When you’re acting the role of a lifetime, how can you know if love is real—or all just a part of the show?
Twenty-three year old rising theatre star Jill McCormick has built a life out of pretending. Pretending she’s happy, pretending her long-distance crushes add up to something real, pretending she’s not haunted by the dark secret that shattered her world six years ago. Cast in her first Broadway show, she desperately needs to keep her façade intact, but that’s before she comes face to face with her devastating new boss…
Hot-shot director Davis Milo knows the first rule of directing: never fall for your leading lady. Captivated by Jill’s raw talent, he fights his feelings, but watching Jill on-stage with another man is more than his jealous streak can take. Keeping things professional isn’t an option. He wants all of her.
Soon the ingénue and her director are staying late in the empty theatre, their private rehearsals spiraling into new, forbidden territory. Caught up between fiction and reality, Jill struggles to find the truth in all their staged kisses. But how can she be sure that what she feels is real, and not a part of the play? And when two people spend their lives pretending, what happens after the final curtain falls?
Catch Up with the entire Caught Up In Us Series
Caught Up in Him – Book #0.5
Free on Barnes and Noble!
Caught Up In Us – Book #1
Pretending He’s Mine – Book #2
Trophy Husband (not part of the series, but about Jill’s brother Chris)
I was lucky enough to be able to sit down with Jill and Davis *swoon* – these two are AAAAAmazing! Such an awesome couple and had a such a great time interviewing them. Check it out!
I’ve only been to New York twice but I’m especially giddy this time for where I am headed. Where might that be? Oh…just a little theatre. The St. James Theatre. SQUEEEE!!!!! Not only do I get to meet the deliciously dreamy Jill and Davis but I also get to interview them on the stage where they met. Where they kissed….and other stuff. Alright, I need to calm down or else this interview is going to be over before it starts.
I walk up and try the handle on the door. Of course it’s locked, blondie! The theatre isn’t open today! That’s how I was lucky enough to land this interview – it’s their day off. Woo! I knock and within a few minutes I’m greeted by a wide-eyed looking assistant. She’s very polite and quickly brings me in to take me to Jill and Davis. As we walk into the theatre, it’s absolutely gorgeous but I can’t take my eyes off the two people sitting on the stage. They’re even more beautiful in real life. Can I keep them? Alright…let’s put the creeper back in the closet and be professional. Yeah right!
I guess one of the perks about meeting at the theatre, you have lots of props! There is a very comfy looking love seat that Davis and Jill are snuggled up on while an equally comfy looking arm chair is situated next to it. Hmm…I’m in NYC…interviewing Jill and Davis…in a fabulous theatre…on the stage where they met…pinch me now!?! They rise to greet me and my knees wobble a little bit. Davis politely shakes my hand, the warmth from his grip practically seeps into my body and I think I just got a contact high. Jill brings me in and we do the ‘air-kisses-on-each-cheek’ thing and I just fell even more in love with her. They are exactly like I thought they would be and the thought of kidnapping them and keeping them all to myself is sounding more and more appealing.
Lisa: “Thank you both so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to meet with me today.”
Davis gives a small smile and polite nod while Jill’s grin lights up her face.
Jill: “Of course, we’re only too happy to.”
Lisa: “Well, I guess I’ll jump right in. Davis, you’re up first – think you can handle my questions?”
His small smile turns into a coy one.
Davis: “I think I can manage.”
Oh…just you wait sweetie.
Lisa: “What do you think your parents would have to say about Jill?”
Davis blinks, I think I startled the Director on my first question. Sweet!
Davis: “Wow. No one has asked me that before in an interview. I’m sure my father would have wanted to dispense some sort of wisdom to me — he was always doing that, being a professor — but he was a man of the arts and he wore his heart on his sleeve. So I think they both, having fallen in love working together on a show, would have completely been supportive. And they’d of course have loved her.”
Lisa: “Awww…well of course, it’s hard to not love Jill. Can you imagine doing anything other than directing?”
Davis: “No. Directing and me — we were a done deal long ago. There was no other path for me. Fortunately, this one worked out.”
