Best friends since they could walk. In love since the age of fourteen.
Complete strangers since this morning.
He’ll do anything to remember. She’ll do anything to forget.
Are you ready for the next part of Silas and Charlie’s story??? I know I am!
Silas races against time as more truths unravel, while others twist tighter together. “Where are you, Charlie?” Never Never: Part Two is the continuation of the Never Never series.
Did you see Silas’s Love Note from Valentine’s Day?
Keep reading to see the full Love Note!
My name is Silas Nash, and this Valentine goes out to the girl I’m trying to find. According to the information I found in her wallet, her name is Charlize. However, the notes I found in my car show that I sometimes refer to her as Charlie. Also–according to my notes–I’m madly in love with her. So Charlie, if you get this message, I miss you. I think. I love you. I think. And WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
*ARC Given to Blog for Honest Review*
3.5 “Charlie baby” “Never never” “trees” “pearls” Kisses
I am not going to lie, from the moment I heard about this book I was beyond excited. You cannot tell me that two of my favorite authors ever are writing a book and not expect me to flip out a little. Plus the synopsis? Get out of here. My grabby hands were out of control. But I was nervous…because I didn’t want my expectations to be so high that I hyped it up past a reasonable point. I should know by now that when dealing with Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher, I should always anticipate greatness, because they never cease to amaze me.
Charlize Margaret Wynwood…such an elegant name, I like it. Charlie is…unique. For the most part I liked her…but I can’t guarantee I would have liked the old-Charlie. I don’t mean that in a bad way…I don’t have to like everybody, but there are tendencies and traits that the old-Charlie had, that the new-Charlie hasn’t picked up yet and I’m kinda hoping she doesn’t. New-Charlie is…open, inquisitive, guarded to a point but it feels like it’s more out of self-preservation than anything. Between Charlie and Silas…I’d say she’s got a rougher time of piecing herself together…even more so because of the guarded thing, but I did enjoy getting to know her. I feel the times she truly shines and I connect with her the most is when she is around Silas.
‘She’s beautiful, but in a shameful way. One I’m not sure I’m supposed to appreciate. Everything about her is captivating, like the aftermath of a storm. People aren’t supposed to get pleasure out of the destruction Mother Nature is capable of, but we want to stare anyway. Charlie is the devastation left in the wake of a tornado.’
Silas Nash…I’m so close to falling in love with Silas, and I don’t even know that much about him. This boy has an amazing personality that even not knowing as much about him as I would like to cannot stop the fact that he is just flat out wonderful. What I do know…he’s kind, sweet, genuine…determined…thoughtful, he’s not perfect but he clearly tries his best. He’s hilarious…I love his sense of humor…it was really easy to be drawn to Silas, he’s magnetic like that. Silas is…like an open book, he’s really easy to read (that was an unintentional pun, I promise!)…and the one of the few things I know about Silas is how he feels about Charlie.
“Why are you smiling?” she asks, three miles into our drive.
I didn’t realize I was. I shrug. “Just thinking.”
“About what?”
I glance at her and she’s waiting for my answer with an impatient frown. “I was wondering how the old Silas ever broke through your hard exterior.”
She laughs. “What makes you think he did?”
I would smile again, but I don’t think I’ve stopped. “You saw the video, Charlie. You loved him.” I pause for a second, then rephrase. “Me. You loved me.”
“She loved you,” Charlie says, and then smiles. “I’m not even sure if I like you yet.”
I shake my head with a soft laugh. “I don’t know myself very well, but I must have been extremely competitive. Because I just took that as a challenge.”
“Took what as a challenge? You think you can make me like you again?”
I look over at her and give my head the slightest shake. “No. I’m gonna make you fall in love with me again.”
Holy mind fuck batman…I felt like I was on the insane journey with both of them and it was amazing. I love mysteries and puzzles and trying to figure stuff out – it’s not even an intentional thing, it just how my mind works now, so reading Never Never was like discovering something I didn’t even know I wanted. I really liked the balance of mystery to romance…because they’re both so intertwined, I don’t think one could have survived without the other. I also enjoyed the way things were revealed…it’s really easy to get frustrated when you don’t know all the facts and details, so there has to be kind of a give and take with wondering WTF is happening to getting clues and piecing stuff together. The way everything worked out was spot on for me…I was hooked and eating up every detail, falling in love with Charlie and Silas individually and together.
