Silas races against time as more truths unravel, while others twist tighter together. “Where are you, Charlie?” Never Never: Part Two is the continuation of the Never Never series.
Have you read the first book in the Never Never Series? You absolutely HAVE to!!! This series must be read in order. I’m 100% hooked and cannot get enough – check out my review of Never Never Part One!
Never Never: Part Two by Colleen Hoover
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
*ARC Given to Blog for Honest Review*
4 “Never forget” “Jamais Jamais” Kisses
It’s official…I now need to move into both Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher’s brains. I’ll split my time evenly between the two…but I’m almost positive I cannot live without the influence of their brilliance in my world. If I thought I enjoyed Never Never Part One…Never Never Part Two up’d the ante…a lot. I don’t know what kind of witchcraft or jedi mind tricks they have cast upon me…but it’s totally and completely working and I don’t know what I’m going to do with myself after the third book. FYI…in case you weren’t aware…Never Never Part Two is the second book in a series…and this is a series that absolutely must be read in order!
Silas Nash…wow…yeah, I am totally 100% in love with him now…and once again, I still don’t even know that much about him. Maybe it’s because we get more of him in Part Two then we do in Part One…maybe it’s because of everything that’s happening, he’s kind of turning into the accidental hero if you will, but everything he’s saying and doing is just wonderful and I can’t get enough of it. I definitely know it has something to do with Charlie’s reaction to him…especially at the end…that was just all I needed in the world – and in the grand scheme of things it’s relatively minor, but it spoke to me. At this point, all of the stuff I don’t know about him seems inconsequential because I know this Silas…and this Silas is blowing me away more and more.
‘It seems so natural to think thoughts that contain the word I. But each of my thought are hollow and weightless, because the world “I” is attached to no one. No name, no face. I am…nothing.’
Charlize Margaret Wynwood …her personality is totally growing on me. Charlie is a little rough around the edges…she’s not sweet or typical…she’s unique and edgy and sassy and it works for her. I’m finding how much of a perfect counterpart she really is to Silas and the balance they bring to each other is magical. And it’s funny because as much as I loved getting more Silas…I did, in fact, miss Charlie. Her chapters weren’t necessarily long but I found I got more from them then I was expecting…especially her dreams – I kind of want just a chapter of her dreams.
‘I reach up to touch my face, smiling a little. He loved me. He was so…full of life. I lie back down, wondering what happened to him and if he’s the reason I’m here. Why hasn’t he come to find me? Can a person forget that kind of love?’
How is it possible for me to fall in love with two characters that I don’t know that much about? I don’t know their histories…how they grew up…what made them who they are…I know bits and pieces and secondhand information, but all the core information that I usually get from my characters is just…not there with Never Never…and ya know what? It works. How??? I don’t know…and I don’t care. The only thing I can give credit to is the genius talent behind Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher. I bow down to their greatness and applaud them for concocting one of the best plots ever. I am still in awe of the writing…their two different styles blend perfectly and effortlessly together and they’re quickly becoming one of my favorite writing duo’s. I’ve always said that if the writing is strong enough it can make me believe anything…it’s why I’m a fan of insta-love and ass hole hero’s who redeem themselves and all the unthinkable scenarios that “in theory” should not work…but do. Add Never Never to the list…because while I may not know much, I adore everything I do know and regardless of what happens in book 3, this has been one of the most captivating series I’ve ever read.
‘Figure out what you did with the Charlie I fell in love with. And when you find her, I’ll be here. I told you before I’ll never stop loving you. I’ll never forget what we have.
But lately, it seems that you’ve forgotten’
Remember the mind fuck from Part One? Yeah…well it only magnified with Part Two…but trust me it’s getting better and better with each click of my kindle. For every clue or piece I thought I had figured out…twenty more questions popped up in its place. It was both wonderful and made me want to scream…in a good way, I promise. I really don’t know how it’s possible for someone who despises not knowing things to love how much I don’t know with this book…but it’s all part of the fantastic mind-fuck package. The build of this series is fantastic…I couldn’t love it any more if I tried because even with the list of things I don’t know, I’m still feeling the anticipation building naturally and I am quickly becoming addicted to this anticipation. The feelings it is giving me is completely overwhelming my desire to know. Once again the balance of the mystery/suspense with the romance/relationship between Charlie and Silas is perfection! Just one more reason why I can’t get enough.
This must have been why I felt an unwavering need to find her. Because until this very second, I didn’t know Charlie wasn’t the only one missing. When she disappeared, part of me must have disappeared right along with her. Because this is the first time I feel like me— like Silas Nash— since the second I woke up yesterday.’
I am so uncontrollably into everything that is going on with this series it’s not even funny. I never want it to stop…I honestly hate the fact that there is only one book left – my stage five clinger tendencies are kicking in full force! Obviously I need answers…duh…but it’s not even about that anymore. The way everything has come together…I don’t know how everything is going to wrap up in one more book…and even once it’s wrapped up…I have a feeling I’m going to want more from Charlie and Silas. They’re absolutely amazing characters and I don’t know if I’ll ever get enough of them.
Colleen Hoover is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Slammed, Point of Retreat, This Girl, Hopeless, Losing Hope, Maybe Someday, and Finding Cinderella. She lives in Texas with her husband and their three boys. Please visit
I am a real life villain, truly. I drink sick amounts of Starbucks. Most of the time my hair smells like coffee. I was born in South Africa, and lived there for most of my childhood. I moved to Seattle just for the rain. Rome is my favorite place in the world so far, Paris comes in at a close second. I read and write more than I sleep. When I was eleven, I wrote an entire novel about runaway orphans, using only purple ink. I am addicted to Florence and the Machine and will travel to see concerts. I love scary movies and giraffes. I spend way too much time on Facebook. Meet you there?…
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This looks like a great read. Thank you for hosting it.
I’ve read both (ebooks) and loved them…great cliffhangers! Thanks!
I haven’t read either part. I’m waiting for the last one to be released before I start the series.
I am waiting on the release of part 3 before I will start! I cant handle cliffhangers 😉
Really like the book cover, probably gonna read it!!
havent read this series yet
Have not yet, because I have been waiting for #2. Thanks for the chance
I bought the first book but I haven’t read it yet. I would love to win the second book in the series! Thanks for the chance!
I purchased the first book but haven’t read it yet! I think I was waiting for this one! Thanks!
No, I’m waiting for the series to finish before I start. 🙂
I haven’t started this series yet, waiting for it to be complete 🙂
I already like the female main character a lot! Thank you for the review!
I have read both. They are fantastic while also being confusing at the same time. I love them and I need to own the series so I can reread and figure out what it going on. Thank you so much!
A very impressive cover! It intrigues me even before reading the excerpt!
I have not read either book but they are both on my TBR and I look forward to reading them
Looks like an interesting read!
I have a copy of Never Never but I have not started it yet. I am dying to read it though!!
Great post !!!
Not yet….I`m waiting for the series to complete, so I can read all 3 at once 🙂
Haven’t read this series yet but it’s on my TBR list. Heard great things about it though 😉
im not much of a reader but I want to start and I think I want to start on these kind of books 🙂 looks intriguing.
I read the first book in Never Never!!! I loved it so much and I’m hoping to read part two when I have time!!!
I’m waiting for the third one to come out so I can read them all!!! i loce cliffhangers but they will also be the death of me!!!!!!!
Colleen is such a great writer.