Title: Strings (Hard Rock Harlots Book #1)
By: Kendall Grey
Genre: Contemporary Romance
WARNING: STRINGS is not suitable for slut shamers, uptight stone throwers, Holier-Than-Thou prudes, humorless virgins, persons with chronic neck or back pain, pearl-clutching bitties, those who disparage crude humor or vulgarity in their many forms, closed-minded people with sticks up their asses, or anyone under the age of 18. The vile, base language and shocking, unholy sexual acts contained herein are not condoned by anyone with a lick of sense and should certainly not be reproduced without proper training and protection. The potty-mouthed and perpetually horny “heroine” (the term is used loosely) of this book does not resemble a normal, well-adjusted, or remotely believable person in any way, shape, or form. The author acknowledges that the characters in this book are shallow and two-dimensional; the plot is both ridiculous and insipid. She makes no apologies for any of it.
* Readers are strongly advised to wear latex gloves whilst reading to minimize contamination risks.
Free-spirited musician Letty Dillinger adheres to a strict, “no strings attached” policy when it comes to men. After a wild night of unabashed sex in a fancy hotel room, she never expects to see the adventurous stud she dubs “Shades” again. When her all-girl rock trio books a tour at the last minute as the opening act for their archenemies, Letty’s shocked to discover she knows the competition’s new lead singer. Intimately. Shades is no longer a one-night stand. Now he’s the guy she has to one-up on stage every night for the sake of her career.
Sharing close quarters on a bus with her sexy nemesis and his bad-boy buddies puts Letty’s Golden Rule to the test. On this tour, guitar strings aren’t the only things being played. And when heartstrings are pulled too hard, they’re bound to snap sooner or later.
You MUST experience the full brilliance that is the Hard Rock Harlots Series. We both love the FUCK out of this series.
Title: Beats (Hard Rock Harlots Book #2)
By: Kendall Grey
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Book 2 in the Hard Rock Harlots Series
WARNING: BEATS is specially formulated for horn dogs, porn oglers, smut peddlers, BDSM junkies, M/M and M/M/F addicts, DP dabblers, and lovers of A2M backdoor sexy times. If you don’t fall into these categories, can’t stomach hot man-on-man action, or if you have no idea what the above acronyms mean, please back away from BEATS now. This isn’t the book you’re looking for. Failure to heed this warning could inadvertently throw unauthorized users into a persistent vegetative state, or at the very least, require administration of a defibrillator to the chest and/or groin area. Nobody wants that.
For months, shy drummer Jinx Hardwick has been silently crushing on her tall, dark, and scary bandmate, Toombs Badcock. Drawn to his frightening ink and scars, she yearns to uncover the shadowy secrets lurking behind his silver eyes, but Jinx is too intimidated to even look at him, let alone talk to him. When she stumbles upon Toombs and their manipulative lead guitarist Rax in a compromising position, Jinx realizes her chances of winning Toombs’s heart aren’t just a long shot—they’re nonexistent. To make matters worse, Jinx’s family needs her at home. She’s about to back away from it all—Toombs, the band, her dreams of fame and fortune—when Rax makes her an offer she can’t refuse: a no-holds-barred night alone with Toombs. There’s one small catch. She has to go through Rax to get it.
Title: Nocturnes (Hard Rock Harlots Book #3)
By: Kendall Grey
Genre: Contemporary Romance
NOCTURNES contains 511 F-bombs, 81 well-endowed male chickens, 65 girl kitties, 58 Richard the Lessers, 10 C-U-Next-Tuesdays, and a plethora of other colorful words and phrases that would deafen your virginal mother’s ears and make her bust out her “Shame on you!” finger. If you’ve been tuned in since the beginning of the Hard Rock Harlots series, you know the drill. The sex is extreme, the language is graphic, and the story is over the top. Prudes and under 18s need not apply.
WARNING: NOCTURNES addresses serious topics such as alcoholism, prostitution, and cheating. If you’re looking for a barrel of laughs or sunshine and rainbows, this is NOT the book for you.
Rax Wrathbone is the dirty rock star you love to hate. The filthy fantasy slithering through your bed sheets. The serpent in your lady garden. The snake bite in your panties that keeps you sweating all night. He. Is. Sex.
