Title: Night Owl (Book #1, Night Owl Trilogy)
Author: M. Pierce
Genre: Contemporary Erotic Romance
Release Date: September 6, 2013
Love is unstoppable…
At twenty-eight, Matt Sky has the perfect life. He has a beautiful girlfriend, a massive inheritance, and four national bestsellers — all penned under his airtight alias, M. Pierce.
At twenty-seven, Hannah Catalano has a train wreck. Her boyfriend is a deadbeat and her job is abysmal.
Matt and Hannah meet online as writing partners. Their relationship is safe, anonymous, and innocent…
Until Matt sees a picture of Hannah.
Hannah’s picture sparks an attraction Matt is powerless to ignore. When circumstance brings Matt and Hannah together, the strangers begin a love story that’s passionate, poignant, unforgettable, and unstoppable.
Subject: Frostypants
Sender: Matthew R. Sky Jr.
Date: Monday, July 1, 2013
Time: 5:32 PM
Hi Hannah,
We’ll do dinner at 8ish. I’ll pick you up at 7. I need to be inside of you.
I wilted in the office chair. Fuck. There is was again, that crazy sexy candor.
Get on your hands and knees. I’m going to take you from behind.
Not to mention the bossiness. It should have annoyed me—this wasn’t a gentlemanly invitation, it was an order—and yet I felt giddy. I could see Matt again. I could make sure he was real and that this was actually happening to me.
And maybe this time I could act like the smart, confident woman I was, not the blushing brainless mush of last night.
I spent the next hour and a half prepping. I unpacked a few boxes of clothes, showered and shaved, borrowed some of my sister’s perfume and makeup, and dressed in a short strapless blue dress. Underneath, I wore a strapless gray pushup with creamy trim and a matching thong. At the last minute I threw on dangly earrings and a silver bracelet.
Matt arrived promptly at seven. I peeked at him from a front window. He stood leaning against his car, looking bored.
Holy. Fuck.
He wore pale gray slacks and a crisp white dress shirt. His wild hair was wet and pushed back. As I studied him, he glanced at his watch, then smirked toward the house.
Fuck, he looked right at me! I lurched away from the blinds. So uncool right now.
When I went out to meet him, I thought I saw his cocky smirk falter. Success! Maybe. It was hard to tell. Matt’s smirks came in flavors—two parts kindness, one part wicked amusement, a little lust in the mix. Oh, and one hundred percent smug bastard.
Matt moved to meet me and I thought he might grab me and start groping my ass again. I wanted him to, even if Chrissy was watching from her window.
Matt looked edible in dress clothes.
Instead, he hugged me gently and kissed my cheek. The air went out of my lungs. Oh lord, the way that shirt tucked into his slacks, showing off his trim hips. I got a whiff of cologne.
When he opened the door for me, I nearly fell into his car. Déjà vu.
“There’s a place in Boulder I like,” Matt said as he drove. He stared ahead, serious and unsmiling. Totally unlike the man who’d driven me for hours through the nighttime prairie. “The Number Nine. Great food. I hate formal stuff, but what the hell.”
I frowned at him.
“So what, you’re just doing this for me?”
“Sure.” He glanced at his iPhone. “I figured you’d like a meal.”
“Well that’s kind of shitty Matt,” I snapped.
“Excuse me?” He was scrolling through his Pandora stations and driving too fast, with an unnerving amount of inattention. He didn’t even look at me.
“I’m not some idiot girl you have to wine and dine before fucking. God, I’m sorry you feel the need to endure a nice dinner with me.”
Matt chuckled. What a prick!
“Hannah, I enjoy eating.” He’d settled on music. I recognized The Lumineers. Of course this jackass had great taste in music. “And I’ll enjoy eating with you. I only meant that formal things… make me uneasy, okay? Don’t worry, we’ll do something I really enjoy afterward.”
He reached for my hand. I held it stiff on my lap for all of three seconds.
“I love when you’re feisty,” Matt murmured. He pulled my hand onto his lap and pressed it against his thigh. Oh god, oh god, not again. I felt my ability to articulate myself gliding away. “You look amazing, Hannah. I know you want to get fucked, wearing a dress like that. I’ll deliver, don’t worry. I held back last night, but not this time. You’re bad to wear that. I love it.”
Matt slid my hand a little closer to his cock and left it there. He was watching the road with a stony expression. He reached over and squeezed one of my breasts, slipping a few fingers into my cleavage. I heated from head to toe.
“Matt,” I squeaked. Cars were passing us and we were passing them, and I knew people must have seen Matt with his hand on my breast.
