How do you keep existing when your heart is so splintered, so completely torn to shreds, your pulse is fading?
You’re…broken. How do ou move forward when every breath is nothing more than a constant ache? Living becomes and insidious reminder that you threw away the single largest part of yourself. Your…soul. No amount of distraction can pull you from the torture of losing your…life.
Now that Emily Cooper has walked away from her first love, she finds herself running toward her only love. Unraveling fast, bust clinging to hope, Emily risks all she has left on the man that has consumed her every thought and dream since the day they met. Will Gavin take her back? And if so, will their reunion be a collision of two hearts destined to complete one another and rekindle a love that knew no boundaries? Or will scars from their past rip open, tearing slowly at what each of them was meant to be? Can fate, the ultimate game changer, mend the shattered road it laid out from the start?
Only time will tell…
Pulse is the second book in the Collide Series – a series that must be read in order…have you read Collide? Find out why we love Mr. Tall Dark and Fuckable Handsome so much!
A missed first encounter…
Colliding with a second chance…
On the heels of graduating college and trying to cope with her mother’s death, Emily Cooper moves to New York City for a fresh start.
While harboring secrets of his own, Dillon Parker takes care of Emily through her grief. Knowing he can’t live without her by his side, he’s sweet, thoughtful, and everything Emily has ever wanted in a man.
Until she meets Gavin Blake—a rich and notorious playboy who is dangerously sexy and charming as hell. Emily tries to deny the instant connection she feels, but Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome is not inclined to let go so easily. Recovering from his own painful past, Gavin will stop at nothing to win Emily over.
This unexpected encounter compels Emily to question her decisions, forcing her to make a choice that will destroy friendships, shatter hearts, and forever change her life.
O.M.G. – We’re SO excited to be able to co-host this tour with Angie. Pulse, Gail and Gavin are both very special to us. If you haven’t read the first part of this interview – don’t read any further. Click here to go to Angie’s Dreamy Reads and catch up on the first part of our interview with Gail and Gavin.
And now…the conclusion to our interview!
The item in my hand is literally priceless. Keep your platinum and diamonds – I will take a Gavin Blake bottle cap over any of that! I think I might cry. I look over at Brooke and Angie, both of them have the same expression on their face. He sits back down on the couch and then it happens. Again. The three of us attack him.
Thankfully he’s seated because if he was standing I’m quite positive we would have knocked him over. Angie has regained her place on his lap and has her arms wrapped around his neck, which she is also kissing. Brooke and I reclaimed his arms, and after Brooke see’s what Angie is doing, she leans up to kiss his cheek. Repeatedly. God, this could really look kinky if anyone walked in on us.
Gail: “Oh my God, you guys have to stop!”
Three pairs of large ‘puppy dog’ eyes turn in Gail’s direction, lips jutted out. She’s so mean! We never get to have any fun. 🙁 Trudging on, I guess I’ll get this interview back on track.
Lisa: “Just cause I’m curious and have to ask…have you EVER been attracted to Olivia?”
Gavin pops a brow, letting out a deep chuckle.
Gavin: “Uh, that would be a no. Not that I don’t consider her an attractive woman, Olivia’s a little too… speedy for my taste.”
We all get a good giggle out of that one – speedy is a great word to describe Olivia. And as much as we love her, the thought of her and Gavin together *shivers* No…just….no!
Brooke: “Okay Mr. Blake, how about a little word association?”
From the look he is giving Brooke, I think she’s piqued his interest. She continues,
Brooke: “We’ll give you word and you tell us what comes to mind…just a few words.”
Gavin: “Sure, I’m game.”
Angie: “Yankee’s”
Gavin: “Beat the Birds… bad.”
Brooke: “Olivia”
Gavin: “Out of her mind… bad.”
Hmm…I’m seeing a trend here. Let’s continue.
Lisa: “Birds”
Gavin: “Suck… bad.”
Angie: “Love.”
Gavin: “I’ll pass on that one.”
Brooke: “Dillon”
Gavin: “Do you really need to ask?”
Lisa: “Future”
Gavin: “Don’t we all wish we had a crystal ball?”
