A temporary agreement neither could keep…
Brainy, organized Sophie Birch is no beach bunny. In fact, she’s totally out of her element among the sun-bronzed crowd at a film festival in beautiful White Strand Cove. When a surf lesson introduces her to Zane Hollander, suddenly she’s up close and personal with the world’s sexiest surf star. But what can a great-looking, experienced athlete possibly see in a klutzy out-of-towner who’s never set foot in the ocean?
Zane Hollander’s playboy reputation has never been a problem…until recently. Now his management team wants him on his best behavior to entice a meaningful new sponsor. Sophie Birch is the perfect girl to help reform his image. She’s genuine and respected—and their relationship is purely fictional. But the more Sophie blooms under the beachy sun, the more Zane knows he’ll just break her heart. Because nothing’s more important to Zane than following the tide.
“Hey. Sorry about losing you.”
“You didn’t lose me. I left.”
That she did. “Can I come in?”
She hesitated a moment. “Uh, sure.” She stepped aside and he entered the large room with an ocean view. The sliding French door was open, and the gravitational pull of the beach led him to the patio.
“Nice view,” he said over his shoulder.
“It really is. This is the nicest place I’ve ever stayed at. Not that I’ve stayed in very many places.” She came up beside him, and her cinnamon sugar scent teased him.
He wanted to taste her. Eat her up. “Is this your first time seeing the ocean, too?”
“Yes,” she whispered like she was embarrassed about it. “And I’m sorry I didn’t tell you that before our lesson the other day.”
“No apology necessary. I’m pretty impressed you did what you did.”
“Really?” Delight wiped out her shame, coaxing big-ass smiles out of them both.
“You’re a lot tougher than you look.” He turned his head toward the ocean, afraid that if he looked only at her, he’d do something stupid. Bikini-clad women dotted the beach, but not one sparked his interest like the woman next to him. Especially now that pink colored her cheeks. He wanted to take her full bottom lip between his teeth, kiss her, slip his tongue inside her mouth, and once he’d had his fill, lick his way down her body until—
“What about you?” She curled up on one of the cushioned patio chairs.
“What about me?” He took the other seat, stretching his legs out and situating himself for an easy view of the beach through the iron slats of the patio railing.
“How would people describe you?”
Her question drew his undivided attention. “Depends on who you ask.” He smirked. “Women and men have very different opinions of me.” The sun glittered off her auburn hair, casting a radiant halo. “All good, mind you.”
She rolled her eyes. “Do you ever get tired of it?”
“The fame. Being recognized everywhere you go. Having to always wear a certain image.”
His heart beat a little faster. The image he shared with the world was far from the guy his family and close friends knew. He got the feeling from Sophie’s warm, interested eyes that she really wanted to know what made him tick. In his world, women only wanted to know how to get in his board shorts, so it took him a minute to process her curiosity.
And damn if it didn’t bother him that she apparently didn’t want in his pants.
Thanks so much for having me here, Lisa and Brooke!
Describe Zane in one sentence.
Zane is a pro surfer loved by thousands and gracious with his fans, but he’s also got a bad boy reputation he’s trying to change.
Describe Sophie in one sentence.
Sophie is brainy and way out of her element with the beach crowd, but she’s determined to step out of her comfort zone and live in the moment.
Favorite and least favorite scene to write in Keeping Mr. Right Now?
I really loved writing this whole book! But okay, my favorite scene is probably the one at the film festival opening where Zane steps away from the crowd and accidentally finds Sophie and sees her much differently than the first time he laid eyes on her. My least favorite would probably be the black moment – I just want my characters to be happy (it’s a problem my editors are trying to cure me of – LOL) and so that was a tough scene for me. It really tugged at my heart.
What’s your guilty pleasure?
The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. It’s a sickness.
If you weren’t an author what would you be doing right now?
Well, since you said “right now” and it’s summertime, I’d like to say I’d be at the beach. 🙂
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Being a wife and mom. My two boys are really awesome and I’d like to think I, along with my hubby, had something to do with that. Sure, there are days when I want to throttle them, but I’m really proud of the young men they are.
If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
There are so many people I’d like to meet, but at this moment I’m going to say Derek Jeter. I’d love to chat with him about his career before he retires – and he’s my boys’ favorite baseball player and they would freak out if I met him.
What is your go to snack food when writing?
Mountain Dew and Chex Mix or Chips Ahoy cookies – healthy right?
