Release Date: February 24, 2015
In Thoughtless, Kiera told her story. Now it’s time to hear from the sexy rock star who captivated us all . . .The only place Kellan Kyle has ever felt at home is onstage. Gripping his guitar in a darkened bar, he can forget his painful past. These days his life revolves around three things: music, his bandmates, and hot hookups. Until one woman changes everything…Kiera is the kind of girl Kellan has no business wanting-smart, sweet, and dating his best friend. Certain he could never be worthy of her love, he hides his growing attraction…until Kiera’s own tormented heart hints that his feelings might not be one-sided. Now, no matter the consequences, Kellan is sure of one thing-he won’t let Kiera go without a fight.
Did you catch Kellan’s Love Note on Valentine’s Day? *sigh* It’s amazing!
For almost two years now, Kiera’s boyfriend, Denny, has been everything she’s ever wanted: loving, tender and endlessly devoted to her. When they head off to a new city to start their lives together, Denny at his dream job and Kiera at a top-notch university, everything seems perfect. Then an unforeseen obligation forces the happy couple apart.
Feeling lonely, confused, and in need of comfort, Kiera turns to an unexpected source—a local rock star named Kellan Kyle. At first, he’s purely a friend that she can lean on, but as her loneliness grows, so does their relationship. And then one night everything changes…and none of them will ever be the same.
From the #1 New York Times bestselling author S.C. Stephens comes the new adult series everyone is talking about; and a love triangle you won’t forget.After being caught in the middle of a love triangle that led to a devastating betrayal, Kiera pledged to learn from the mistakes she’d made. She was determined to never again inflict that kind of pain on anyone, especially the soulful, talented man who held her heart. But life offers new challenges for every relationship, and when Kiera’s love is put to the ultimate test, will it survive? Love is easy; trust is hard.
Can love survive when life gets Reckless?
When the band hits it big, Kiera and Kellan must ask themselves: Can their love for each other survive the constant pressures of superstardom? The friendships they’ve formed, the new family they’ve found, and the history they’ve forged will all play a part in helping them navigate the turbulent waters of the band’s exploding popularity. A greedy executive hell-bent on success, a declining pop star looking for an edge, and a media circus that twists lies into truths are just some of the obstacles the lovers will have to overcome if they are going to remain together. Fame comes with a price-but will it cost Kiera and Kellan everything?
Where do you find inspiration for your writing? Do you use real people/places as a foundation?
I often use real places, and that will give me ideas about what the characters could be doing there. Music is really my biggest inspiration. I love having a soundtrack in my head to go with the story.
Why do you think fans are so passionate about the series?
Kellan. I think it all stems from him.
Why set your books in Seattle?
I know the city, so I felt comfortable writing about it.
How did you choose Kellan’s name?
Kellan’s name came to me while I was writing, although, I originally had him as Denny and Denny as Kellan. It didn’t take me long to switch them.
What would readers be surprised to find out about you?
I’m very quiet, and I really don’t like being in the spotlight. Matt and I have a lot in common, except I can’t play an instrument to save my life.
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
*ARC Given to Blog for Honest Review*
5+++++ “Mornin’” “It’s better to never say goodbye, to just move on, to end the lie.” “She was mine” Kisses
I don’t know how to talk about this series without putting my whole heart on paper…that’s how much I love it. The Thoughtless series is one of my favorite series of all time…one of my top three BBF’s of all time…one of my favorite couples ever…it means so much to me that even contemplating putting my feelings about it into words makes me tear up – it just has that hold over my heart. I was really nervous going into Thoughtful because I needed it to be amazing…I’ve been dying to get into Kellan Kyle’s head for almost 2 ½ years…a lot was on the line. Well my thoughts, hopes, dreams and any and all expectations were completely and totally blown out of the water. Thoughtful was everything I could have imagined and then some…love doesn’t even begin to cover how I feel about this book. In case you haven’t read the Thoughtless series or met the god that is Kellan Kyle…then please stop immediately and go read Thoughtless…like, right now. This is a series that absolutely must be read in order and while you can read Effortless and Recklessbefore Thoughtful, you have to read Thoughtless first.
Kellan Kyle…the rock star…the sex god…the man defies explanation. I knew from the very beginning there was so much untapped potential…so much promise behind those beautiful blue eyes…and actually knowing and understanding him a little better has finally given my heart peace. It’s not that Kellan never opened up in Thoughtless…he does…but hearing them tell someone their thoughts and feelings and reading everything straight from the character…it’s just two different things. There is absolutely no filter between Kellan and me and there is no way to fully express how deeply I felt everything he was saying. I knew it was going to be hard…I knew it was going to hurt but I did not come close to how incredible it actually was. It was like falling in love with him all over again. I found a new, deeper appreciation for this brilliant character that I already thought was amazing.
‘When we pulled into the driveway, I shut the car off and looked down at Kiera sleeping on me. She seemed so comfortable, so content. I wanted to stroke her hair, cup her cheek, kiss her forehead. A surging desire was building in me to put both my arms around her and hold her tight. To tell her how much she meant to me, that no one saw me the way she did, no one cared for me the way she did. To tell her I cared about her in a way that sometimes scared the crap out of me. She was comfort and pain, wrapped up in one beautiful package…that wasn’t mine.’
Kiera Allen…I have always had this love for Kiera that I cannot explain. I never hated her…I may have been frustrated with her – and seeing her actions through Kellan’s eyes didn’t change that…but on some level, I understood what she was going through. I didn’t envy her decision or her struggle…she’s faced with the impossible choice…her first love, the only man that she has ever been with and a guy that represents a huge part of her life….or this amazing man that lights her up and makes her feel things she’s never experienced before. I understood and saw her fear and reluctance for what it was. I think really knowing how Kellan felt about her and seeing her from his POV almost made everything that they went through worth it…because I have a new found appreciation for what her presence did to him and for him. It’s really hard to explain and I really feel like it’s something that needs to be experienced…in the moment…hearing it straight from Kellan…I just get it.