Angie: “Okay. Now it’s time for either or – Chocolate or vanilla?”
Gavin: “Chocolate”
Angie: “Mmm…yes please. Or Gavin covered in chocolate!”
I have to seriously hold back my laugh at this point and Gavin has the patience of a saint as he just shakes his head and smiles.
Brooke: “Blondes or brunettes?”
OMG – did she just wink at him??? Way to be subtle Brooke. It’s not bad enough that Angie still looks like she is picturing Gavin covered in chocolate. I think she just licked her lips.
Gavin: “Auburns”
Grrr….he would say that to the blonde and two brunette’s sitting in front of him. 🙁
Lisa: “Fast or slow?”
Gavin: “Depends on the topic at which is in hand.”
Oh my…he can have any topic in any hand he likes and at this point I don’t care if it’s fast, slow or at a complete standstill. Just take me now Mr. Blake. I have to squirm a little in my seat and catch Angie and Brooke mimicking my movements. He’s good…very good.
Brooke: “Hot or cold?”
Gavin: “Hot. Always hot.”
Brooke: “Yes, you are always hot.”
Angie: “Sizzling.”
Lisa: “Hard or soft?”
Gavin: “Refer back to answer for fast or slow.”
Oh my…someone say something quick before I squirm off this damn couch.
Angie: “Books or movies?”
Gavin: “Books”
Brooke: “Beer or liquor?”
Gavin: “You’ve all fallen in love with my bottle caps. Which do you think?”
Touché Mr. Blake…very good point.
Lisa: “So, let’s get into some of your ‘favorites’ – favorite sport?”
Gavin: “Baseball”
Angie: “Favorite car?”
Gavin: “Ferrari, or if I get what I ‘really’ want, green minivans”
Brooke: “Favorite hobby? “
Gavin: “Stalking girls named ‘Molly’”
Angie: “What about girls named ‘Angie’?”
Brooke: “Or ‘Brooke’?”
Wow, they went there. Rolling my eyes, I continue,
Lisa: “Favorite kind of music?”
Gavin: “All”
Brooke: “Favorite type of food?”
Gavin: “Sushi… I like it raw…”
Oh dear GOD, with a statement like that all three of us are squirming even more in our seats then we were before. There is just something so sexual about the way he said ‘raw’ – I don’t even think he can help it.
Angie: “Favorite sexual position?”
Gavin: “Whichever my partner prefers in the moment.”
Brooke: “I can tell you my favorite!”
Angie: “Ooh! Me too! I like…”
The loud ringing coming from inside Gavin’s pocket could be the greatest sound I have ever heard considering what it just saved me from. These two are impossible! Angie has already started pouting again, and scoots off his lap as Gavin stands. Pulling out his phone, he glances down and with a sheepish smile, makes his apologies and steps out to take the call. This gives us our perfect opportunity to attack the ‘Evil Author Lady.’
Lisa: “Alright Gail, it’s your turn in the hot seat. What was your favorite scene to write out of both books and why?”
Gail: “The first time Gavin and Emily met. The instant connection they felt toward one another rushed through me the same way they described it in Collide. It was beautiful.”
Brooke: “What about the scene that almost kicked your ass and why??”
Gail: “Last chapter in Collide. Although the reason seems obvious, it’s deeper than that. Emily’s character fought against me while writing that chapter. She didn’t want me to do what I did. Sometimes our characters write for us, and sometimes an author must force their hand. I forced hand in that chapter and it pained me for Emily. I cried for days. “
Angie: “What’s the biggest reward/accomplishment and biggest regret in writing this series?”
Gail: “Biggest accomplishment/reward: I’m in awe that I actually finished the story of two characters who were meant to be. They first came as a whisper, continued to yell in my ear, and wouldn’t let go until the last word was typed. I have Gavin and Emily to thank for this. Biggest regret: None.”
Lisa: “You’ve sacrificed a lot for this book and these characters…and it has definitely paid off, you have very passionate readers. If yours readers take ONE thing away from Gavin and Emily’s story, what would you like it to be?”
