I had no plan to write a spin off, but even after I was finished with it and while I was working on other novels, Kylie continued to harass me. She had a lot to say—hell, she still has quite a bit to say—so I just had to sit down and write her story. And what’s next? CONSUMED!
And the second (and last) Kylie and Wyatt book! ☺
And maybe a book for Cal and Sinjin (Sin’s kind of like Kylie—he’s got a lot to say and refuses to shut up!)
What has been your favorite scene to write (in any book)?
The piano scene in Devoured! It was so much fun to . . . um . . . research it.
I know a lot of authors don’t play favorites…but what character have you enjoyed writing the most?
Lucas Wolfe. Definitely Lucas.
Favorite quote or saying?
I have so many that I love! I guess since I’m going to be going back to writing a romance novel in a little while, I’ll pick my favorite Pablo Neruda quote!
“I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow and the soul.”
If you could meet anyone (dead or alive) who would it be and why?
Henry Cavill. In his Superman costume. Or naked. Either works. Can Chris Hemsworth come along too?
Favorite Word? Least Favorite Word? Favorite Curse Word?
Awesome. Twitch. FUCK!
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
4.5 “Bluebird” Kisses
Confession time….this is my first Emily Snow book. I know! What is wrong with me??? Still trying to figure that one out…but I digress. Trust me, after Savor You, I cannot wait to read the rest of Miss. Snow’s books. The prologue grabbed me by the throat and the whole book didn’t let me go until I clicked to the last page. It gave me every emotion I long for in a good romance and kept me guessing the entire time.
Kylie Wolfe (Martin if you’re looking at her left ring finger…there’s a story there) is Lucas Wolfe’s little sister and assistant. She’s a tiny little thing (5’4”) with black and blue hair and an understated personality. She calls everyone ‘Babe’ (which I love), she’s funny, she’s different…and she’s determined. She’s made up her mind that after seven years of back and forth with the one man who has the power to completely crush her, she is done. No more. She’s on vacation but when she gets back to LA, the slate is clean and she’s moving forward without Wyatt McCrae.
‘On him, even something so sour is beautiful, and it nearly yanks my heart right out of my chest. “Looks like I’m your toxic sequel then, huh?”
My Toxic Sequel. For some messed up reason, it fits him to a T. “Looks like you are.”’
Wyatt…Wyatt…Wyatt…can I have an order of tall, mysterious and brooding? Yup…he’s got all that covered. With blonde hair and blue eyes, he just melts my heart. I love a damaged boy and then you add in that he’s in a band. Hello! Say no more. Sold…hook line and sinker. He’s the bassist for Kylie’s brother’s band, Your Toxic Sequel (nice name, right?) and there is so much history and back story it’s ridiculous – and I LOVED it. Oh…and he’s not letting Kylie get away that easy. He comes after her – excuse me for a second *swooooooooon*. He may have his issues, but trust me when I tell you, Wyatt McCrae, with all his issues, is his own brand of perfect.
‘So there’d been someone else.
I tell myself to forget that thought because it’s wrong.
In order for there to be somebody else, Wyatt and I would have to be something to begin with.’
So due to extenuating circumstances, Ky’s plan doesn’t exactly go the way she would like and she and her best friend Heidi end up road tripping it with Wyatt and Cal (another guy from the band) while they play a few side gigs they signed up for. Recipe for AWESOME by the way. Wyatt’s plan…if Kylie is done, for good, then he is going to remind her why she fell in the first place. Another recipe for AWESOME. Their road trip is basically one long trip down memory lane of how they got to where they are today. Usually, I like to have everything spelled out for me – all the details, I want nothing spared. Either tell me or show me, I don’t care which, but I crave those details. With Savor You it’s very much a ‘less is more’ kind of thing. You get pieces from her thoughts, pieces from conversation, but not every little thing is spelled out and shown in detail. Normally that would drive me crazy, but in this context, I really loved it.
‘Wyatt’s eyes…they’re the reason we’ve been on this merry-go-round so many times. They carry all of his emotions – the beautiful and hideous and heartbreaking.’
Maybe there was another reason for why I loved it. Because from the moment Wyatt stepped into Kylie’s hotel room during the prologue (you remember? The one that grabbed me by the throat?) I NEVER doubted their connection. I loved them together. They complimented each other very well and there is just something to be said for a couple who has known each other for 7+ years. There is so much history built up there, you cannot help but be drawn to that. Ky might known in her head what she needs to do, but she cannot fight what her heart is telling her is the truth.
‘I’m addicted to Wyatt on so many levels that it’s apparent to anyone who see us together, who knows what we’re like apart.
We hurt each other.
Then we mend ourselves.
And then, we do it all over again, only more violently.’
I don’t know how to explain how much I enjoyed Emily’s writing style. She has a very sneaky way of telling you what you want to hear without you even realizing she’s done it. Her flow is just beautiful and it’s very crisp, clean and concise. I always had a clear picture of what was going on in my head – even if I may not have all the facts and be dying to know what is going to happen next, but that just means she’s doing her job as a writer – making me beg for those next words.
‘I feel him shrug. “There’s more important things to me than music.”
And by the way he’s looking down at me – like I’m the only thing he needs at this very moment – I believe him. “Careful saying things like that,” I whisper.
He lifts my fingers to his lips. “But God, it’s true.”’
So I was a little worried about jumping in the middle of a story that is already going on. Since I haven’t read the Devoured series, would that stop me from liking and understanding the new Savor Us series? Lucky for me…absolutely no problems here. Savor You made me want to read the Devoured series even more than I already did. Lucas isn’t a huge factor in Savor You but he plays his part and did nothing but pique my interest. Oh and Cal and Heidi – they so need their own spin off. They have history, not at much as Wyatt and Ky, but still – there is something there. And it sounds amazing. And funny.
“I’ve been amazed by you since the first time I touched you, Ky. I’ve wanted every part of you since that day,” he starts in a rough voice. “Do you know what the bluebird’s for?”
“Happiness,” I say, repeating what he explained to me about my own a few years ago. “A new beginning.”
He shakes his head. “It’s for you. You’re my happiness, and I’ll fight until the end to make sure you know that.”
I am so excited for what is next for Kylie and Wyatt…Savor You left me happy, but not complete and after all the ups and downs they have been through, I have a feeling their final HEA is going to be amazingly spectacular.
Want a shot at winning 1 of 3 ebook copies of Savor You? Click here to enter the Rafflecopter giveaway or click the logo below…
Emily Snow is the New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author of the DEVOURED series (2012, 2013) and TIDAL (2012).
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Savor You sounds like an awesome read! Thank you for the contest!
Dark Lust would be a cool name for a band! lol
band names … cool breeze or blue lightning … 🙂
thank you for sharing!
Thanks for the giveaway 🙂
Black Dawn!!
I always liked the name KISS but I guess that one is taken. Thanks for the giveaway.
The best rock band name…Dark Envy?!! Lol. Thanks for the giveaway 😛
Rock Band….only thing jumpin in my mind right now is, D-Bags!!
hmmm…I would not know how to name a band…besides I would get tired of it and end up wanting to change it. OneRepublic is my favorite band and I love their name 🙂
Wow, this is a hard one!! I will say the first thing that came to mind lol…The Swamp Donkeys! Hahahaha!!!