New York’s Finest
Blogging as *The Socialmedialite*
April 22
LADIES AND GENTS! I have an announcement!You know that guy I featured on my blog a few months ago? The really, really hot Irish rugby player who plays the position of ‘hooker’ in the RLI (Rugby League International)? The one with the anger management issues, the body of a gladiator and the face of a movie star? The one with the questionable fashion choices leading me to ask whether he was the lovechild of a leprechaun and a hobbit? Ronan Fitzpatrick? Yeah, that guy.Well, I have a confession to make…
Annie Catrel, social media expert extraordinaire at Davidson & Croft Media and clandestine celebrity blogger, can make anyone shine in the court of public opinion. She is the Socialmedialite, anonymous creator of New York’s Finest and the internet’s darling. Virtual reality is Annie’s forte, but actual reality? Not so much.
Ronan Fitzpatrick, aka the best hooker the world of rugby has seen in decades, despises the media—social or otherwise. The press has spun a web of lies depicting him as rugby’s wild and reckless bad boy. Suspended from his team, Ronan has come to Manhattan to escape the drama, lay low, fly under the radar. Only, Ronan isn’t easy to overlook, and he can’t escape the notice of the Socialmedialite…
When Ronan is sent to Davidson & Croft Media to reshape his public image, he never expects to cross paths with shy but beautiful Annie, nor does he expect his fierce attraction to her. He couldn’t be happier when her boss suggests pairing them together.
What lengths will Annie take to keep her virtual identity concealed? And what happens when the hooker discovers who the hermit really is?The Hooker and the Hermit is a collaboration between authors L.H. Cosway and Penny Reid, is a full length 100k word novel, and is a standalone.
The Hooker and the Hermit by L.H. Cosway
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
*ARC Given to Blog for Honest Review*
4 “éclair” Kisses
It’s been a few months since I read a book in 24 hours but for some reason The Hooker and the Hermit was unputdownable for me. It was like reading my favorite sitcom and I was completely sucked in. It was funny and light at all the right moments, unexpectedly angsty, gave me all the feels I could dream of and just completely fit the book mood that I didn’t know I was in.
Annie Catrel…oh my little hermit…what to do with Annie…she was like my awkward dream come true. I live for heroines like Annie because I related to her on so many levels…I loved her weirdness and the fact that she was awkward…I loved that she was a little on the anti-social side…I loved the crazy things that came out of her mouth when she cursed – she’s funny and very loveable. She also has a sad past…which is part of the reason why she is a little broken. I hurt for what happened to her but the result of her being so shut down and closed off made me want to shake her a little bit. Even when something good and worthwhile was staring her in the face, begging her to take a chance…she still had those walls built up and her refusal to take that risk drove me a little batty. It’s not unwarranted…I did understand her and her logic…and I loved her, flaws and all…but I loved even more seeing the transformation Ronan’s presence had on her.
‘I felt his eyes move over me, and I wondered if he saw the acute disappointment I felt at the impersonal nature of the kiss, meant only for show. I hoped he didn’t. I did not want to be that girl, the one who sends mixed signals. Maybe it was already too late for that. Maybe I was that girl. But I couldn’t help it. I liked him. I liked him more than I should.’
Ronan Fitzpatrick…oh my god this man just totally stole my heart. He’s everything and then some and then a little bit more of some other amazing things because…you. Just. Don’t. Even. Know. Ronan is sexy…and alpha…and sweet…and kind…and thoughtful…and patient…and kinky…and OMG I could seriously go on forever. I usually find myself more connected to the heroine…for obvious reasons…but I am 100% devoted to Ronan…this man could seriously do no wrong. Throughout the entire book I felt myself more drawn to him and what he was going through than Annie…and that really doesn’t happen very often. I don’t know why…I can’t explain it…but emotionally, I totally felt everything that he was experiencing. It was a completely unique experience that shocked me in the best ways possible. He’s not perfect…but he’s damn close.
“Now, you listen to me.” Ronan nipped my jaw, still holding me close, then whispered hotly against my ear, tickling me and making me shiver, “This is happening. You and I are happening, and this is real. I like you – and more than just in the biblical sense, whatever the hell that means. I love that you’re brilliant, and generous, and gorgeous, and real. I like you.”
I totally, completely and thoroughly enjoyed just about every aspect of Ronan and Annie. From their first meeting to the way he pursued her…their flirtation…watching their feelings grow and develop…the entire process was amazing to me. The emotional journey that I go through with each couple is what I live for and Ronan and Annie’s was fantastic. I was on the angsty emotional rollercoaster and loving every second of it. The up’s and down’s…all the crucial moments that give me the feels…both good and bad…but it was all a part of what made me fall in love with them. The biggest thing I loved about Ronan and Annie…they’re a complete and total flip of what most romances are. It felt like all of the complaints and things that normally drive me crazy that the guy does…Annie was the one doing them. Ronan was being an angel…everything he was saying and doing was perfect for me and I was shaking my kindle in frustration at Annie’s behavior…it was an unexpected turn of events – but it worked. It fit who Annie and Ronan were…made me love them both more as characters (even when I wanted to ring Annie’s neck) and I loved what it brought to the story.