Gail: “That’s a tough question. Take away? I’m not sure as I feel that through writing these characters and conversing with my readers, it’s me who has walked away with more than I have given. My readers brought me to where I am today. I just hope that my future works touch them as deep as Collide/Pulse have.”
Brooke: “Now that the series is over, will you miss Gavin and Emily? Honestly! It’s Gavin Blake!”
Gail: “Yes. I missed them the second I typed the end. They’re not the first characters I’ve ever written, but they’ll always hold a special place in my heart.”
Angie: “They will for us too!”
Brooke: “OMG yes!”
At this point, Gavin sticks his head back in the meeting room.
Gavin: “Sorry ladies, I’ve got to get to a very important last minute meeting. Hope you don’t mind.”
Oh…we mind immensely, but duty calls and we’d never stand in the way of business. Well, the other two might, but I won’t.
Lisa: “Of course not Gavin, we completely understand.”
From the death glares Brooke and Angie are giving me, I’m guessing I was right. They do mind. Oh well…the dimpled smile he gives us is enough to distract them from their anger towards me. Gail rises from her chair,
Gail: “I’ll ride with you Gavin.”
We all stand to say our farewells; once again I catch Angie and Brooke’s eye’s, they know what to do. We lunge at Gail! Catching her completely off-guard she is laughing hysterically at us.
Gail: “You nutters!”
It’s a good thing she loves us. Gavin is standing by the door, looking like a dream we never want to wake up from. Slowly, we separate from Gail and even slower, we walk over to stand in front of him. I think we all might seriously cry. Brooke makes the first move, she reaches her hands up around his neck to hug him and pulls his head down so she can whisper in his ear. Angie and I both give each other a questioning look, there really is no telling what is coming out her mouth at this point. After a few moments, she pulls back with a big shit eating grin on her face as Gavin looks down at the ground, shaking his head and smiling as he says,
Gavin: “I’ll keep that in mind.”
I would give my left tit to know what the hell she just said, but I know I’ll get it out of her eventually. Angie is trembling, I think the knowledge that she has mere minutes left with Gavin has finally hit her, so I step forward, and wrap my arms around his neck. One word – Heaven. His body is pure heaven. I soak up the moment as long as I can, tilting my head up right before I let go to give him a kiss on the cheek. Hey, you can’t blame a girl! I walk over to Brooke and grab ahold of her hand. This is a very traumatizing situation.
Angie finally moves from her spot a few feet away from Gavin, head down she walks straight into him, wrapping her arms around his midsection, pressing her head against his chest. Gavin chuckles. I mean come on, we’re are pretty pathetic. Gail sighs in exasperation. Almost a minute later, Angie hasn’t moved and Gavin is holding back laughing hysterically, while Brooke and I gave up on that feat a long time ago. Faster that we can blink, Angie’s hands fly from around Gavin’s waist, grab his face and bring him down to plant a big one right on his beautifully sculpted lips. Shock. Awe. Jealousy. Some of the many emotions running through me at this point. That and pain and Brooke is squeezing the ever loving shit out of my hand. Gavin slowly pulls back, the look of surprise is priceless. And Angie’s look of pure glee is amazing. As she saunters (yes…she saunters) back over to us, a confident gleam in her eyes. We don’t even notice as Gavin and Gail make their exit. As soon as the door clicks out, Brooke walks back over to the couch we were just sitting on with Gavin, face plants into the cushions and wails,
Brooke: “I don’t know what to do!!!”
Angie and I rush over and collapse on the couch with her. It’s all we can do at this point is console ourselves. How can you go from the highest high to the lowest low? It may take months for us to get over this. #GavinBlakeRulesOurLives
Pulse by Gail McHugh
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
*ARC Given to Blog for Honest Review*
5+++ “Bottle Cap” “Wise ass” “Do Over” Kisses!
It should come as no surprise that I will probably not be able to shut up about how much I love this book, so to help simplify things, I have summarized my thoughts into 5 statements:
1.) Gavin FUCKING Blake is, was and will remain my top book boyfriend of all time.
2.) This book by far surpassed all my expectations for a sequel.
3.) If you thought Collide was hot, hold onto your panties ladies.
