Release Date: March 24, 2015
Race car mechanic Andressa “Andi” Amaro has one rule—no dating drivers. With a good reason behind the rule, she has no plans on breaking it.
Carrick Ryan is the bad boy of Formula One. With a face and body that melts panties on sight, and an Irish lilt that leaves women on their knees, begging for more. He races hard and parties harder. The youngest driver to ever sign with F1, he’s still at the top of his game five years later, breaking hearts on and off the tracks.
When Andi is offered her dream job working in the glamorous world of F1, she leaves her home in Brazil, positive she can handle working for Carrick. But she’s not prepared for the off-the-chart sparks that fly the moment they meet.
Now, Andi has a crush on the one man she can’t have, and her resolve is about to be put to the test, because Carrick has decided he wants Andi, and he plans on testing her to the very limit…
I run my fingertips over the blue-and-silver paintwork as I walk toward the back end. Bending over, I start poking around, taking a look at the engine.
“Please tell me that you’re my birthday present.”
The Irish drawl has the hairs on the back of my neck standing on end.
I turn my head to find Carrick Ryan standing behind me.
Oh. Wow.
He’s definitely better looking in the flesh than on television. I knew he was attractive. But blonds aren’t usually my thing. I’m more of a dark-hair-and-dark-eyes kind of girl.
But his dirty-blond hair, blue eyes laced with sin, and full lips—the kind of lips you spend hours sucking on—and that chiseled jaw decorated with stubble…yep, it all seems to be working for me. Well, my body anyway. Definitely not my head. Man-sluts are not my thing.
My eyes meet with his as he lifts them from blatantly staring at my arse. The look in them hits me straight in the gut, surprising the hell out of me. His eyes are profoundly blue and filled with heat. My skin starts to prickle as his intense stare burns me up.
I’ve never had such an instant visual reaction to a man before.
Take it easy, Andi. This isn’t a problem. You’ve met good-looking men before. You can turn this off. Drivers are a no-go area, especially ones you work for.
My job is too important to lose over a man.
Straightening, I turn to face him.
“Hello,” I say in my most confident and formal voice.
I get nothing back, and that’s because he hasn’t heard me. He’s too busy staring at my breasts.
Typical man.
I have the sudden urge to punch him in his handsome face.
But I won’t because I’m a professional. I’ll handle this in the best way I know when it comes to dealing with pervy dickheads like him.
“It’s your birthday?” I say sweetly, my smile a little on the flirtatious side.
He grins. “It sure is, and it’s definitely looking up now that you’re here. Are you going to make it extra special for me, sugar?”
He thinks he’s about to get lucky.
Far from it. Smarmy twat.
I tilt my head to the side, keeping the flirty smile on my face, as I walk up to him until there’s very little space between us. I press my fingers to his chest. God, that’s firm. I can feel the ridge of his muscles underneath my fingertips.
He’s tall, too, a good few inches higher than my five-nine. I’d say he’s six-one, which is tall for a driver, but he’s lean. He needs to be to fit into those cars. I bet, under those clothes of his, there’s nothing but toned muscle. Drivers have to be seriously fit, and Carrick Ryan certainly ticks that box on both counts.
Now, I’m imagining him naked. Great. Just fucking great.
I force my focus back to the now. “Well…” I lean in closer to him, hearing him suck in a sharp breath. I lower my voice as I whisper, “If you ever call me sugar again, you won’t see your next birthday. That’s for sure.”
He tilts his head back in amusement. “Feisty. I like it.”
I take a step back, dropping my hand from his chest. “There’s nothing here for you to like.”
His eyes run the length of me, lingering on my legs, the lusty look firing in them again. “I see plenty to like. Jesus…your legs go on forever.”
I wish I had something to hide my legs behind. Instead, I fold my arms to bring his focus up. “I’m not your type.”
Lifting his eyes back to mine, he gives me a confident smile. “Amazing arse. Great stems. Awesome rack. Beautiful face. Yep”—he nods—“you’re definitely my type.”
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
*ARC Given to Blog for Honest Review*
4 “I don’t get involved with drivers.” “You wanna get out of here?” “Jaguar XK-one twenty” Kisses
Oh-em-gee…I don’t think it’s possible for Samantha Towle to create characters that I don’t love completely and effortlessly. They steal my heart and I don’t ever want it back! Andi and Carrick were absolutely fantastic – I was so sucked into every detail of the story…the angst, the sexiness, the love – it was all perfect for me.