“Let’s get out of here,” he says. “Go do something that doesn’t belong to Charlie and Silas. Something that’s ours.”
“You’re talking about us like we’re body invaders.”
Silas closes his eyes and tilts his head back. “You have no idea how many times a day I think about invading your body.”
I have been intentionally vague on a lot of the details of Never Never because it’s not an easily explainable book without revealing something and there is so much about NN that really needs to be experienced firsthand. I love this plot so much, it’s kind of ridiculous – and this is coming from a girl who hates not knowing things. A small part of me is throwing a huge tantrum wanting to figure it out and know all the answers…but I’m really enjoying the ride and the experience. There is a lot to be said for letting go and just hanging on for dear life…it’s very freeing and for the most part it’s making me appreciate the story and characters so much more. The whole story line is incredibly unique and original…I’ve read my fair share of books and I’ve never read anything like this – it’s captivating, engaging and addictive. Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher separately blow me away every. Single. Time. I read one of their books. Combined…it’s like all the planets have aligned to create this perfect book universe where my brain is in its happy place. Sometimes when two authors join forces it can feel like it…the flow is off, pacing is just not there, it’s just not cohesive. Completely not a problem with these two…everything about Never Never works brilliantly.
‘When we lock eyes, I feel like I’m meeting a brand new side of her. A side of her without resolve. A vulnerable side. A side that’s allowing herself to feel something. I want to grin and ask her how it feels to be in love, but I know teasing her in this moment would piss her off and she’d walk away and I can’t let that happen. Not right now. Not when I finally get to catalog an actual memory with all the numerous fantasies I’ve had about her mouth.’
So…the dreaded cliffy – honestly, did it make me want book 2? Yeah…duh. But…that’s the point! I mean the last 10% I couldn’t read fast enough and getting to those last few sentences when so much is coming together and I was basically holding my breath for what was going to happen next. It was awesome…and I’m so beyond ready for Never Never Part 2…insanely excited to see what Colleen and Tarryn do with the story next and ready to continue my mind-fuck journey with Charlie and Silas. #BringItOn
Colleen Hoover is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Slammed, Point of Retreat, This Girl, Hopeless, Losing Hope, Maybe Someday, and Finding Cinderella. She lives in Texas with her husband and their three boys. Please visit
I am a real life villain, truly. I drink sick amounts of Starbucks. Most of the time my hair smells like coffee. I was born in South Africa, and lived there for most of my childhood. I moved to Seattle just for the rain. Rome is my favorite place in the world so far, Paris comes in at a close second. I read and write more than I sleep. When I was eleven, I wrote an entire novel about runaway orphans, using only purple ink. I am addicted to Florence and the Machine and will travel to see concerts. I love scary movies and giraffes. I spend way too much time on Facebook. Meet you there?…
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Oooh, what an intriguing romance. Everything about the review is making me wanna go pick it up. Might be new fave in the future… Who knows!
I am not much of a reader…but, what I read here entices me to maybe pick up a book, such as this, and begin reading! My only problem with reading (well, not really a problem) is that, if a book is so good I can’t put it down…I usually don’t, until I’m finished…no matter how long it takes!!!
I love Colleen’s writing. I have yet to read this series and have it on my tbr.
I haven’t read them yet, but I have read and loved all of Colleen’s books. I definitely want to read this series as well.
I’ve never heard of this series! Will have to take a look soon!
Great post!
this is a reallyl great author, I was going to read this anyways but after reading your review I really want to read it!
I have not read any of these books by Colleen, but being a true story which is what I prefer it sounds like a book I might read.
I’ve never read anything that sounds like this, but I am really intrigued. I believe I need to give this one a try. Thanks.
Sound like a great book.
I don’t read much but this book has caught my interest. I already read the review on part 2 and I knew this was the kind of book I could get into.
thanks for sharing!