4.) You will laugh, you will cry, you will swoon…be prepared for a full emotional journey of awesomeness
5.) I hate that it is over…
Alright…that was hard – now get ready for my ode to the sequel to the best series I have ever had the pleasure of reading. When a book touches your life, so much so that you can’t even fathom what it was like before you even knew it existed, it’s hard to sit back and think…well, now I need to put that into words. I can’t show you how Gavin Blake has captured my heart. I can’t express how Emily has burrowed herself deep into the recesses of my soul. I don’t know how to measure how great an impact this series has on me…but as usual, I will do my best.
Pulse is the second book in the Collide series – so if you haven’t read Collide – what the hell have you been doing since January??? I’m not going to re-tell the synopsis…and unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you should know it ends on a cliff. So Pulse picks up right where Collide left off. It’s just like we had a 6 month commercial break, but if you’re going from the 1st book to the 2nd it’s a complete fluid motion – brilliant decision.
Emily Cooper is broken…and there is one thing that can fix her…it’s Mr. Tall Dark and Fuckable Handsome (but I’m pretty sure he can fix anything and everything). She’s on her way to reclaim her (excuse me for sounding cliché here) true love – but I tell you this now people, if there were ever two people in this WORLD meant for each other…it’s Gavin Blake and Emily Cooper. But I digress. So…let me guess – you’re thinking she goes to his apartment, he opens the door, the angel choirs sing ‘Hallelujah!’ and they all live happily ever after. Yeah…not so much.
“I was scared you took her back, but I should’ve let you explain and I didn’t. I’m so sorry. I’m sorry that out of any girl in this world you could’ve fallen in love with, you chose me. I’m sorry I didn’t believe you when I should’ve, and it was me who broke your heart. I love you, Gavin. I know you’re the one who said you thought you loved me from the moment you saw me, but I know I loved you from the moment I saw you. Something inside me told me I was supposed to be with you, but I fought against it. So many things about you scared me at first, and then you showed me who you really are.”
Gavin Blake isn’t much better in the broken department. The love of his life, the woman he bared his heart and soul to just crushed him. He’s just as broken as Emily is…and you break into a million pieces with him. So…for those of you who read ‘the teaser’…you know what he does. Honestly, this is not easy for me to say – but you can be mad at him all you want…but guess what. I can’t be. That’s Gavin. That’s who he was before Emily, ‘void fillers’ and all. I’m sorry, he has every right to do whatever he wants, and we get to sit back and take it. Does it suck? Hell yeah! In my messed up little brain…’that’ scene in Mexico, never happened – I plugged my ears and sang ‘la la la la la’ and went into my denial stage. Because in my brain there is no one else in this world that belongs with Gavin other than Emily. *sigh*
‘“No. I’m too much of a nice guy,” Gavin mumbled, idly wondering where Emily was in that moment. Loneliness flooded his chest, but he welcomed its suffocating presence. This was something he knew. It was all too familiar to him. He almost considered it an old buddy.’
Emily and Gavin didn’t get to where they are overnight and unfortunately the repair that needs to be done isn’t over night. There is work involved. I know so many people wanted Emily to suffer for what she did to Gavin, for him to make her grovel and work to get him back. To you people I say…wtf?!?!? This poor girl lost her mother, was in an abusive relationship, moved her life across the country, and met the love of her life all within the span of a year – you try dealing with all that! She’s not perfect, none of us are, but I swear, she is a brand new and amazingly wonderful Emily in Pulse and I. LOVED. Every. Minute. Of. It.
Emily climbed from the car and walked over to Gavin. Staring up into his eyes, her words softly fell from her mouth. “Do you know how scary it is to want something so bad you’re willing to change your whole life for it?”
Gavin searched her face. “You mean the way I was willing to change mine for you?”
