What happens when you create rules to keep others out?
One thing Emerson Moore has come to terms with is that she is the school slut. She knows her way around a frat house and how to get what she wants. She doesn’t make any excuses for her actions and she doesn’t pretend to be anything different. She is who she is and with that she knows how to have a good time. She’s made rules to keep relationships at bay and avoid the demons of her past.
When her best friend, Cole has his two friends from back home move in with him she begins to think she has met her match with Jaxon Riley. Jax is the perfect mixture of tattooed muscle and a sweet-talking mouth. With “hand” written notes, a voice that exudes sex and knowing just how to get under her skin, Jaxon learns how to break all the rules.
But will he just end up breaking her heart anyway?
Beautiful Broken Rules by Kimberly Lauren
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
*ARC Given to Blog for Honest Review*
4.5 “Beautiful” “You don’t walk away from your heart.” Kisses
OMFG I loved this book. Like really, truly, to the depths of my heart, really loved it. It sucked me in from the first line and didn’t let me go until the final click. And even now…I don’t want it to be over! It was the perfection combination of all the little things that I really like in a book, smashed into a blender and then poured out for my delicious enjoyment. Great story line, amazing characters, humor, angst, hotness…everything! And then some! And I enjoyed the hell out of it. Wow…I sound like a blubbering idiot already!
Emerson Moore has officially gained herself a place in the prestigious ‘I want you to be my new bff’s category. I. love. Her. When one of the first few sentences I read is her straight up calling herself a ‘sluf’ – I want to high five her, hug her and then hang out with her forever and ever amen. Judge me all you want – I’m a full on supporter of women fighting against the double standard…if men get to sleep around, so should women! Be safe and have fun – cause seriously, sex is fun! Alright…hopping off of my soap box, I shall continue on with my pledge of love for my dear sweet Emmy. Why else do I love her besides the fact that she is a slut? She’s blonde (yes I am that superficial). Do we need to have anything else more in common? More proof that she and I were meant to be bff’s. She’s just couldn’t get any more awesome…until she sealed the deal and fell for a Texas Boy. Yup…she and I have way too much in common.
‘One thing I know for sure and have come to terms with – I’m the school slut.’
Jaxon FREAKIN Riley…oh my goodness where have you been all my life? The list of the reasons I love Jax is long…but I must state them:
1.) Tall
2.) Dark Hair
3.) Gorgeous Blue Eyes
4.) Deep Sexy Voice
5.) He has an equally drop dead gorgeous TWIN! (WOOOO!)
6.) His one ‘flaw’ is a slightly crooked tooth (don’t ask me why I thought this was cute!)
7.) Super sexy tattoo
8.) Star Football Player
9.) Has a motorcycle…
10.) And a big sexy Truck
11.) And an old school Camaro
12.) And the best reason EVER….he’s from Texas!
“I don’t need a protector, okay?” I breathed.
“I’m trying my fucking hardest here, Beautiful.”
Jaxon is just…amazing. He will only call her Emerson, can I just say how much I love that? Everyone calls her Em or Emmy…not Jax – nope! Only Emerson. *sigh* There is so much more about him that I loved…he writes notes on her palm, he is so ‘caveman style’ protective over her and he just says the most swoony things. He just moved from Texas to California to go to college and play football and he just so happens to also be best friends with Cole, Em’s best friend. They live next door to each other. Have classes together. You can see what’s going on here…the possibilities are endless. And FYI the ‘possibilities’ are amazing.
“Emerson, I would never judge you. I, of all people, have no place to judge. I don’t care what you’ve done,” he said, looking into my eyes.
“It’s okay, everyone does. I understand what people think of me.”
“If they think you are beautiful, feisty, and brilliant, then I would agree with them. Anything else, I don’t care about.”
The little ‘five-some’ group they had going on – brilliance! I love it, I want to be a part of it – where can I find one? I need that in my life right now. So…it’s Em, Quinn (her sister, which I will come back to), Cole, Jaxon and Jace (Jackson’s identical twin I mentioned earlier). So Quinn is ‘technically’ Em’s step-sister, Quinn’s mom married Em’s dad, but they are so close and only 35 days apart in age, so they don’t even consider the ‘step’ anymore. Cole has been Em and Quinn’s best friend since freshman year – they all have a very close friendship, which is interesting especially for the ‘school slut’ but I loved Cole and Em – it was very much a big brother/little sister kind of thing. Which Emerson needs those realtionships, badly.