And he’s no good. For anyone.
After a nasty breakup with his best friend and their band’s drummer, Rax is flying solo for the first time in years. Who needs the drama of commitment when the line for your humping booth spans three city blocks? No, groupies and liquor are far finer company than relationships, and they don’t leave bruises after they’ve had their way with you. At least not lasting ones.
Rax’s new adventures as an alcoholic, guitar-slashing one-man show are going along swimmingly until the only woman who’s ever brought him to his knees shimmies down a pole back into his life. Eve doesn’t abide excessive drinking, she has sex with strangers for a living, and she can’t remember Rax’s name to save her life.
She’s perfect in every way.
Now, if he could just get sober long enough to forget his past and convince Eve he’s worthy of her future…
OMG I think I want to make it my life’s mission to have Shades call me pussycat…
Keep reading to see the full Love Note!
To the pussycat who gets my motor purring:
I love that you’re crazy as fuck in and out of bed.
I love that you have no boundaries, few morals, and zero inhibitions.
I love the little wrinkle that pops up between your eyebrows when you come so hard, we need a mop and super-absorbent towels to clean up when we’re done.
I love the way your fingers curl around the mic as you scream into it, making the crowd–and me–your bitch. It’s the exact same way you grab my dick when you’re horny.
I love your plaid miniskirts. And the fact that you rarely wear underwear.
I love your “Fuck the world” attitude, your brass balls, and the gooey center hiding underneath it all.
I love your nasty morning breath. Even after last night’s burrito with extra onions.
I love how you put your heart and soul into every fucking thing you do, whether it’s singing for a crowd, singing in the shower, or singing in your sleep. Because you do that shit sometimes.
I love how you don’t care about a thing, but you care about everything.
The truth is, I love YOU, Letty Dillinger. Bass strapped across your shoulder, or mic in hand. With or without a strap-on. Flaws and all. I love you.
Happy Valentine’s Day, pussycat.
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
5+++ “The Rock” “Pussycat” Kisses!
Holy hells bells – that’s how you rock my mother fuckin face off. I have heard so many things about this book but when Brooke, my bff/book soulmate/co-blogger, couldn’t stop raving about it, I knew without a shadow of a doubt that if she loved it, I would as well. I had heard the good, the bad and the ugly about this book, but I don’t care what other people say, I’m an adult and I’ll make up my own mind thank you! 🙂 And let me just tell you….if you want a deep, insightful, dramatic read…keep going – this isn’t going to work out for you. If you like to let go, not take yourself too seriously, enjoy over the top characters and even more over the top hot sex…this is probably a great place for you to start. Oh and you must love cursing. In books and in reviews…because there is a lot of cursing…in both the book and in my review. 🙂
Letty Dillinger…25 year old red-headed spit-fire that ‘was born to rock your face off’ . And FYI…she can, she does and she WILL! Holy shit – what didn’t I love about Letty? I loved her unpredictability…I never knew what the fuck kind of brilliance is going to come out of her…and she never failed to disappoint. She was crass and crude and brash and I could not have loved it any more. She is not everyone’s cup of tea, but she so definitely mine.
‘Twenty-five years ago today, I exited my mama’s womb center stage and stormed Planet Earth, guns blazing, taking no prisoners. Crashes of lightning and thunder announced my birth. A cyclone killed nearly 600 people in Bangladesh and left half a million homeless. I’m not saying I had anything to do with that shit, but when a force like mine is born, the Universe takes notice. Cause and effect. Ying and yang. Pomp and circumstance.’
Shades needs to fuck me stupid with his 10 inch penis from heaven. Was that too much? Sorry…just thought we’d get the obvious information out there in the open as quickly as possible. Todd Armstrong can pluck my strings any day of the week. He’s got gorgeous green eyes, a body made for sin and just oozes sex appeal with nothing but a smile. He’s a special brand of hotness that cannot be labeled or identified. I’ve really never read any bbf quite like Shades. He’s unique. Just when I thought I had him figured out, he would go and do something to surprise me (Letty wasn’t the only one who could do that!). He complimented Letty brilliantly and beautifully.
‘In daylight or darkness, Todd Armstrong is the hottest piece of ass I’ve ever pleasured.’