“Yeah. I guess we were both willing to do that, Gavin. I was ready to take that plunge and never look back. Never. I was ready to risk everything for you, to push away the overwhelming fear I had because I knew you and I are worth it. We fell in love in a second. I was barely able to blink, and you had my entire world upside-down. I was scared you weren’t… real. I was scared no one could be as magnetic as you are to me. It still scares me. You still scare me.” Pausing, Emily shook her head. “Then I saw Gina, and all my fears came back. My heart wanted to believe you, but my head wouldn’t allow it after I’d already taken that risk on us. I’m so sorry, Gavin. I don’t know what else to say other than I love you and need you with everything inside me.”
Gavin is of course the king of liners…he didn’t fail in Collide and he blew me away in Pulse, but I honestly think Emily gave him a run for his money. I’m not over exaggerating her people, I loved her in Collide , she may have aggravated me to the point of yelling obscenities at my kindle, but I never once stopped loving her. But in Pulse I felt like I got to watch Emily blossom and grow into the woman she always was, the woman she was meant to be before Dillon, the woman she was free to be because of Gavin and his love. When you have someone who truly loves you and cares for the person you are inside, it is the most freeing feeling in the world – that’s something I don’t think Emily ever got to experience before Gavin.
‘She moved into the kitchen and came up behind Gavin at the stove. She circled her arms around his waist, stood on her tiptoes, and perched her chin on his shoulder. “I didn’t know you cooked. You keep getting sexier and sexier.”
At that, he chuckled. “Wait. I thought I was shmexy?”’
So of course, this is a love story. And after Collide and the angsty torture that we all suffered through, we are very handsomely rewarded. Gavin and Emily are hotness personified and I’m not kidding when I say hold onto your panties. Shoot, you might want to go ahead and grab a couple extra pair because Gavin in all his alpha male dominance is nothing short of amazing. It’s really not fair to the rest of the men in the world because frankly…anything less than Gavin Blake just…doesn’t measure up.
‘…Gavin leaned back over to Emily and whispered, “I owed you a bottle cap since the last few times I drank, I forgot to give you one. I’m sorry.”
Cupping his cheek, she stared into his eyes. “I love you. And I love your bottle caps more than you’ll ever know.”
Gavin quirked a brow. “Yeah? Even though I have a fuckload of money, you love my bottle caps? Should my caps be more… refined?”
“No,” she said breathlessly. “They’re perfect.”
I could literally talk about Gavin, Emily and Pulse all day long. I’m not over exaggerating. This series and these characters have been in my life for almost a year, since I found Collide on FictionPress…so you can understand why when I clicked to the last page and read ‘The End’…I cried. You cannot emotionally attach yourself to ‘something’ (fictional character or not) for almost 12 months and then be okay with saying goodbye to them. I don’t know how to live without having my daily dose of Gavin Blake. Which I guess is why I can be happy with the fact that no one can take them away from me. 🙂
“I love you, Emily Cooper.” He paused, looked at the ground, then back to her. “I think I loved you before I knew you existed.” His voice was so soft, Emily could barely hear him. He stepped closer and brought his hand to her cheek, his touch gentle as his blue eyes caressed hers. “I’m pretty sure you were in my dreams before you walked into my life. I felt it the first time I saw you. You pulled at me. Took hold of my heart and never let go. Even if you had, I wouldn’t have let you. I wouldn’t have been able to. Something about you was… familiar, and it scared the shit out of me, but I knew somehow we needed one another.”
Wow…there are not enough stars in thy sky for me to rate this book…I need like a new rating system…a new chart…like an ‘infinity star’ or something. From beginning to end this book has held my heart and I still don’t feel like my words have done it justice. It’s just a series you must read and experience for yourself. So what are you waiting for??? 🙂
Pulse by Gail McHugh
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
5+++++++ KISSES!!
Pulse is simply PERFECT
My review? You seriously want me to write this review? You want me to write a review for Pulse? Huh? How? What? You want me to try and form words after reading this book that seriously deserves its own adjective to describe the perfection that it is? Okay let me try to come up with something here…..hmmmm…….Perfamazimpecasome (please don’t make me break that down for you). The words in this book (yes all of them) need to be inscribed onto the moon so that the entire world can see them, love them, live them, feel them, all like I did. Because that’s exactly what I did. If you can’t tell already, I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS FUCKING BOOK!! (and if you are offended by my use of that amazing ‘f’ word, then please, by all means, stop reading NOW!) I am so in love with this book and these characters to the point that I’ve contemplated contacting NASA, the CIA, Homeland Security, and Bill Gates about coming up with some kind of super amazing machine that will place my happy ass right into Gail’s McHugh grey matter so that I can join the party. I can’t promise that everything I say and do will be appropriate but hey, what’s the fun in that.