‘“Fuck, I’m living every guys dream right now. Two girls in my bedroom helping each other out of their clothes,” Cole laughed.
“Yeah, except there’s no way you’re getting laid tonight.” Quinn winked at him.
“And… my bubble gets popped,” he groaned sarcastically.’
Why does she need them? Because her parents died in a car accident together when she was 15. That by itself is a big freakin deal, but it gets worse. Because of that one little incident, she based living her life on 3 simple rules.
‘I have three rules: never sleep with someone that a friend has feelings for, never sleep with someone who is in a known relationship (when this isn’t disclosed to me, it is not my fault), and finally, never sleep with someone more than three times.’
No biggie right? HA! I think what I love/hate/loved to hate about this book was the level of angst. Miss. Lauren kept it up there for a good majority of the book. She’d soften my heart, give me little pieces of reprieve but not for long. And then I got slapped in the face at 78% when I’m just flat out bawling like a baby because it hurts so much, I just don’t even wanna keep going. But I did…slowly and with trepidation. And it was worth it. 🙂
“Emerson, you’re amazing. I still can’t believe I found you. Promise you’ll stay.”
“I promise I breathed. “Promise you’ll stay patient with me.” I trailed kisses down his jaw.
“I promise, he replied. “I need you in my life.”
“You have me.”
So the book is told entirely from Emmy’s POV. Loved it. Until I read the epilogue and got…*suspenseful pause*….JAXON’S POV!!!!! Oh…My…GAWD. I want more. That was not enough. We got glimpses into his thoughts about their past, but it wasn’t enough. So the book ends HEA…everyone is happy, but it doesn’t feel ‘over’. It almost felt like there is a ‘…’ at the end, where the possibility of more exists but if not we’re all still happy little campers where BBR ended. I will always want more from a book I love. So…I. Want. More. I want to know Jaxon and Emerson’s final ending. I want to know what happens with Cole and Quinn (GOD would I love their story – there was a conversation they had when they got together…I MUST know what was said!!!) and then of course there is poor Jace…he needs an HEA too! So while I am happy, I will still leave my fingers crossed for possibilities. 🙂
Kimberly is giving away 4 $25 Amazon Gift Cards Each and 2 signed paperbacks (US Only) Click here to enter the Rafflecopter giveaway or click the logo below.
I’m a wanderer, an adventurer, a traveler.
I want to see it all. I haven’t been everywhere but it’s on my list.
“She travels the world & home is always in her heart.”
Lately if I’m not traveling or chasing a toddler, I’m writing. Which is weird because I hated writing in college. Oh wait, that’s because that was boring. Who really wants to sit there and cite all your sources into APA format? Not this girl. Writing for yourself is enjoyable and cathartic. Please try it. Then tell me about because I love indie authors.
When I was 19, I packed up and followed my high school sweetheart from Texas to California. We had a blast living it up in San Diego. Four years later we made a crazy decision and packed up again and moved to Germany. What? Yep, you read that right. Guess what? Best decision ever! We OWNED Europe. For three years we saw as much as we possibly could. We lived an hour outside of France, a couple from Switzerland and Italy. Most amazing time of my life. Please go out there and see the world, you won’t regret it. After Europe we moved back to California, and for now we’re just debating our next adventure.
I earned a degree in Child Development. And now I write novels. Makes perfect sense! I write because I walk around all day with these stories in my head. It’s nice to be able to get them out of my head in an organized fashion. I hope that someone out there enjoys them, because I have enjoyed so many others’.
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I entered on True Story Book Blog 🙂
Oh it sounds so good! Definitely adding to my TBR list!
Loved this book so much and can’t wait for book 2, all about Jase <3
Great review. I loved this book and would like more of Jax and Emerson, or give Cole his own story!
Annnnd I entered the giveaway here 🙂
Sounds like a great book!! Entered on True Story Book Blog. Thanks for the giveaway!
I entered at True Story Book Blog.
I really just want to buy this book right now! But hoping I win. I entered on True Story Book Blog!
Sounds like a great book if you like this genre. Thank you for your review.
Wow, I’ll add this to my to-read list! Thanks for the review!
Sounds like a great read.
I would love to read this book.