Andressa Amaro Wolfe…Andi, Andi, Andi…my super strong tom boy…I really did love Andi. Through everything…even the decisions that annoyed me…I felt like I understood her and her motives. Regardless of whether I agree with a characters choices…if I know the logic behind it, I can understand and support them. Andi has to be strong…she lost her father in a very tragic way and it’s kind of shaped how she wants to live her life. She is the perfect combination of her parents…her mothers good looks and her fathers drive and passion. Andi’s dedication to her career was awesome – she wanted to make it on her own merits, despite the fact that she didn’t have to and that really showed me what kind of person she was. She’s focused and disciplined and no one is going to knock her off her track…until Carrick Ryan.
‘“So, why Andi instead of Andressa?”
“Because Andressa is a bit of a mouthful, and it’s just what everyone has always called me.” My dad started calling me Andi. It apparently drove my mum mad until she finally gave in.
Carrick raises his eyes, and I can read the sexual innuendo all over his face.
“A mouthful can be a good thing.” He grins sexily. “Andi is a boy’s name, and you’re far from a boy. No, Andressa…that’s a beautiful woman’s name. It’s perfect for you.”
Oh, he’s good.’
Carrick Ryan…oh-my-sweet-Irish-man-whore-lovin-goodness – Carrick is ah-mazing!!! I have a weak spot for man whores…I don’t know what it is about them but watching the transformation is something I always look forward to – I can’t help myself. But he’s more than just a man whore…he is a fantastic formula one racecar driver. Making a name for himself at such a young age in an extremely intense and competitive sport is not an easy task…but Carrick has fought and worked hard for everything he has. He’s definitely the poster boy for work hard, play harder…hence the man whore status but that also has a lot to do with his past and home life. Carrick is…sweet, playful, sexy, and just fun…he warmed my heart, made me smile and turned me on. It’s really hard for me to think badly of him – even though he was no saint. He has his tendencies to fly off the handle but I think that’s due to his very passionate personality…that and Andi had the ability to bring out the best and worst in him.
“So, how are we best friends again exactly?”
“We’re best friends because” – he leans in close, moving into my space, with his lips next to my ear, and his hot breath makes me shiver – “You won’t let me shag you. Now, we’re going to be the next best thing, and that’s the best friends because I don’t do things by halves, Andressa. I’m an all-or-nothing kinda guy.” He sits back in his chair, staring at me.
I feel a wobble deep inside of me. I swallow down. “Um, yeah…I’m kind of getting that impression.”
Andi and Carrick are…like magnets, drawn together…it was so natural between them. Obviously the sexual attraction was there from the start but the thing I loved the most about Andi and Carrick was the friendship that they developed. If anything I would have liked to see more of that, I couldn’t get enough…them just hanging out, watching movies, talking…it was just so casual and normal for them to be hanging out. Their bond was really special and I know it started off playful and Andi was cautious but I never knew it would affect me so deeply. The moment the angst kicked in, I was so hurt for Andi because I saw how much it hurt her…I felt that. But on the other hand…the second they had sex…wow, it was a whole other level of emotional connection. There was one scene towards the end…without spoiling anything, all I will say is it involves a car…and it made me cry. The second I realized what Carrick had done…I knew, no matter what…I was going to get my HEA. It didn’t make going through the pain any less difficult…I still felt the angsty torture that I crave, but that freakin’ car was my sliver of hope and I held on to it with a death grip.
‘His fingers slide over my hand, curling around it, gripping. “Andressa, you’re-“ His voice has changed. It’s deeper, husky.
“The winner?” I cut him off, trying to inject sass into my voice. But it doesn’t work. I just sounded all breathy.
I need to bring us back to where we were, but I don’t know how.
He’s slowly pulling me in closer to him, closer to everything I want but can’t have.
“Like no one I’ve ever met before.”
And fuck.
Fuckity fuck, fuck, fuck.’