Let’s begin, shall we? To be honest with all you lovely people, I am very excited about the word vomit that is about to take place. This is me. Right. Now!
So just in case you aren’t aware-Pulse is the second book in a two book series. Book one,Collide, should, and I cannot stress this enough because it is vital to your health and well-being (not kidding) be read prior to reading Pulse. Got that? Book one= Collide…Book two= Pulse
Now that we’ve got that settled let’s get down to it.
Pulse picks up where Collide left off. Literally where it left off- that unforgettable, painful, heart-breaking night, right down to the minute. Emily is walking out of that room and away from a life she has decided she doesn’t want to live. She is going after the only thing that has ever made sense. The one man whom her heart beats for. She just isn’t sure what comes next. What will Gavin say? Has Emily broken him too much to the point of no repair?
“Thank you for your dimpled smile and your bottle caps.
I’ll never be able to look at one without thinking of you.
Thank you for your stupid Yankees and your wiseass remarks.
Thank you for wanting late night drives and sunset-watching
with me. Thank you for wanting the good, the bad, and in the
in-between…I’m just sorry all you got from me was the
It must be said that we definitely get to see a new Emily in Pulse.
I know a lot of people didn’t like her in Collide and some just flat out hated her. They found her weak. Spineless. Annoying. Well, let me get this out there….I am 100% NOT one of those Emily haters. I loved Emily from page one and while yes, like I said in my Collide Review, she was very frustrating at times, I never disliked her. The poor girl was
. That’s like seeing a starving, mangy, sad-faced puppy outside your house and shooing it away with a broom. WHO DOES THAT?? Emily was just a girl who had been broken down so many times that there was just no point in trying to fix herself or even let someone else try and fix her. She grew up seeing her mother treated less than acceptable on numerous occasions so why would she think she deserved any better. Maybe that’s all she knew. Maybe that was the norm to her. Maybe she just needed someone to open up her eyes and her heart and show her that the way she is living is NOT normal. That Dillon really is the fucking Douchecanoe that he appears to be. Maybe the one person who can open her eyes to all that has finally had enough, though. Maybe Gavin is ruined now, too. Maybe he’s filling a void somewhere in another country? Maybe Gavin Blake is feeling…dead.
Emily tensed, grabbed the handle above her head,
and looked at Gavin. “You’re going to kill us.”“I’m already dead,” he answered , clenching his
Jesus!!!! This man can break my heart, steal it, mend it, and lock it away for 84 years! I LOVE HIM!
Aaaaand now it’s time to turn up the heat a little. You know…the kind of heat that causes your girly parts to clench. Shit is about to go down. I’m talking some crazy hot arguing, some sexual tension, all inside of a very sleek Jaguar.
At this point into the book I am kind of having mini meltdowns and thinking to myself, “Okay, what is going to happen next. I am not sure if I can handle much more of the guessing games.” And then BOOM! Thank you Gail McHugh for scaring the shit out of me. Oh you know, that night at around 2:00am. I felt the need to stall Emily in hopes that something in the likes of a miracle might happen at this point.
Well hello there, miracle. Ladies and…ladies, I introduce to you,
Gavin Blake.
Gavin…*sigh*. Gavin. Fucking. Blake. I am not sure there are even any more words that need to be said. Gavin is in a league all his own. He is untouchable. He is effortless perfection. He has a heart the size of the moon that even though is stealing healing, it’s 100% taken. When he loves, he loves hard. And when he fucks…well yeah you get the picture :) And let me tell you, again, just like I did in my Collide review…as much as I love this man. As much as I want Gavin Blake. I know that Gavin Blake and Emily Cooper absolutely, indefinitely, until there is no tomorrow,
belong together
. There’s no two other people in this universe that belong together like these two do. It’s like their hearts beat to the same rhythm, their synapses fire on the same neuron, their brains function on the same wavelength. They. Are. Just. PERFECT. No other way to describe them.
