Release Date: March 29, 2015
I didn’t think I’d ever want to devote my life to someone. That is, until Brin.
I was twenty-six years old the day she entered my life, just when I’d given up hope, just when I’d given up completely on having any shred of happiness in my pathetic excuse for a life. After years of indecision, self-destruction and soul-searching, she found me.
Brinley challenged everything I thought I knew. She proved that goodness could still come from that hellish compound. Goodness, bravery and love. She changed everything the moment she knocked on the door of my apartment, acting as brave as a lion, even though she was shaking like a terrified mouse stuck in my trap.
And now, three years later, I want her as my wife. My only wife. Till death do us part.
Just us.
And I’ve never wanted anything more.
Did you see Porter’s Love Note from Valentine’s Day? L-O-V-E him!
Lipstick. Bright, red lipstick. Nothing but lipstick.
Even though it’s against our faith to wear a color that screams of sexual promiscuity and deviant behavior, I’m not allowed to protest.
But, I want to.
So badly.
You see, there’s more to me than the braid that spills down my back.
More to me than the layers of heavy fabric that maintain my modesty.
And so much more than the oppressive wedding band that adorns my finger–the same band that each of my sister wives wear.
So much more.
To protest would be sinful.
I must keep sweet, that is my duty.
So I’ll wear the lipstick. I’ll do as I’m told.
And I’ll do my best to silence the resistance within me, to push him from my mind.
If only my heart would do the same.
Our first summer living together in Porter’s house, he introduced me to drive-in movies. Well, he introduced me to a bunch of things I’d never experienced before: movie theaters, miniature golf, rock climbing, fast food drive-throughs. and picnics in the field near our house. But my favorite, by far, was the drive-in movie theater.
I’ll never forget that first night when Porter introduced me to the concept. I was new to living in the outside world. Movies and television, on the whole, were still new to me, but the idea of watching a movie outside was almost impossible to imagine.
When we’d first arrived, I hadn’t been sure what to expect. The drive-in was out in the middle of nowhere, next to a shallow canyon. Dust flew inside the cab of Porter’s truck as we approached the ticket taker. The booth was rusted and painted an odd pistachio green. I eyed Porter, wondering just how long the drive-in had been in business. If the dilapidated state of the booth was any indication, it had been quite a while.
“It’s vintage.” He laughed as he pulled the truck away from the booth and approached the enormous movie screen.
“Kinda like me?” I teased, looking down at my modest outfit. Until recently, I’d only worn old-fashioned clothes and my hair in a long blond braid down my back.
“Nah, you’re classic, Brin. Classic.”
They were playing a marathon of old movies, the black-and-white kind. Honestly, I didn’t really understand the difference all that much until Porter explained that Clark Gable’s expressions and slang in It Happened One Night no longer translated in the modern world. I was captivated by the actor’s handsome, debonair onscreen persona. And I was equally fascinated by the hairstyles and costumes of his leading lady—the glamour of the actress, her perfectly made-up face and flawless skin. But most of all, I was entranced by the entire experience of watching a movie on a larger-than-life screen all from the bed of Porter’s truck, salt and butter from the freshly made popcorn lingering on my fingers.
The stars were bright above us as we lay in the bed of the truck. Fleece blankets softened the unyielding metal beneath us, and pillows cradled us comfortably as we lounged. Candy of all kinds and giant convenience-store sodas kept our bellies full and satisfied as we snuggled up together, my legs draped over his, and his arm resting comfortably beneath the small of my back.
In a word, it was heavenly. And I don’t take that word lightly.
“That was romantic,” I said with a yawn on our drive back to the house.
Porter laughed. “You think so? Even though the place is falling apart?”
The wind blew through my hair and I nodded. “Yes. Thank you for taking me.” I slid closer to him and he wrapped his arm around me, placing a kiss on the top of my head.
“I love introducing you to stuff like this. Your expressions make it totally worth it.”
That comment made me self-conscious, knowing that in the grand scheme of things, I was still quite a fish out of water. I fidgeted with my hair and shifted in my seat. “I must look ridiculous.”
“Never,” he insisted, his voice serious. “It’s sweet. It’s like this look of wonder, ya know? You’re experiencing so many things for the first time, and I get to be there for it. Makes me feel really lucky.”
My nose had wrinkled in disbelief. “Really? Lucky?”
Porter had kissed my head again. “Every single day.”
It’s amazing that you can live somewhere for twenty-two years and never feel like you fit in, like you’re home. That night in his truck, I’d known I was finally home. Porter was the home I’d dreamed about for years.
His Only Wife by Melissa Brown
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
*ARC Given to Blog for Honest Review*
3.5 “I always knew I would fall in love.” Kisses
I loved Wife Number Seven…every part of Brinley and Porter’s story just enchanted me in all the right ways and I adored these two characters to pieces, especially the way they felt about each other. I was happy with the way WNS ended…but I’m not going to say that I wasn’t über excited that I was getting more of them with His Only Wife. Any time I can get more from characters I love, I will gladly take it…and His Only Wife only strengthened and reinforced my love for Porter and Brin.