“It’s better this way.” Her eyes cut to the table, and she shook her head, as thought convincing herself. “At least if we go no further, then we’ll never know what we’re missing. We avoid the pain.”
I flatten my mouth, my tone turning serious. “I know what I’m missing, Annie. You are singular to me, exceptional. You’re brilliant and adorable and so fucking real. I care about you. And I wasn’t been able to get the taste of you, the feel of you, out of my head since we first kissed.”
I cannot get over the way this story sucked me in so completely…the entire build of the characters, their relationship, how everything fit together, all the little twists…it was all orchestrated perfectly. Speaking of the twists, something I wasn’t expecting…Ronan’s kinky side. Oh my…it was hot! And I it was one more thing I loved about that sexy rugby player. Trust me…I wasn’t expecting an altar boy by any stretch of the imagination…but the whole Dom aspect was a welcomed surprised. But once again…strangely enough, it fit with who Ronan was. The character development with Ronan and Annie was insanely strong…and really played a crucial part in my adoring this book as much as I did. I liked that we were in both of their POV’s…it was necessary and it never got redundant, which I really appreciated and I felt like the POV’s were balanced really well, even though I loved Ronan’s more than Annie (I can’t help it, he’s my favorite!).
‘I was in desperate like with a real person. I couldn’t remember ever liking someone as much as I did Ronan. I liked him so goddamn much; I thought about him all the freaking time. It was more than just how epically sexy he was. He was fucking charming as hell, and funny, and smart, and sweet, and brave, and determined, and honorable….’
Alright…so I have a bit of a confession to make. I honestly wanted to review this book based on the title alone. 🙂 Don’t judge me…the title is awesome and caught my attention and if I’m being really honest, I can’t even promise I read the whole synopsis before wanting to read it – that’s how committed I was to this book. Clearly…my snap judgment paid off because since reading it, the title means so much more and I love a million times more than I already did. Another random thing that I love about this book…that it’s by two authors…some of my favorite books are co-authored…and while this may be the first time I’ve ready L.H. Cosway and Penny Reid…I highly doubt it will be my last. There was a lightness with this book…even with the substantial angst it had…it just always had this very fun and free vibe to it that I can only attribute to the authors and their tone. I love the blend of humor and angst and sex…it was very distinctive and I never felt one overshadowed the other. The humor was smart and witty…I did have some laugh out loud moments but there were quite a few times that I just had a smile on my face…I couldn’t help myself. Granted the two main characters definitely helped with that too..Annie and Ronan aren’t deep and dark…they’re on the lighter/funner side of the spectrum and it’s impossible to read characters like that and not have a big grin on my face. They just made me happy…reason #958295 why I couldn’t put this book down.
“I’m not going to change my mind. That’s not ever going to happen. After that stunt you pulled, you’re stuck with me.”
“Good.” Her chin wobbled, and I saw her eyes were filling with tears. Her voice was watery as she added, “Because you’re stuck with me, too. I deserve you, Ronan Fitzpatrick.”
I laughed. “God help you.”
I’m always a clinger…I always want more…but I love that this is a standalone. Ronan and Annie’s story was a perfect rollercoaster of epic emotional proportions but…I couldn’t be happier with their story. The epilogue left me blissfully happy and I adored their story to bits and pieces from beginning to end. Bravo to L.H. and Penny for giving me a loveable hooker and endearing hermit that will live in my heart forever.
L.H. Cosway has a BA in English Literature and Greek and Roman Civilisation, and an MA in Postcolonial Literature. She lives in Dublin city. Her inspiration to write comes from music. Her favourite things in life include writing stories, vintage clothing, dark cabaret music, food, musical comedy, and of course, books.
She thinks that imperfect people are the most interesting kind. They tell the best stories.
SEX! It all started with sex, between my parents. Personally I don’t like thinking about it, but whatever works for you is a-ok with me. No judgment. The sex happened in California and much of my life also occurred in that state until I moved from the land of nuts (almonds), wine, silicon… boobs, and heavy traffic to the southeast US. Like most writers I like to write, but let’s get back to sex. Eventually I married and gave birth to 2 small people-children (boy-6, girl-4 as of this writing).
By day I’m a biomedical researcher with focus on rare diseases. By night I’m a knitter, sewer, lino block carver, fabric printer, soap maker, and general crafter. By the wee hours of the morning or when I’m intoxicated I love to listen to the voices in my head and let them tell me stories. I hope you enjoy their stories.
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Well I’m intrigued just by the title.
Thank you for the chance to win. 🙂
I think The Hooker and the Hermit is a must read!!
Hahah I am totally with you about the title – I was so intrigued when I first read the title. That aside, it is still a book I might be interested to read!
sounds like a great book
Isn’t that a wonderful feeling to be so pulled into a book that you finish it in one sitting!?! I love being drawn so deeply into a story that I can’t pull myself out even to eat. Lol.