That’s not to say they don’t have things to overcome. There has been so much hurt so much heartache between Gavin and Emily and those things don’t get repaired overnight. But if I know these two, it won’t take them long.
“I can’t promise you it’ll always be sweet and
tender because you and I fight hard. But I’m
pretty sure it won’t be a horror ride either
because you and I love even harder. What I can
promise is you’ll always mean more to me than my
next breath, and it’ll always be you in my life.
No one else.”
Okay, so where do I go from here with this review? There is so much I want to tell you. I want to be the spoiler whore that I am with all my friends and just ramble until your ears bleed. But, unfortunately I can’t do that. There is too much to ruin for you. There is too much brilliance that takes place in this book that you really just need to witness for yourself. There are beautiful moments, sad moments, moments where you ache for Gavin and Emily, a moment in particular where you have the biggest, ”What the FUCK? This is no happening. This is SO not fucking happening.” moment.
And don’t worry, Gail McHugh does NOT disappoint in the sexy, steamy, panty melting department either. There’s some of this-
“I’m going to fuck you right now, Emily. I’m
going to bring you so much pleasure you’ll
never think about walking away from me again.”
and a little
don’t forget some of this
Okay so let me wrap this up. I will even sum all my feelings for you in a cutesy little list along with some other randomness.
1. I am in love with Gavin and Emily.
2. This series is my favorite EVER.
3. I cried probably 84 times while reading this book.
4. Olivia and I are new Bff’s. How can one not love
that girl?
5. Did someone say something about a monkey?
6. I secretly have a thing for Trevor and Fallon.
They need their own book.
7. I am digging Jude. A lot. Even with that pink
8. I had a dream last night about licking Gavin’s
tattoo. Twice!
9. The ending left my heart very happy.
10. I am sad that Gavin and Emily’s story is over.
Hey, maybe I’ll write fan-fiction. NOT!
11. I love Gavin Blake.
12. I really love Gavin Blake.
And that’s about all I have. I hope my review portrayed how much I adore this book, this author, these characters. They all have touched me to my soul like I have never experienced before. I just know that there have been past book boyfriends for me, there will be future book boyfriends for me. But Gavin Blake has stolen my heart and he will ALWAYS be my number one.
I will leave you with this amazing quote.
“We were written for one another, and I
wouldn’t change one line in our romance
novel. The good, the bad, the in between.
It’s ours. We own it.”
Gail is offering a HUGE fantastic giveaway – FIVE prizes: $250 visa gift card, $100 Amazon or Barns and Noble Giftcard, Kindle Fire and TWO signed sets of Pulse and Collide signed paperbacks with the new covers. Five winners, five fantastic prizes. Click here to enter the Rafflecopter giveaway or Click the logo below
I’ve always been a lover of writing, but mostly dabbled in creating poetry while raising my three beautiful children. I am grateful my husband of fifteen years has supported me—albeit sometimes kicking and screaming—as I pursue this “hobby” of mine. Without his help, writing would be an impossible endeavor.
In late June 2012, I felt an urgent tug of my pen, and I began writing one of my first novels, Collide. Although I thought it might never see the light of day, it gave me the courage to plunge headfirst onto a path I had never considered before.
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Holy Schnikeys….Could Gavin get any more Gorgeous?!?! Great post!!!!!!!!!
The crazy thing is, I just finished Pulse 5 minutes ago and there is a contest to win all these great prizes 🙂 I seriously had a hard time putting either book down and read Collide twice lol 🙂 loved these characters to death and loved the books, well written Gail McHugh I am definitely a fan <3
Best book i have read since fifty. Might just say for me it was better then it. Cried. Smiles. Everything while i read this book.
Oh, how I wish I could read this book! You make me want to with this post!
Unfortunately, I don’t read any books that have the hero’s name as Gavin. 🙁
I a teen son with the same name and it just weirds me out. Lol.
Thank you for sharing your enthusiasm though. 🙂