When Requesting A Review:
Please send all review requests to TrueStoryBB@gmail.com. It is helpful when requesting a review to include the following information.
- Author name
- Book title
- Series # (if applicable)
- Genre
- Synopsis
- Links to amazon and goodreads reviews (if applicable)
- Publish date & timeframe you would like us to read (if applicable)
- Website/blog/social networking links
Negative Reviews:
Anything negative that might be taken from my review is not meant as a personal attack against the author or anyone who likes the book. It’s mainly a critique for the author in a way for them to improve and grow as an author. It’s my personal take on what we read and completely subjective. Everyone is allowed to form his or her own opinions and it’s okay if we don’t agree. I don’t enjoy writing negative reviews anymore than I enjoy reading a book that I don’t care for – reading is a joy for me, so reading something I don’t like or love is not something I strive for. Because of that, I do reserve the right to mark books as DNF (Did Not Finish). This is not a decision I take lightly and if I do mark a book as DNF it’s because I have given it a fair opportunity to grab my interest, and it hasn’t.
izzykpeterson says
Sheryl Keene says
Your blog is an enabler!
Ilaria carraro says
I love your blog
Cheryl Johnson says
My book boyfriend would be so far this year Alexander Preston from Her Baby’s Donor by Chance Carter. That man wpuld have every woman swooning.
Gladys Nason says
My book boyfriend would be Carter Cross fro Willow Winter’s Merciless series. He is so intense and hot!
Cyd says
Your blogs are amazing! Great detail without basically rewriting the blurbs, and with your own POV of it. Love it! I definitely need to read more.
Im looking to start a book blog here soon. Definitely need somewhere to start listen my reviews as I go. Any insight on the best note taking while reading e-ARCs?