Porter Hammond…honestly, one of the things that I loved most about His Only Wife was getting more from Porter. There are a few chapters in Wife Number Seven that are from his POV, but I would have taken 100 more and still probably not been satisfied. He is just one of those very intriguing characters…he’s very unique, not your typical alpha male book boyfriend – but that doesn’t make him any less desirable or alluring. If anything, with his past and what he has gone through to be with Brinley, I want to know him even more. So, after I finished WNS I was thrilled to jump right into His Only Wife…because it gave me more of a connection with him and his thoughts…especially about how he felt about Brinley.
‘It’s amazing that you can live somewhere for twenty-two years and never feel like you fit in, like you’re home. That night in his truck, I’d known I was finally home. Porter was the home I’d dreamed about for years.’
Brinley Cluff…I was worried about this girl. You can’t take a caged animal and throw it back in the wild and expect it to survive without a few bumps and bruises along the way. There are growing pains…times when she is going to struggle in adapting to a completely different society than she is accustomed to…and that kind of stuff can really mess with someone’s head. I always knew Brinely was a strong girl, but her biggest battle wasn’t leaving the compound…it’s living without it and the only life she has ever known. I loved that she had Porter there to support her…and Tiffany…she faced everything as best she could, she kept her head high and never tried to deny the fact that what she was doing wasn’t easy…but it was what she wanted and what would make her happy in the end.
‘Brin wore her vulnerability like a brightly colored sweater, one she pulled tight to her body. And I loved her for it.
I loved her vulnerability, those splotches on her skin. I loved that even after so much time away from the compound, her heart still ached for those she loved. I loved that her ability to love was boundless, even after all she’d been through. It was all of these things that made her Brin. It was all of these things that made her the most gorgeous person on the planet.’
It was pretty clear by the title of the book what was going to happen…but it wasn’t as cut and dry as I thought, there was a lot more to Brin and Porter’s story. While pick up about three years after WNS ends…we do go back to a few key points during those three years. Porter and Brin never really got a chance to have the ‘normal relationship’ before she left the compound…so it was nice getting to experience some of that with them. They may have done things a little out of order but it didn’t make it less special – just all part of the uniqueness that makes me love them. After all the angst and tension from WNS, it was a nice change to see them in this context but it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. With Porter’s past history with drugs and Brinley trying to figure herself out outside of the compound, it’s emotionally a lot to take on. Thank God they have each other for support…but that can also be a blessing and a curse.
“I’m a risk, always have been.”
Snuggling closer, she said, “You’re a risk I want to take for the rest of my life, Porter Hammond.”
Overwhelming gratitude crashed through me with those words. She thought I was worth the risk. She thought I was worth it.
I’m worth it. I’m worth it. I’m worth it.’
I also liked that Tiffany (Brinley’s cousin) was still a huge part of her life…also helping her adapt, since she’s already been through everything Brinley is currently going through, but it was more than that. Tiffany is now Brin’s only family…she went from being surrounded by family, down to one, but Tiffany is completely understanding and sympathetic to what Brinley is feeling. With Porter…he was blessed with Jesse…the father figure he always needed to help guide and support him and who knows more than anything the issues Porter faces with addiction. I was wondering after WNS how Porter’s addiction was going to be addressed because…addiction is not that easy and I didn’t want it to be one of those things where, now that he has Brinley, he doesn’t need drugs and all is well with the world. Luckily, Melissa handled it marvelously and I was very pleased with what she did – it was completely realistic and yet true to who Brin and Porter were.
“I’ll love you forever,” I whispered as I wrapped my arms around her. “No matter what.”
I am loving every second of The Compound Series…another thing I enjoyed about His Only Wife were the little hints that were dropped about Aspen, Brinley’s former sister wife – the way she responded to Brin at the end of WNS made her instantly amazing in my eyes and I’m thrilled that her story is next. Mother Before Wife could not describe Aspen more in three words and I am so ready to read it, it’s not even funny! Porter and Brinley will always hold a special place in my heart, but His Only Wife gave them an amazing ending and I couldn’t be more happy with the way their story ended.
Melissa Brown was born and raised in the suburbs of Chicago. She attended the University of Illinois and is the mother of two fantastic kids. She’s an avid reader who enjoys making handmade gifts for her family and friends, as well as baking and painting. Melissa has an unhealthy obsession with pop culture. She speaks fluent movie quotes from the 1980s (John Hughes = genius), reads celebrity gossip magazines and never misses an episode of Scandal. She enjoys writing contemporary romance, romantic suspense and young adult novels.
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THis looks so thrilling!
I wish they put out the movie! Looks very interesting!
I agree Lamia…this would be a great movie!!! Since the movies seem to just be re-inventing what’s already been done! This story would definitely be something new!!! Love it! The beginning sounds like my life at 26…and now I’m 40, waiting for the knock on my door!!!
Such a romantic cover!
Thanks for the introduction to this book. It sounds wonderful.