“What? This is what you want, Hannah. Don’t try to deny it. You want to be used. I’m enjoying you, little bird. God, I love your body…” He shifted in his seat. The music seemed to dissatisfy him and his hand left my breast to switch to a dubstep station. Then, as if it were nothing, he retook my breast and wriggled his fingers into my cleavage again.
We rode most of the way to Boulder like that. When I tried to inch my fingers closer to his cock, he brushed my hand away and started to tease me. He said he wasn’t surprised I wanted to touch his cock. He pushed his fingers into the cup of my bra, pinched my nipple, twisted it, and held it that way.
“Nn… no,” I gasped, but I didn’t try to stop him. Why? I was getting so turned on I’d started to worry about leaving a wet spot on my dress.
“It’s okay, baby, it’s okay,” he soothed. “Don’t fight it. I’m going to fuck you so hard tonight. Just think about that.”
I closed my eyes. My nipple was quickly going numb, but Matt kept readjusting his fingers, twisting it tighter and pinching it to keep stimulating the nerves.
I was in a daze by the time we parked and walked to the restaurant. I couldn’t understand how Matt kept his cool. Fuck, I wanted to drive him insane tonight. What happened to my feminine power?
At least he couldn’t tease me in the restaurant. I would use the time to refocus.
The No. 9 was small and dimly lit, and I could tell right away that it was crazy expensive. Matt had made reservations.
When we were seated, I smirked and nudged his foot under the table.
“You’re so cocky. How did you know I’d agree to go out with you?”
“Oh, I didn’t,” he said. His serious eyes skimmed the menu. I loved the way he looked at things—with withering dismissal or raw hunger.
I wanted to be the center of his attention.
Shit. Was I falling for a stranger? This was not in line with my productive summer plans.
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
*ARC Given to Blog for Honest Review*
5++++ “Mm.” “little bird” “Mr. Frostypants” Kisses
So…the synopsis hooked me. This is a pretty original concept, at least as far as I was concerned and it definitely piqued my interest. When it comes to reading erotica…I have one expectation – insanely hot sex…everything else just makes me a happier camper. Well, this book achieved that…and then some. I never knew what to expect with the story line or characters and up to the epilogue, I loved every direction it took me.
Matthew Robert Sky Jr….M. Pierce…Mr. Frostypants…Matt Matt Matt…what am I going to do with you. He’s like the ‘anti hero’. He’s snarky and brooding and not in the normal sexy way I usually love…in a different sexy way that I still love equally as much. He’s surly and sour, he’s secretive and just…an enigma…but that’s what made me like him more. What else did I like about Matt…I like that he made list’s…I liked that he had an unconventional pet (I’ll get to that in a little bit)…I liked the necklace that he got Hannah *sigh*…and I even liked his personality, as strange as that may sound. He’s so interesting and different from the normal BBF’s. It was an interesting dilemma because I never disliked Matt completely but he doesn’t make it easy to just fall in love with him….until you see him completely with Hannah. Then all bets are off. Plus it helps that he’s hot…don’t judge me, I am a little superficial.
‘I had never felt such longing in my life. My whole body responded to the idea of Hannah near me.’
Hannah Catalano…little bird…oh, I straight up loved Hannah from the get go. She’s so likeable, genuine, real…funny, authentic…I just liked her! I liked her relationship with Matt…her tenacity, her attitude…the way she approached things…especially where Matt was concerned. She knew delving into a relationship with him wasn’t going to be easy…but I know she wasn’t expecting what happened. I’ll give her this much, the girl has got some balls…she’s not a push over and she’s not weak…she is slightly different when it comes to Matt and his charms but…come on now, that can be forgiven. What girl isn’t a little googly-eyed and out of character when it comes to the man who can knock us on our ass.
‘Was I asking for trouble?
Tonight, trouble was a beautiful body standing next to a beautiful car right outside my house, waiting for me.
I didn’t feel a single twinge of fear.
I felt raw elation.’
So Matt and Hannah do not have the typical meeting. By far. And I liked that! It’s not out of the realm of possibility…while some of it may have been a bit…kinky, it worked for me. You cannot really call what develops with Matt and Hannah ‘insta-love’ because they have interacted for months – granted on a purely professional, strictly business level – but…they are not strangers by far. That being said, things do progress rather quickly once that line has been crossed…and there is no turning back. Another thing I loved. 🙂 I guess that is another thing I loved about Matt, once he figured out his feelings, he was sold…there may have been ‘extenuating circumstances’ that made things more difficult, but the way he felt about Hannah was concrete.
‘“Beautiful man. I wish you could see yourself. You look lost.”
“I feel lost,” I whispered.’