Lisa: “It is pretty fortunate, isn’t it? 😉 ‘She becomes his, and that changes her.’ Very deep…profound…beautiful…a whole bunch of things (as well as hot…just sayin’)…and also very applicable for both the play….and for you and Jill. So what inspired you to say it, Paolo and Ava or you and Jill?”
Davis: “Both. Originally, I gave her that direction because it applies so deeply to Ava and her emotional journey in the play. I suppose now, in retrospect, it fits Jill as well. Which makes me a very lucky man.”
Lisa: “I would have to agree with that. So, it took a lot of guts to go to Jill’s apartment after she ran, what made you finally decide it was worth the risk?”
Davis: “Chinese takeout has a way of doing that to a person, don’t you think?”
He gives me a charming smile and I’m pretty sure I’d risk just about anything for him.
Davis: “But seriously — she was always worth the risk. Every day, every time. But more than that, I knew what was happening between us was real and true and right, and that if she was running, it meant she needed to be found.””
And I’m swooning. And possibly drooling. I look over and Jill looks like she wants tackle him and drag him off to a dark corner (or the piano on the stage). I don’t blame her one bit. I decide I better capture her attention before she goes through with any plans to…pause our interview.
Lisa: “Well Jill, it’s your turn – are you ready for me?”
Jill sits up a little straighter and slowly pulls her eyes away from Davis.
Jill: “Ready and willing.”
Ha…I doubt the willing, but Davis reaches an arm around her shoulder and gives her a squeeze. A light smile plays on her lips. Aaaaand I’m swooning again. *sigh*
Lisa: “After 6 years of holding onto a lot of guilt and pressure, how does it feel to finally be free of that?”
Jill’s smile gets a little brighter.
Jill: “Fantastic! Though, it’s not as if you just shuck it off like a coat and it’s gone. But I do feel that I’ve made peace with the past and the guilt and that’s a tremendously freeing feeling.”
Lisa: “Wonderful! I’m so glad you were able to accept it and move past it. Can you imagine doing anything other than acting?”
Jill: “I could see myself as a dog trainer. Maybe work with Reeve and Sutton’s dog on circus tricks. But that’s about it, so I’d have to say it’s good the acting thing is working out for now.”
Lisa: “I’d have to agree with you on that one.”
I say giggling a little bit. Sorry, this girl was made for the stage, seeing her as doing anything else is a little funny.
Lisa: “What made you finally give up on what you thought you could have for Patrick versus keeping what you had with Davis?”
Jill: “Sometimes you just have to get out of your own way, right? I was so used to seeing the world one way, that things had to be ONE WAY. But then Davis came along and threw everything I thought I knew into a tailspin. But a good kind of tailspin, an epic kind, the kind that made me feel as if I were finally having for real – inside of my heart – all those emotions that I’d only pretended to have when I was on stage. I couldn’t get him out of my head, or my heart, and when I finally realized he was the one I was thinking of, the one I was wanting, then I knew I had to let go of Patrick.”
Lisa: “Oh I definitely think it was a great tailspin! Do you regret running at the Broadway Cares event?”
Jill: “Yes. But at the same time, I don’t know that I would have ever had the guts to let go of the past if I hadn’t, and he hadn’t come looking. So in a roundabout way, I suppose running was part of what we both needed to come back to each other.”
Lisa: “True…and God bless him for coming after you. Alright…my favorite part…both of you together!”
They give me an indulgent smile.
Lisa: “Five favorite characteristics about the other – physical and/or non physical” 😉
Jill: “No fair! Everything.”
She pauses and looks at me, big hopeful smile on her face. I tsk-tsk and shake my head.
Lisa: “Nope…gotta play by the rules…I need specifics!”
Jill: “Fine – hair, eyes, face, body, brains, heart, passion, classiness, dirty, filthy mouth, and absolutely epic fucking skills in bed. I don’t care if that’s more than five.”
I roll my eyes…but she’s cute and I like all her choices, so I smile back at her even bigger grin now. She won. I turn to Davis, raising an eye brow and he takes his cue.