If you could sit down face to face with any of your characters, who would you choose and why?
Oh, I love this question, but it’s so hard to pick just one! Since I am here to celebrate Zane and Sophie’s book, though, I’m going to go with Zane. I have a serious crush on him and would love to sit down and… well, we really wouldn’t have to say a word to each other. LOL I could just stare at his handsome face and into his eyes all day. Want to see my inspiration while writing?
What are the top 3 things on your bucket list?
Sky diving for sure! And actually when my son turns 18 in two years, we’re planning to do it together. Next would be travelling all over Europe. I’ve never been and am dying to go! For number 3 I’ll say drive across the U.S. There are so many places I want to see.
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
I’d pretty much be happy living in any beach town where I had a view of the ocean.
Favorite Word and Least Favorite Word?
My favorite word changes, but it’s currently crazypants. My least favorite word is moist. *shudders*
Biggest fear?
Scary clowns – they totally freak me out.
Deepest regret?
I try not to live with regrets, although I am sorry I didn’t eat that last Chewy Chips Ahoy cookie yesterday.
Favorite memory?
Ack! So many. All of them with my family. There’s one moment when I can see the four of us so clearly on the beach in Hawaii that it feels like yesterday, even though it was many years ago. We’re not doing anything special, just hanging out on the sand and smiling.
Worst flaw?
Hmm… I’m very hard on myself and am trying to cut myself some slack more often. I think it’s the whole, I can do everything mentality and I fail spectacularly at that.
Most annoying pet peeve?
If you could change one thing about yourself…what would it be?
See my worst flaw. 🙂 I’d also like to get rid of my sweet tooth.
Either/Or Questions:
Chocolate or Vanilla? Swirl!
Sophie or Zane? 🙂 Zane. Come on, did you see my inspiration?
Warm or Cold? Warm
Early Bird or Night Owl? Night Owl
Pain or Pleasure? Pleasure
Outdoor or Indoor? Outdoor
Blondes or Brunettes? Dirty blond
Ketchup or Mustard? Ketchup
Coffee or Cocktail? Oh man! Coffee
Texting or Calling? Another oh man! It depends on who I’m talking to! 🙂
Keeping Mr. Right Now by Robin Bielman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
*ARC Given to Blog for Honest Review*
3.5 “Zaned” Kisses
Well…that was quite an enjoyable surprise. It’s been a long time since I read a really good beach read…and Keeping Mr. Right Now is a fantastic example of just that. It was sweet, sexy, funny and had just enough emotion to squeeze my heart the way I like it. Sophie and Zane were amazing…*sigh*
Zane William Hollander…oh my golden surfer boy…there is so much more to him than his bad boy player reputation…so much it blew me away. I loved getting the know the real Zane…I was super surprised that we got his POV in addition to Sophie’s, that was an unexpected treat, but it was 100% necessary…because even the things he told Sophie…hearing his thoughts, getting every raw feeling from him was…there are no words – I loved it. Zane’s thoughts and feelings are incredibly heart breaking…his history with his father tore me apart…and the fact that it has plagued him and affected him for so long made it so much worse…and considering how he turned out, on the outside, you would never know it. He’s excellent at hiding behind the hot surfer dude. The only good thing to come out of all of that is Zane’s passion for surfing. Hearing him talk about it…getting excited about his work and what he was able to do because of surfing…the opportunities that he’s had in his life…the joy was infectious – I was happy because he was happy and aside from his feelings on Sophie, that might be my second favorite thing about Zane.
‘He rubbed the back of his neck, focused on the midnight-blue sea. “Out in the water, I don’t have to worry about uninvited attention or my reputation or letting anyone down. The world falls away and…and it feels good.”
“You’re feeling bliss,” Sophie said, seeming equally taken with the darkening ocean. “You’ve trained almost your whole life to be out there, and you’ve got a connection to nature that can lead to a naturally soothing psychological effect.”
Zane stared in awe at Sophie’s profile. She was right, and it blew his mind. How had she gotten into his head like that? He needed to change the subject.’
Sophie Rose Birch…how can I describe Sophie…she’s sweeter than anyone on the planet…I challenge anyone to dislike her. I think the girl hates to tell anyone no…even when she probably should, she would rather put herself out than to disappoint someone. She is so gentle and kind spirited, I don’t think she wouldn’t hurt a bug if you paid her. She’s got so much bravery in her tiny little body she absolutely blows me away…she flies out of her home state of Montana to California for the first time ever…got in the ocean for the first time ever to surf – with a pro-surfer mind you! – runs a huge event all by herself that could make or break her career – I mean…she faces all challenges head on and it’s awesome. She’s thoughtful and understanding, she has a true empathetic and compassionate heart, she’s so smart it makes my head spin but she never holds that over people…she’s just a one of a kind girl…who got swept off her feet by a gorgeous one of a kind surfer.