“Don’t do this,” I whispered to myself between our hungry lips. This will only hurt us…all three of us. Be strong enough to walk away. Stop this. Her lips pressed harder against mine. Even as pain leached out of my throat in a whimper, my willpower dissolved. “What are you doing, Kiera?” What am I doing?
She paused with her lips brushing mine. “I don’t know…just don’t leave me, please don’t leave me.” The truth and pain in her voice were undeniable – she wanted me.
Her eyes were shut, so she couldn’t see the smile on my face. I won’t. I won’t ever leave you. “Kiera…please…” I’m yours…take me. My resistance faded away with a shudder, and I sought her mouth. I needed her. I’d always needed her. And she wanted me to stay…she wanted me with her…she wanted me. And I was hers.’
My love for Kellan and Kiera might be at an all time high right now…their story, their feelings for each other…from beginning to end, I can’t help but love every single ounce of these two. They’re so alike and yet so different in so many ways, but the one thing they have is this unending desire to be with each other…just being around the other makes them more complete and I love that so much. It’s always been more about their emotional connection than anything else between these two and Thoughtless really showed me that. The joy that was brought to my heart with every time they held hands or he made her laugh or blush or when she would talk to him about his music…that’s just all I need in life. I’m a stickler for one thing…repetitiveness…I hate it. I can handle it in small doses, but if it gets to be too much then I start to disconnect. This is the same story as Thoughtless…so you would think the repetitiveness of reading the same story would drive me crazy – it did not feel like the same story. Every emotion and detail I was reading was fresh and new…and even though I knew exactly what was going to happen next, I was still holding my breath with each click of my kindle.
‘She seemed amused by that. “Eventually you’re going to start making sense, right?”
I laughed and looked out over the skyline, “Yeah…just give me a minute.” Or three, or four. I can do this…
Respecting my wishes, Kiera put her head on my shoulder and held me tight. As I held her head in place and rubbed her back, I felt my unease dissolving. This wasn’t just anyone I was opening up to. This was Kiera. She had my heart, every corner of it, so what did it matter if she knew about the darkness that surrounded me? She would love me anyway. I was sure of that. My secrets were safe with her. I was safe with her.’
I don’t know why hearing the same story from a different POV affected me differently…but it did. I know their story…the order of events isn’t different but the emotional impact that is had on me is 1000000000% a new experience. Understanding Kellan’s thoughts and feelings…seeing things from a new perspective…getting facts that weren’t exactly as clear the first time around…it was like reading Thoughtless for the first time. And god did that book gut me the first time around but for whatever reason I didn’t know if I was going to survive it from Kellan’s POV. The rawness of his emotions was something I don’t experience very often. Maybe it’s because he’s one of my favorites, maybe it’s because I love this story so much – I really don’t care the reason why it hit me so hard because it was the most exquisite pain and I couldn’t help but love every second of it. I feel like Thoughtful brought a new clarity to a character that is so deeply rooted in my heart, I never will forget him…and getting this insight on him was worth every second of pain…it made me appreciate him and love him more than I thought possible.
“I love you.”
The words were so simple, a barely speaking child could learn them, but they were so damn powerful….lives had been destroyed because of them. And their effect on me was immediate. My eyes burned as moisture worked its way to the surface. I shut them and twin tears worked their way down my cheeks. I felt like sobbing. I felt like laughing. Joy and pain spun around within me in an agonizing dance, and I had no idea which emotion was in the lead. She does love me. Someone loves me.
I felt Kiera brush my tears aside. “I love you…so much.”
Another reason I loved it…it made me love the D-Bags even more. Of course seeing them through Kiera’s eyes it’s impossible not to fall for these guys and their little band bro-mance they have…it’s an amazing combination and brings light and humor to an angsty series…but really understanding the friendship that they have with Kellan…it’s just one more layer than I couldn’t help but adore. Especially the Kellan/Evan relationship…that was kind of an awesome surprise. I mean…I knew Evan was a great guy but it’s not like I remember any of their conversations being that impactful, but this time around, I had a new found admiration for the way Evan helped and support Kellan. Something I was excited to see and really enjoyed understanding more was the way Kellan and Denny handled everything that happened. It’s no secret how much Kellan thought of Denny and how conflicted he was over damaging that relationship…and we get the basics on how everything goes after the fight…but I did feel like I got more out of that. The whole situation is messy but they’re all trying to make the best of it…and I appreciated getting more insight into what happened between the two of them.
‘The memory of who I was before she came into my life, exactly a year ago, pounded through my brain – the loneliness, the desperation to connect – I couldn’t go back to that emptiness. I wouldn’t survive it. “I don’t want to be alone anymore,” I muttered, barely conscious of saying it. I don’t want to be without you anymore. Ever. ’
It’s funny because while I was reading…and loving every second…I had the same feels that I did with Thoughtless. I wanted it to be over and never end in the same breath…it’s very conflicting and confusing…but it works. Now that I have a taste of KK’s mind…I want more! This shouldn’t be a surprise…I’m a Stage 5 Clinger and if there is anyone I cling to the most, it’s Kellan Kyle…but he’s like a drug that I will never stop being addicted to. Am I content with getting Thoughtful…of course I am…but I would gladly accept Effortless and Reckless from KK’s POV. Because…more Kellan is always amazing. 🙂
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what a great boook
This sounds like an interesting read. Thank you for the giveaway.