Davis: “Starting with the physical – hair. As if that surprises anyone. Legs, breasts, neck, gorgeous face I could kiss and touch my whole life. And then her sense of humor, the way she’s playful, her bright-eyed love of theater, her feisty spirit, and the fact that she wants to be touched as much as I want to touch her.”
Damn these two are good…
Lisa: “You two have some interesting…*cough cough*…encounters…various locations, etc. 😉 Got any faves?” 😀
What happens next floors me and excites me in so many ways. They turn to each other, a gleam in both their eyes…
Jill: “Town car…”
Davis: “Restaurant…”
Jill: “Piano…”
Davis: “Plaza…”
Jill: “Kitchen Counter…”
Davis: “Elevator…
Both: “All of them.”
There was never a pause between any of their answers, it was like a well choreographed dance. If I didn’t think these two were perfect for each other before that, there is absolutely no question in my mind. By the time they are done their eyes are practically on fire and I think they might add “In the middle of an interview” to the list. (Hey…I’m a voyeur – it’s all good! 😛 ) My jaw is on the floor and I think I’m panting. And drooling again. Damn it! These two are just…too much for words! They lean into each other and share a very passionate and promising kiss, and now I know I’m panting, but who cares. They are H.O.T. and I love them. After a moment, they compose themselves and turn to me, as if the whole encounter never happened. Moving On!
Lisa: “So…can I get the scoop on any wedding plans? 😉 I can keep secrets, I promise!”
Jill leans over to get closer to me and whispers in my ear…
Jill: “By the fountains at Lincoln Center. Shhh…”
I giggle and clap, cause I’m a girl like that.
Lisa: “Your secret is safe with me! Well, you both worked very well on ‘Crash the Moon’, do you plan on working together again in the future?”
Davis: “This hasn’t been announced yet, so keep it quiet for now. But we have a film in the works.”
And I’m giggling and clapping again. I can’t help it! I’m a girl – I get excited. Don’t judge me.
Lisa: “That’s awesome! So with that development, where do you see yourselves in 5 years?”
Davis looks at Jill, a delicious smile on his face.
Davis: “Ridiculously happy.”
Swooning…again! Lord help me. Jill shoots him a sexy smile.
Jill: “Yes. That. In every way.”
Lisa: “Well I think you’ll easily cover that. Rapid fire time! This is where it gets fun! It’s really simple, either/or – you have to pick one. Hard or Soft?”
Both: “Hard.”
They give each other that promising look again. Damn it! I’m going to melt into a puddle if it gets any hotter in here!
Lisa: “Chocolate or Vanilla?”
Jill: “Chocolate.”
Davis: “Chocolate.”
Lisa: “Fast or Slow?”
Davis: “Depends on the day, the mood, the moment.”
Jill: “Running = fast. Other things – it totally depends.”
Lisa: “Acting or Directing?”
Davis: “Directing. Only directing.”
Jill: “Acting. And, being directed” 🙂
She and I share a knowing smile. Mmmmhmmm…yes please. Davis can direct me anytime.
Lisa: “Books or movies?”
Jill: “Books.”
Davis: “Movies.”
Lisa: “Running or Boxing?”
Jill: “Running”
Davis: “Boxing”
Lisa: “Hot or Cold?”
Both: “Hot!”
Lisa: “Back of a car or up against a wall?” 😛
Davis: “First the car, then up against the wall.”
Oh my…
Jill: “Sure, that works for me. Can we do that now?”
Yup…puddle. Gone. No hope. I may have self-combusted. Holy shit these two cannot get any hotter, right??? I’m about to start fanning myself.
Lisa: “Go out or stay in?”
Jill: “Stay in. All. Night. Long.”
I love the promise of what she’s saying, but now I’m singing Lionel Richie’s song in my head. I can’t help it…I’m a dork and music lover. ‘All Night Long…allll night’
Davis: “Whatever she wants she gets.”
Oh…he’s good. Very Good.
Lisa: “City or country?”
Both: “City.”
Yeah…I can’t believe I just asked New Yorkers that question. Shoulda known.
Davis: “But fucking on a quiet back deck of a country home would be nice.”