Hannah and Matt are hooooot! Scorching…sizzling…blazing…ten alarm fire…that kind of HOT – am I painting a clear picture? Like all out smoking, it is hands down some of the best sex I have ever read. I say this with no shame…I was panting during some of the scenes. Matt is dominant and demanding and all kinds of yumminess. Now, don’t get me wrong – the sex is not the only thing about them that this dirty book whore loved. Watching Matts personality open up more and change now that he is experiencing Hannah first hand…he morphed into this super insanely loveable Matt – the core essence of him was still there, still surely and sour, but he was loving, sweet and receptive to Hannah. He treated her with such care and yet still managed to fuck her on a desk and out in the wilderness…sounds pretty perfect right? Yup…it was.
‘…I was wrapped around her finger. She gazed over her shoulder with half-lidded eyes and whispered my name. Why did I think I had any power over Hannah? I was hers.’
Alright, well there is more to this story than meets the eye…I don’t do spoilers…but like I said I didn’t see most of what was coming. You know what else I didn’t see coming…Lawrence. Matts pet rabbit. Yeah…pretty much the one of the most awesome things I have ever read in a book. And once again…it makes me love Matt more. Just sayin. I also loved Chrissy, Hannah’s sister – because she made me laugh. I love Nate, Matts brother, because he’s the best big bro in the world. I loved the plot because it was very unpredictable and I never knew what was going to happen and while, yes it is an erotica, there was a significant amount of angst IMO.
‘”My body…craves your body.” Matt bounced me again and we moaned together. “It f-feels the distance…when we’re apart. Hannah, I can’t be apart from you.”
“You never have to be,” I said.’
Another thing I loved…the writing. It’s crisp and clean while being descriptive and precise. It’s a very unique style and it just flowed throughout the entire book for me. The dialogue is fantastic, Matt and Hannah’s inner thoughts are perfection and there is so much sarcasm and whit weaved into the book, I couldn’t get enough. Also, M. Pierce is a very intellectual writer – there are words in this book that I have never seen used in a romance. That’s awesome! We switch back and forth, alternating chapters from Hannah and Matts POV’s and both were written extremely well. Once you realize the pattern it’s relatively easy to keep up with and I enjoyed having both of their POV’s – there was never any backtracking or redundancy, the characters might address their feelings in regards to something that previously happened but we never had to go thru the event all over again from their POV.
‘The hollowness inside of me didn’t shrink. It expanded until it seemed to press at the limits of my being. I became less than a shell of myself. I was a fine limning – a suggestion of Hannah Catalano.
One day, I thought, I wouldn’t even be that.
I understood how people fall apart.
I understood how dangerous it is to let someone become your whole life, and how powerless we are to prevent it. Never deny me, Matt once said. As if I had a choice.’
Okay so now I must address the ending. The last chapter is fabulous. Perfection. Great ending for Hannah and Matt, even though it’s not as conclusive and concrete as I usually like. But…then there is the epilogue. If you don’t like cliffs – do not read the epilogue, problem solved! With the way Night Owl ends, it could have been a standalone…but it’s not a standalone. It’s the first book in a trilogy…so of course there needs to be a reason for you to read the next book…the epilogue is that reason. I have so many questions and I am not a very happy girl about the cliff – and an epilogue of two pages did that to me! The ‘great and horrible’ epilogue aside…I really loved this book. Everything about it worked for me and I couldn’t get enough. And even though the epilogue cliff’d me, I can’t wait for the next book…so it worked! If Night Owl is any indication of what is to be expected for the rest of the series, count me in. This book is astoundingly well written, practically flawless in my opinion and if you’re a lover of contemporary romance, erotica and indie books, this is by far one of the best choices out there.
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I live in Colorado. I own a rabbit. I write fiction.
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It can go either way. I met my husband online and I wouldn’t trade him for the world. But it can be a creepy place.
I’m not sure how I feel about meeting online!
I don’t think it’s creep I met my husband online I think if it’s done right you can find love
I think its fine to meet online as long as its good between both anything can happen. I look forward to reading this book
I think online dating is a lot of “dating” that happened through snail mail. If the right “precautions” are taken, I don’t see anything is wrong with it.
I met my husband online…..not creepy at all.
I met my best friend online.He lives 3 hours away but we meet lots off times .I met a boy online some time ago but he turned out to be a stalker.It was hard to get him off my back.
Greets from Germany
I don’t think it’s creepy, although I’ve never met anyone online for a relationship. I think it could be a great thing. It’s definitely the norm anymore.
I think it can be a little of both, I think you just have to be very careful about how you handle a first time “live” meeting!
I think it could be cool.
Wow well i think in todays world meeting online is good, Great book great review!
I think that’s cool, a lot of people meet online these days 🙂
I’m in the little of both camp on this one. It’s exciting but at the same time, what do you really know about that person you can’t see online but even in person people can be really great at hiding their true personalities. I think for the story it’s cool and exciting.