‘He was hurting. Deep down, something troubled him, and if he let her, she’d help him. She might have little experience in the way of men, but she’d always been good with strays and that, she realized, was how he looked. Like he had no home.
Except for maybe this beach.’
Sophie and Zane are…a slow, natural build. I really enjoyed watching their relationship evolve and grow…it warmed my heart, because there was a progression from the getting-to-know-you-stage to the…hey-I-really-like-you-stage to…well…you know what happens after that. I loved that they both influenced the other…they brought out the best in each other, whether they realized it or not. It’s like all of the insecurities and self-doubts melted away when they were in the presence of the other. Zane was like an open book with Sophie and she had so much more confidence when he was around…it was impossible not to love seeing that happen for both of them. I loved that they both were Quentin Tarantino movie-buffs – especially Sophie! And their quote off of Tarantino movies – that was amazing! I loved that she was the only girl he’s taken home to meet his family…or to his ‘special beach’ and that he told her things he’s never told anyone else. The amount of trust that they showed in one another completely grounded me in who they were…I couldn’t get enough of it. I was truly and completely wrapped up in the way they made each other feel more than the physical aspect of their relationship…which considering the time span that we are working with…that speaks volumes.
“I know you’re just being nice because…well, you’re a nice guy. But I’m nothing like the girls you usually hang out with.” She drew in her bottom lip and dropped her gaze to the floor.
He reached over the coffee table and gently lifted her chin. “You’re right. Your smile is warmer. When your body is close to mine, all my muscles twitch in the best possible way. And your eyes. Your eyes remind me of the tropical waters in the Maldives and I want to swim in them constantly. When you look at me like I’m a man and not a pro surfer you’re out to bag, that is beautiful. You’re beautiful.”
So…I can’t lie, the book did start off a little slow for me, but there had to be a build, that’s just the way the story progressed and I get that. The characters were developed nicely and I did appreciate that I had a very good understanding of who Zane and Sophie were apart…but I’m a romantic so I couldn’t help but crave them together. I think it was about 40-50% when I really started getting ‘the feels’ for them…feel the familiar tug on my heart strings and after that I was a lost cause. Once I fell for the, I fell hard and never looked back…so the work to get to that point was well worth it, I just wished we could have got more of it because Sophie and Zane together are just fabulous. Their conversations…their actions…they just meshed so incredibly well together and considering you couldn’t get two more polar opposite people, that just made me love it even more. And holy angst alert – 87%…I wasn’t ready. I know something was coming – I knew things were too good to be true but damn it…it hurt! A lot!
“What are you seeing now?” she asked, the gentle tide almost drowning out her soft tone.
“When I look at you?”
“Yes.” Her hair was fanned out around her head in glorious waves. Her cheeks were the color of the last rays of sunshine behind him. And her pillowy lips were temptation personified.
“I see a woman who is smart, compassionate, too beautiful for words. You do this thing to me that is unsettling and intoxicating at the same time.” And no one else had done it before.
He played with a strand of her hair. “Yeah, you know, thing.” He’d wished for endless summers his whole life. What he wished for now was endless Sophie.
“No one’s ever had a thing for me before.” Her eyes sparkled in pleasure, and he was glad to have been the one to do that.
“You’ve been with some real losers, then.”
Even the secondary characters pulled me in…Honor, Sophie’s new best friend, she was amazing comedic relief and exactly the kind of support she needed…plus the whole ‘Mr. Right Now’ idea was all her fault. Then you have Zane’s best friends Bryce and Danny…they’re playful and fun but of course always looking out for Zane’s best interest. And good gravy…the hints that were dropped about Bryce and Honor I hope will be answered in the next book, since Keeping Mr. Right Now is a part of the Kisses in the Sand series…cause I have some unanswered questions that I’m dying to get answered! Two other characters that aren’t huge, but did play pivotal roles are Zane’s mom and sister…they’re very important to Zane and I liked seeing their relationships with him…showed the softer side of the hot surfer.
