Title: Rebel Roommate (Falling for the Stars Series Book #3)
Author: Jeannine Colette & Lauren Runow
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Growing up, I had one rule: stay away from my brother’s best friend.
It was easy to follow. I spent my years avoiding the boys on the baseball team, studying hard, and saving every dime I could. When I was accepted to transfer into UC Berkeley, I needed a place to live, and my brother had a free room off-campus.
Win-win, right? Except that best friend I was determined to stay away from is now my new roommate.
My very naughty, very rebellious roommate, Wesley Knight.
The boy who was once the bane of my existence with his constant teasing is now a drop-dead gorgeous athlete. He’s the life of the party, but I can’t have fun. According to Wes, no guys are allowed to talk to me.
Well, two can play at this game. If I can’t date, then neither can he.
It starts off as innocent fun. Some half-naked yoga or a little flirting until an interrupted moment of self-gratification turns things dangerous … for my body and my heart.
Living with my brother and his best friend has me breaking all the rules. I just have to decide if the consequences are worth the reward.
Jake from Naughty Neighbor wrote a Love Note – have you read it?
Title: Naughty Neighbor (Falling for the Stars Series Book #1)
Author: Jeannine Colette & Lauren Runow
Genre: Contemporary Romance
As a romance novelist, I’m facing my worst nightmare—writer’s block.
No matter what I write, I hit delete, knowing it’s not worth publishing. The future of my career rests on the success of this new book.
So, here I am, looking at Tumblr, desperate for inspiration, when I hear a thumping. Annoyed by the music blaring through the walls, I barge into the hall and bang on my neighbor’s door.
My very hot, very naughty neighbor, Jake Morreau.
Jake is romantic, charming, and the bane of my existence. I need to work, yet he refuses to let me.
When he greets me in the hallway, ideas of a sinfully hot hero come to mind.
When he takes me out on the town, the words flow as soon as I come home.
The more time I spend with this entertaining and quick-witted man, the more I’m able to write.
My neighbor is my muse, and before I know it, I slowly become the heroine of my own story, but I don’t know how to end it.
As I write the epilogue, I’m afraid our romance won’t pan out as I’ve written.
Jake Morreau is my hero.
Then again, in my life, heroes don’t exist.
And Hunter wrote a cute poem the other day – you’ve gotta read it!
Title: Charming Co-Worker (Falling for the Stars Series Book #2)
Author: Jeannine Colette & Lauren Runow
Genre: Contemporary Romance
All I want for Christmas is Branson Ford.
I’ve been starry-eyed for my handsome boss since the day I started working for him at Empire Media. Problem is, he doesn’t see me as anything more than his sweet assistant.
I need help becoming a vixen. I need someone to teach me how to be sensual, how to be desired, and how to get the man I’ve pined over for the last two years. So, I enlist the help of my co-worker.
My very sexy, very charming co-worker, Hunter Johnstone.
Hunter loves the thrill of the chase. He’s spontaneous, honest, and just the man I need for a lesson in passion. When he suggests we start a fake relationship, I think he’s crazy, but who am I to question his jealousy-inducing ways?
His little trick works—maybe too well. The line between friends and lovers is blurred, but maybe that’s because it was never really there. And just as I’m about to start seeing clearly, my Christmas wish comes true.