Andi and Carrick as friends = happy Lisa…Andi and Carrick as lovers = out of this world, deliriously giddy Lisa. Wow! They were so hot…and sensual – they’re already two very passionate people but combined it was this addictive connection that I loved so much. Plus, the way that Carrick behaved…the things he said…it was just so perfect. Take my wildest dreams of what I wanted them to be – add a million – and that’s about where my heart was at. I cannot stress it enough…I was invested before they even kissed…the moment they had sex, there was no going back for me. It just amplified everything I felt about them and despite the tension and hurt that might have happened, that’s what kept me going…knowing how happy they made my heart. Was the angst and strain frustrating at times? Yes…some of it could have been fixed with a little communication or clarification…but in the heat of the moment and with what was going on plus based on Carrick and Andi’s personalities…everything made sense for them.
“I can’t get you out of my head. And do you know what the worst thing is?”
There’s something in his tone, something so solemn that makes me that makes me turn my face to his, finding his expression just as grave. It makes my heart twist.
“It’s that you don’t even want to be in here.” He taps a finger to his head. “The one girl that I want, and she doesn’t want me.”
I feel crushed.
“Carrick, I do want you, I just can’t-“
The rest of my words are swallowed up by his kiss.
“Don’t…” he rumbles against my lips. “I don’t want to hear the can’t right now. I just want to hear the want.” He slides his fingers into my hair, tilting my head back so that I’m looking directly in his eyes. “Just tell me that you want me.”
I do want him.
My body is vibrating with the need I feel for him.
The need I always feel for him.
The need I’m constantly trying to bury.
But I can’t bury it tonight.
Closing my eyes, I let out a breath. “I want you.”
I swear…I think I got to around 40% and I could not put my kindle down. If I couldn’t do whatever I was doing while holding my kindle…and also reading…and not paying attention to anything else – then…sorry, it just wasn’t going to happen. I couldn’t function…had no desire to do anything but live in the world that was Andi and Carrick. I attribute this 100% to Samantha’s magical powers. I was submerged into every feeling that Andi experienced and it’s part of the reason why I couldn’t put this book down. I was completely immersed and right there with Andi – regardless of whether or not it’s what I would have done or whether or not I agreed with what she was doing/liked what she was doing…I was feeling with every ounce what she was going through…and that’s all I needed.
“What are you doing?” My voice trembles.
“Taking what I want…what’s mine.”
He cups my face with his hand, running the tip of his thumb over my lower lip, sending a shiver hurtling through me.
“I can’t do this anymore, Andressa. I thought I could handle just being your friend, but I can’t. I’m tired of pretending, pretending that I don’t feel what I feel for you. I want you, and it’s not going away. And I know how you feel the same. I can see it in your eyes…feel it in your body.” He runs his hand down the curve of my waist. “I’m sick of ignoring the inevitable.”
He presses a gentle kiss to the corner of my lips, and I gasp.
“You’re mine. You’ve been mine from the moment I saw you. And I’m definitely yours. So, I’m here, telling you that I want you today and every day after. I’m so beyond fucking crazy about you that I’m going insane from not being with you. So, whatever it is that’s stopping you from being with me, like we both know you want, then just fight it babe, because I can’t be without you a moment longer.”
Revved was…everything I needed…scratch that, it was more than I needed – it was something I didn’t even know I was looking for. Sometimes I just need to read something sexy…and angsty…with the perfect blend of drama and passion and that’s what this gave me. Two beautiful characters that captivated me and took me on a wild ride, sucking me into this explosive journey and giving me any and every feeling I could have wanted. It was a great standalone…but I won’t lie…there were some secondary characters in this book *cough cough*Petra and Robbie*cough cough*…alright, mainly Petra, I seriously loved her personality, but come on…there was something there – my spidey senses were tingling! Let’s put it this way…if some spin-off’s happened…I would be a very happy book worm. 🙂
Samantha Towle began her first novel in 2008 while on maternity leave. She completed the manuscript five months later and hasn’t stopped writing since. She is the author of THE MIGHTY STORM and the Wall Street Journal Bestseller WETHERING THE STORM.
She has also wrote paranormal romances, THE BRINGER and the ALEXANDRA JONES SERIES, all penned to tunes of The Killers, Kings of Leon, Adele, The Doors, Oasis, Fleetwood Mac, and more of her favourite musicians.
A native of Hull and a graduate of Salford University, she lives with her husband, Craig, in East Yorkshire with their son and daughter.
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I had to stop reading a few times before continuing on. Almost had a cardiac! 🙂
Such beautiful book cover and review! Gosh just seeing those pictures it gives you what a feeling! Thank you!
Thanks for another incredible review.