‘She’d stolen his heart and with it his wish for her to have it all. Everything she desired and hoped for. Rose petals and burgers and milk shakes. Late-night Tarantino films. Waves at her feet. And someone by her side to enjoy every moment with.
I love you.
Enough to let her go.’
OMG…so the last page of the book…it totally made me SQUEEE! I loved loved loved it…I can’t talk about it cause it’s a spoiler but…I seriously hope we’ll see what happens with the information that was provided on that last page. (Vague…party of one…that would be me!) I can’t lie, even though I’m happy with the ending (what Zane does is amazing)…it did feel a bit rushed and almost too easy. I wanted more resolution and honestly, coming from what I know about Sophie, I expected more from her. It was all told from Zane’s POV so many that has something to do with it…I would love to hear her thoughts on what happened! I really am excited for the rest of this series…if KMRN is any indication of what I can expect, it’s going to be a great series.
USA Today Bestselling Author Robin Bielman lives in Southern California with her high school sweetheart husband, two sons, and one crazy-cute dog who loves to chew on everyone’s socks. When not attached to her laptop, she can almost always be found with her nose in a book. She also likes to run, hike, eat cupcakes, and dip her toes in the ocean. Writing is a dream come true, and she still pinches herself to be sure it’s real.
She loves to connect with readers. Learn more and sign up for her newsletter on her website at http://robinbielman.com.
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this looks cute
This book sounds amazing. Thank you for the giveaway.
Hi Debbie! Thank you – and thanks for stopping by!
can’t wait to read this book!
Hi kp! Aw, yay! Thank you!
Sounds like a great story, I love the cover. Thanks for having the giveaway.
Hi Anita! Thanks so much! I love the cover, too. 🙂
Looks great! I can’t wait to read this one! 🙂
Mi mrsmac! Thank you!! If you do read it, I hope you’ll let me know what you thought!
Okay, that should have been “Hi” mrsmac. 🙂
I’m a new liker for Robin. Thanks for bringing this book to us. It looks great!
Hi Jenny! Aw, I’m happy to hear that! It’s nice to “meet” you! Thanks so much for stopping by here!
Looks like a good book.
Hi Laurie – thank you!
Looks like a great romance to end the summer with! Love the cover:) Thanks!
Hi Erika! I think so, too! LOL Thank you! And I’m hoping this last month of summer goes a little slow – I’m so not ready for fall!
The book sounds good, great giveaway, thanks
Hi Anita! Thank you – and I love giving things away, so it’s my pleasure. Thanks for stopping by!
Thansk for giveaway
Hi Maria! You’re welcome. 🙂
Love the cover. Looks like a great read.
Hi Tina! Thanks so much!
Would love to read this!! Thanks for the giveaway chance!
Hi Marcy! Yay! I love to hear that! Thank you!!
great cover
Thank you, Jodi! Thanks to our awesome cover artist, the Bliss line always has really great covers!
Oh my gosh! Thank you so, so much for this wonderful review, Lisa!! I love all the graphics (they totally make me happy!!) and I’m thrilled you enjoyed Zane and Sophie’s story. Thanks again for having me here and helping me celebrate my new release! <3 <3
great review and I love your teasers! so glad to interview robin and learn more about her! I loved this book!
Hi Elena! Aren’t the teasers awesome?! Thanks so much for following me on my tour – I appreciate it so much! And I’m so thrilled you loved the book! <3
This will be my first book by Robin. I am very excited to read her books. Thank you for this wonderful giveaway.
Hi Nicole! Oh, thank you so much! I hope you enjoy it! Thanks for leaving me a comment!
Love the Cover of this book! The excerpt was great too 🙂
Hi Judy! Thank you! Jessica does my Bliss covers and she always designs something I love, too! And yay! I’m happy you enjoyed the sneak peek!
Thanks for the chance luv
Hi Shell! You’re welcome! Thanks for stopping by!
Hi – Thank you for the chance at your giveaway!!
Always looking for new beach reads, sounds great! Thanks for the giveaway!
I can’t wait to read Keeping Mr. Right Now!! Thank you for the giveaway!!
This looks like something I will really enjoy. Thank you so much for the giveaway~ Good luck to everyone~
This book sounds amazing. Thank you for the giveaway.
Sounds like a great book! Looking forward to reading it!
Thanks for the chance! i can’t wait to read it! (:
gosh my tbr keeps getting bigger and bigger!!!
hmm sounds like a good read!! Haha better than netflix for sure!
I think this will be a must read for me. Great Review! Just what I like!