So of course there is a story…a pretty interesting one if you ask me. Letty has a band (Cherry Buzz Float – kick ass name IMO!) and Shades has a band (Killer Dixon)….I don’t go into story line detail, but let’s just say it has a lot to do with the bands…and band mates. It’s hard not to let what you’ve heard cloud your judgment just a little bit, I knew I would like the book, but how much I liked the plot line and story surprised me…pleasantly so. It was a well-developed story, logical, every character played a crucial part – I did get tied up and emotional in some places – yes! This book was more than sex, drugs, rock-and-roll and cursing. GASP! The cats out of the bag!
‘Kate, Jinx, and I are components of one whole. Together, we’re sweat and sound and need. We’re made of the same primal instinct that drives people to feed, fuck, and fight.
Tonight, we are The Rock.’
Part of the fun in this story is that it is over the top. Not every book I read has to be this long, thought out, emotionally gut wrenching story about two people who love each other and how they are going to be together. Do I like those stories – yes! But I can enjoy a story about a guy getting fucked in the ass with a dildo just as much. Sorry, that’s just the way I am. I like the crazy antics and not knowing what was going to come next. I liked the crazy shit that came out of everyone’s mouth. The unpredictability was awesome and very much appreciated it. Every time I thought there’s no way she can say anything that is going to shock me…I was consistently proven wrong…and the fact that I couldn’t stop laughing through most of it was a sure sign of a great thing.
‘Much as I don’t want to admit it, he’s my sexual soul mate. No inhibitions. No fear. No boundaries.’
Let me just give you a taste of the amazingness that had me doubled over I was laughing so hard….here are just a few tid-bits….
‘Fuck him like a Roman nympho whore with a flaming crotch, let him put it out with a cum spritzer, then run like hell.’
‘I spend the rest of the drive trying to convince my famish beaver that dinner is coming soon. Patience, Gertrude.’
‘Jesus jamming with a giraffe…’
‘Mother fuck. Skunk fuck. God-doodle-damn it, fuck.’
I can’t quote them all…and those aren’t even necessarily my favorites. But I tell you the liners in this shit is hilarious, I really have to wonder what kind of crack Kendall was smoking to break out this amazingness. Once again, is it over the top? Yes. Does it sometimes not make any sense? Yes. Does it matter? Hell fucking no. Not to me. It worked for the way the story was written and the characters it was written for and I LOVED it.
‘I want to make music and happy endings with Shades. Just like this. Jamming with him and the guys on the busy was amazing and fresh and new. I want to live that feeling every day of my life. That oneness with the dude I care about.
Yeah, I do care about him. A lot more than I should.’
Ummm it must be stated that I not only love Letty and Shades but I love the Jinx and Toombs side story. SO much. I know that the sequel, Beats is Jinx’s story and I can’t wait to see where it leads. The set up is completely there, you’re given just enough to keep you guessing and wanting more…of course teasing me enough to make me CRAVE it! And I also think Rax and Jillian would and hopefully will have amazing stories as well. Rax is…well there are no words for him and Jillian has me very intrigued.
‘We stare at each other for a long moment. No physical touching, but damn, he’s singing me a lullaby and cradling my fucking soul with that look. Bare, naked, raw. Him.’
Strings was hot, it was funny, and yes…it was a little emotional and angsty…it broke the cycle for me and left me completely and happily satisfied. I am so incredibly excited for the rest of this series. This is a very unique and creative concept that I am unabashedly hooked on. Bring on Beats, Jinx, Toombs and all the insanity Kendall wishes to bring. Rock On!
Kendall Grey, word wrangler, whale warrior, wicked wench, and lover of tongue-tripping alliteration, was born without an off-switch between her brain and mouth. She’s been called the “Flux Capacitor of Twitter” (@kendallgrey1) and “A little package of love all wrapped up in F-word paper,” but she’s really just a maniacal writer relaying eyewitness accounts of the rave inside her head. She writes urban fantasy with strong romantic elements and also dabbles in erotica and horror on occasion.
Kendall lives off a dirt road near Atlanta, Georgia, but don’t hold that against her. Check out more on her website.
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I would love for Remy to be my Valentine!
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