Oh shit…now I have self-combusted. Scratch that, I’m pretty sure I’m just on fire.
Jill: “Can you book that country home visit now?”
Am I panting again??? Fuck! They’ve got that super hot look in their eyes…I shake my head, my voice wavering just a tad – but I need to finish this up before they devour each other in front of my eyes…or I could stay and watch that too….
Lisa: “Okay, last part – word association. Just tell me the first thing that comes to mind…Theatre?”
Jill: “Love.”
Davis: “Passion.”
Lisa: “Alexis?”
Jill rolls her eyes and huff’s out a breath. I think I got my answer!
Davis: “Plead the fifth.”
I giggle. What?! I can’t help it!
Lisa: “Crash the Moon?”
Davis: “Best Show Ever.”
Jill: “Where I fell in love.”
Awww…swoon number 84!
Lisa: “Patrick?”
Davis: “Superstar talent.”
Spoken like a well season director…
Jill: “Brilliant co-star.”
And a fabulous actress.
Lisa: “She becomes his, and that changes her.”
Davis: “Best direction I ever gave.”
So true…
Jill: “The truth.”
I knew I liked her…we think the same.
Lisa: “Love?”
Gazing at each other, they answer at the same time.
Jill: “Him.”
Davis: “Her.”
Someone is going to have scrape me off the stage. I’m just a heap of love, and swoon, and drool and lust. These two have taken me all over the board. Again! Jeez.
Jill: “Lisa, we’re headed over to Sardi’s for a drink, would you like to join us?”
Well of all the silly questions to come out of her mouth…I think she’s barely finished her sentence before I am jumping out of my chair – practically vibrating with glee…
Lisa: “I’d love to!”
After a wonderful evening of drinks…and more drinks…dinner, conversation, glorious stories and juicy details, we finally say our good byes. I hug both of them, possibly lingering on Davis. He’s very snuggly and I have alcohol in me – be glad I limited my touches to just a hug! It took a lot of strength to not let my hands wonder…and fondle. 😉 I finally pour myself back into a cab and head back to my hotel. #BestNightinNYCEver
Playing With Her Heart by Lauren Blakely
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
*ARC Given to Blog for Honest Review*
4.5 “She becomes his, and that changes her.” Kisses
Lauren Blakely is a goddess of weaving emotional and hot as sin love stories that completely melt my heart into a puddle. How does she do it? I have no idea…but I’m hypnotized and left clutching my kindle to my chest with my patented goofy grin, all giddy with love and mushy feelings and of course…because I’m a Dirty Book Whore, some dirtier feelings as well 😉
Jill McCormick…twenty-three years old, dark blonde hair, sky blue eyes and a fabulous actress. After having to act so much in her personal life, it’s become second nature. For 6 years she’s lived half a life…denying herself so much because of the guilt she feels. That’s not to say she’s not happy…but the only real happiness she holds in her heart is the love for the man that made her smile during a time when she thought she never would again. Patrick Carlson. But Patrick is an ideal, an untouchable dream that no one can compare to. Until Jill stops living in the land of dreams and ideals and starts experiencing what real passion is. And all because one man saw something in her.
‘She’s going to bring down the house. She’s going to make the audience cry and cheer. She’s going to make them want her.
And it sure as hell doesn’t hurt that she’s absolutely fucking beautiful.’
Davis Milo…barely 30 and one of the most sought after directors. He’s been given an amazing opportunity to direct a play that he’s insanely passionate about. Nothing will stop him from making this play a success…except a young actress that he can’t get his mind off of. But it doesn’t matter, because what are the rules of directing? ‘The first rule of directing is you do not fall for an actress. The second rule of directing is you do not fall for an actress.’ Not that it matters, Davis was burned once and burned hard, he’ll never date an actress again. But Jill gives him feelings, emotions he’s not felt in a while, things he can’t deny.
‘It hits me what’s happening.
Because he’s doing it to me again.
He’s fucking me with his words, and I am turned on beyond belief.’