Read this last week and absolutely LOVED it! I’m really curious to see what happens in the next 2 books, though. It seemed to have a happy ending, but then it didn’t. Ugh! I hate the wait!
I think is cool. If you can’t meet in person via destiny might as well look for them.
i think its cool as long as your safe
Looks like I’ll be buying this one! As for dating over the computer it would be weird for me. I’ve been married for 15 years so trying something new would be weird!
not creepy…since its obviously fictional. A tad forbidden..erotic
I think it could go either way since you never know who is on the other end. Whether you meet in person or online.
dont think it is creepy
I know a lot of people that have met online, so I wouldn’t say it was creepy….
I am old school, I need to see something to trust it. That being said, to start a relationship on-line and progress from there seems to be the way of the world these days. Thanks for the contest, this looks like a smokin’ hot read 🙂
Meeting online isn’t as weird now as it used to be. With all the online dating websites, it’s pretty standard for a lot of people.
I personally would find it a bit creepy but I know a few people that have met someone online and are now married so it can work
as long as the people feel safe enough to do that who am i to judge, or begrudge peoples happiness and love.
I think it’s a bit creepy, because especially if you are a girl you take a huge risk meeting some guy you only know via internet. But I have to admit that this is exactly the way I met my better half of me. So… maybe sometimes a girl just needs to take this risk 😉
Is this a kindal book, I can not find it on B&N for nook on my phone. I don’t have a kindal 🙁 I really want to read this. LOL You have grabbed me.
Hi Mary – unfortunately it’s only on Amazon, I’m so sorry. You can get the Kindle reading app for your computer or your cell phone – I know a lot of people don’t have kindles, but still read that way. Thanks!
Cool! I know people who have met online and are still together! Thanks for the giveaway!
Cool, I know people who met online and are married have two kids now.
I have a lot of friends that met online and they are happy, so I think it is fine.
its cool
Thank You for the chance! This Sounds great!
I’m not sure but I’ve heard it has worked for people:)
Sounds fine to me – I’ve known people who met great significant others that way and people who met crazy ones, so it just depends on who you choose to stick with (just like “regular” dating, haha).
I don’t see anything wrong with it. Sometimes that’s the only way to meet somebody. Thanks for the giveaway.
I think its great for some people to find love online-buttt I’m very cynical and have watched too much Dateline/Catfish the tv show!!
Love it. It is how I met my husband fourteen years ago. 🙂
Thank you for the wonderful giveaway.
Personally, I don’t like the whole internet dating thing. Yes, I’m probably one of the weird people as I’m still “young” and I’m always online. But, the fact that you never really know who is behind the screen in the beginning freaks me out and I refuse to take part in that. (explains why I’m a single loser, though.) I am totally intrigued by this book and want to read it. Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for hosting this giveaway and writing this great review, Lisa. You’re great.
I don’t really know what to think about it. But there are more and more couples that meet online these days. Thanks for the giveaway!
Mostly creepy to be honest!
I have known a couple of couple how have succeeded in the online dating thing.
But… creepy yeah.
It works for some people…My sister in law met her hubs online.
I don’t think there is anything wrong with it as long as they are being precautious.
I don’t think there is anything wrong with meeting someone online. Just make sure he’s not a criminal or a bad person,
totally not creepy
Its worked for some of my friends. 🙂
Yay so exciting! I’d love to read this book 🙂
I think to each their own of meeting new people 🙂 lots of people meet online and end up happily ever after
Personally I don’t think I could do it but I have heard good and bad stories
I think it is cool but a little scary, just have to make sure that who they say they are is true. Excited to read this book, have been reading alot of reviews about this book and it sounds really good.
im gonna have to say its creepy defo not cool
i think it’s definitely cool
I would never do it..but I have friends who and they love it. Freaks me out, so creepy for me!
Can be creepy, gotta keep your wits about you. I know a lot of people who have met online.
Cool I dated a guy for 2 years I met online have met many people that way. Ty for thegiveaway:)
I think it’s great, your soul mate could just be a click away! Thanks for the giveaway!!
Great Giveaway Thanks
A strange way to meet someone, but nobody says that’s not great! lol
I don’t know personally if I would do a online relationship these days but I on’t think its wrong
Thank you for the giveaway! A lot of people meet online. I don’t think I could do a relationship online. However I did technically meet my ex online. And after almost a year together he left me pregnant and alone. So I don’t think I’ll be looking online for love anymore.
I think that’s fine. I met my ex-boyfriend online.
Not sure, I guess cool. 🙂
Looks really good! Thanks for the giveaway!!