Davis and Jill are hot, hot, H.O.T. Like hotter than hot, set fire to the stage (ha…yeah there are some scenes on the stage!) hot. And it’s not just the sexual chemistry, it’s their banter and connection. They have a very interesting back and forth, they can switch from actor/director, friendly/playful/flirty and of course hot/steamy/seductive. It’s really interesting to watch and just makes you fall more in love with them as a couple. And of course the force that brings the two of them together, they shouldn’t want each other/can’t want each other, he doesn’t date actresses, she is hooked on another man, all of that just drives you to crave them more and more together until you are bursting at the seems.
‘He nods, then presses his lips lightly to my forehead. “You are my sin.” He brushes them gently against my earlobe. “And my heaven.” Then the barest of kisses on my lips. “And everything in between.”’
Lauren Blakely has this innate ability to make me go absolutely insanely crazy for her couples. Insane because I couldn’t love them more if I tried. She immerses you in the characters so you feel like you know them, like they’re your best friend, so you feel their pain, their happiness, their sadness, and wonderfully enough…their passion and their love. BUT…while she does all that, and her comes the craziness, she teases the ever-living shit out of you! Okay…maybe not you, but I definitely feel it. She gives you a taste…then she pulls back…then more of a taste…and she pulls back again…then even more, and you get the picture. Each time she pulls back and you’re like wait…no…please don’t stop! But it’s worth it! I don’t know how to explain it but it’s all part of what draws you more in – it might be insanely frustrating at times, but it’s all for a very good purpose. And of course there is logic behind it, I’m sure she’s not sitting back typing away taking sheer joy in the fact that she could possibly be teasing her readers into a slow agonizing death…but she might be! 😛
‘I wonder if he knows I’ve shared more with him than with anyone else. That I give him more glimpses than anyone before. Maybe it’s because he’s asked. Maybe it’s because sometimes I feel as it he can see inside me, as if he sense things about me, as if he knows that there’s more than what I let on.’
So…confession time….Playing with Her Heart was not my first L.B. book….but it is the first book I’ve read in the Caught Up In Us series. (Please don’t throw stones at me!) That being said…reading them out of order did not spoil anything for me. I still want to read the other books, probably more so now then I did before and even though I didn’t know all of the supporting characters, I still loved them. Especially Chris, and very briefly McKenna, but that’s because I have a soft spot in my heart for the two of them 🙂 *side note, if you haven’t read Trophy Husband….you NEED to…badly!* I was not expecting to see either one of them in this book, had no idea that Chris and Jill were brother and sister – and of course I SQUEEEEEE’D during a very specific scene in the theatre.
‘I sigh heavily, then amanage to get the words out. “Because I don’t want anyone else to have you. Just like how you feel about me.”
He lowers his voice more, his words only for me. “Nobody else has me. Nobody else will. Nobody else can.”’
Oh my sweet HEA’s did I love that ending. If I thought I was hooked on Lauren before, I’m a lifer now. I cannot wait to read the first books in the Caught Up In Us series so I can play a little catch up, but these characters demand to be read. I love her blend of angst and passion mixed with just enough whit and comedy to make you laugh and the super steamy sexiness that I love so much. The writing style is addictive and consider my devotion pledged! 🙂
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Lauren Blakely is an unabashed fan of clever jokes, toast, and good guys in novels. Like the heroine in CAUGHT UP IN US, she thinks life should be filled with movie kisses and coffee drinks. Lauren lives in California with her husband and children, and spends her days writing both true stories and make-believe ones.
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Yes, blogger are awesome!! Thanks for the giveaway!
Bloggers are the best! I have found so many awesome books!
If it weren’t for you bloggers we wouldn’t know about all these great Author’s. Thanks for this great giveaway!!
If it weren’t for you bloggers we wouldn’t know about these great Authors. Thanks for this great giveaway..
If it weren’t for you bloggers we wouldn’t know about these Authors. Thanks for this great giveaway..
I don’t know WHY this posted 3 times. Sorry
Thanks for the great giveaway. Bloggers are the best!!
Bloggers are the best. Thanks for the giveaway.
Love. Your Blog! !!! Ty for the giveaway. 🙂
You guys do rock! Don’t know where you find the time.
Thank you for your blurb and write up. Have a good one.